QA catalogue para analisar dados da biblioteca

KBR (Koninklijke Bibliotheek van België/Bibliothèque royale de Belgique)
    número de registros: 4,840,846     Registro de data e hora da análise: 2024-12-19 23:51:52 (00:12:17)
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Quais campos e subcampos ocorrem com que frequência em quais registros? Completude é o grau em que os registros do catálogo contêm todos os elementos de dados definidos no esquema de metadados (incluindo os elementos de dados definidos localmente)


por tipos de documentos: all · Books · Continuing Resources · Music · Maps · Visual Materials · Mixed Materials · Computer Files
número de registros: 480,365

Grupos de campos

Campos fields pos./subf. contagem %

Fields defined in MARC21

00X Control Fields 3 39
480,365 100.00
01X-09X Numbers and Code 21 79
217,834 45.35
1XX Main Entry 3 29
62,400 12.99
20X-24X Title 7 53
480,359 100.00
25X-28X Edition, Imprint 7 26
472,627 98.39
3XX Physical Description 13 51
203,913 42.45
4XX Series Statement 1 5
3,235 0.67
5XX Note 24 72
43,793 9.12
6XX Subject Access 7 61
53,860 11.21
70X-75X Added Entry 7 52
123,248 25.66
76X-78X Linking Entry 12 108
316,042 65.79
80X-83X Series Added Entry 1 7
21 0.00
841-88X Holdings, Location, Alternate Graphics 2 26
14,233 2.96
Holdings MARC Holdings tags 1 6
65,527 13.64

Fields defined in extensions of MARC

KBR Locally defined tags of the Royal Library of Belgium 1 9
238,350 49.62
unknown unknown origin 4 16
2,038 0.42
Total number of data elements 114 639


registros ocorrências
contagem % contagem min máx σ
00X: Control Fields
00 Record length
480,365 100.00 480,365 1
05 Record status
480,365 100.00 480,365 1
06 Type of record
480,365 100.00 480,365 1
07 Bibliographic level
480,365 100.00 480,365 1
08 Type of control
480,365 100.00 480,365 1
09 Character coding scheme
480,365 100.00 480,365 1
10 Indicator count
480,365 100.00 480,365 1
11 Subfield code count
480,365 100.00 480,365 1
12 Base address of data
480,365 100.00 480,365 1
17 Encoding level
480,365 100.00 480,365 1
18 Descriptive cataloging form
480,365 100.00 480,365 1
19 Multipart resource record level
480,365 100.00 480,365 1
20 Length of the length-of-field portion
480,365 100.00 480,365 1
21 Length of the starting-character-position portion
480,365 100.00 480,365 1
22 Length of the implementation-defined portion
480,365 100.00 480,365 1
23 Undefined
480,365 100.00 480,365 1
001 — Control Number
480,365 100.00 480,365 1
003 — Control Number Identifier
1 0.00 1 1
005 — Date and Time of Latest Transaction
2,317 0.48 2,317 1
007 — Physical Description
00 Category of material
97,912 20.38 97,916 1 2 1,08 0,00
Electronic resource
01 Specific material designation
17,289 3.60 17,290 1 2 1,40 0,00
Notated music
01 Specific material designation
2 0.00 2 1
01 Specific material designation
80,621 16.78 80,624 1 2 1,00 0,00
008 — General Information
All Materials
00 Date entered on file
276,130 57.48 276,130 1
06 Type of date/Publication status
276,130 57.48 276,130 1
07 Date 1
276,130 57.48 276,130 1
11 Date 2
276,126 57.48 276,126 1
15 Place of publication, production, or execution
276,109 57.48 276,109 1
35 Language
275,497 57.35 275,497 1
38 Modified record
275,304 57.31 275,304 1
39 Cataloging source
275,192 57.29 275,192 1
Continuing Resources
18 Frequency
276,108 57.48 276,108 1
19 Regularity
276,108 57.48 276,108 1
21 Type of continuing resource
276,107 57.48 276,107 1
22 Form of original item
276,107 57.48 276,107 1
23 Form of item
276,088 57.47 276,088 1
24 Nature of entire work
275,934 57.44 275,934 1
25 Nature of contents
275,934 57.44 275,934 1
28 Government publication
275,934 57.44 275,934 1
29 Conference publication
275,934 57.44 275,934 1
33 Original alphabet or script of title
275,927 57.44 275,927 1
34 Entry convention
275,927 57.44 275,927 1
01X-09X: Numbers and Code
010 — Library of Congress Control Number
3 0.00 3 1
$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)
2 0.00 2 1
$a LC control number
3 0.00 3 1
016 — National Bibliographic Agency Control Number
1 0.00 1 1 2 1,01 0,00
$ind1 National bibliographic agency
1 0.00 1 1 2 1,01 0,00
$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)
1 0.00 1 1 2 1,01 0,00
$a Record control number
1 0.00 1 1 2 1,01 0,00
$2 Source
1 0.00 1 1 2 1,01 0,00
017 — Copyright or Legal Deposit Number
1,729 0.36 1,769 1 254 1,02 0,00
$ind2 Display constant controller
1,729 0.36 1,769 1 254 1,02 0,00
$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)
929 0.19 930 1 46 1,02 0,00
$a Copyright or legal deposit number
1,723 0.36 1,763 1 254 1,02 0,00
$b Assigning agency
27 0.01 27 1 5 1,00 0,00
$z Canceled/invalid copyright or legal deposit number
6 0.00 6 1 4 1,01 0,00
020 — International Standard Book Number
16,346 3.40 17,185 1 200 1,04 0,00
$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)
6,281 1.31 6,842 1 85 1,04 0,00
$a International Standard Book Number
7,581 1.58 8,386 1 100 1,05 0,00
$c Terms of availability
9,099 1.89 9,106 1 64 1,01 0,00
$q Qualifying information
4,692 0.98 5,331 1 85 1,12 0,00
$z Canceled/invalid ISBN
192 0.04 218 1 100 1,08 0,01
022 — International Standard Serial Number
85,069 17.71 85,497 1 49 1,01 0,00
$ind1 Level of international interest
85,069 17.71 85,497 1 49 1,01 0,00
$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)
29,836 6.21 30,106 1 4 1,01 0,00
$a International Standard Serial Number
84,602 17.61 84,872 1 49 1,00 0,00
13 0.00 13 1
$m Canceled ISSN-L
2 0.00 2 1
$y Incorrect ISSN
641 0.13 645 1 2 1,01 0,00
$z Canceled ISSN
8 0.00 8 1
024 — Other Standard Identifier
2 0.00 2 1 11 1,01 0,00
$ind1 Type of standard number or code
2 0.00 2 1 11 1,01 0,00
$ind2 Difference indicator
2 0.00 2 1 11 1,01 0,00
$z Canceled/invalid standard number or code
2 0.00 2 1 4 1,14 0,01
026 — Fingerprint Identifier
10 0.00 10 1 2 1,00 0,00
$c Date
10 0.00 10 1 2 1,00 0,00
$e Unparsed fingerprint
10 0.00 10 1 2 1,00 0,00
028 — Publisher or Distributor Number
17 0.00 17 1 21 1,46 0,00
$ind1 Type of number
17 0.00 17 1 21 1,46 0,00
$ind2 Note/added entry controller
17 0.00 17 1 21 1,46 0,00
$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)
4 0.00 4 1 21 1,71 0,00
$a Publisher or distributor number
17 0.00 17 1 21 1,46 0,00
$b Source
1 0.00 1 1 3 1,00 0,00
032 — Postal Registration Number
1 0.00 1 1
$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)
1 0.00 1 1
$a Postal registration number
1 0.00 1 1
$b Source agency assigning number
1 0.00 1 1
035 — System Control Number
18,381 3.83 18,551 1 4 1,00 0,00
$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)
297 0.06 300 1 4 1,04 0,00
$a System control number
18,381 3.83 18,551 1 4 1,00 0,00
040 — Cataloging Source
214,394 44.63 214,396 1 4 1,00 0,00
$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)
61,251 12.75 61,253 1 4 1,00 0,00
$a Original cataloging agency
211,621 44.05 211,624 1 4 1,00 0,00
$b Language of cataloging
12,899 2.69 12,899 1 4 1,00 0,00
$c Transcribing agency
3 0.00 3 1
$d Modifying agency
7 0.00 10 1 30 1,25 0,01
$e Description conventions
3,341 0.70 3,341 1 4 1,00 0,00
041 — Language Code
135,012 28.11 135,187 1 9 1,00 0,00
$ind1 Translation indication
135,012 28.11 135,187 1 9 1,00 0,00
$ind2 Source of code
135,012 28.11 135,187 1 9 1,00 0,00
$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)
49,153 10.23 49,228 1 9 1,00 0,00
$a Language code of text/sound track or separate title
135,012 28.11 145,978 1 16 1,03 0,00
$h Language code of original
44 0.01 44 1 4 1,00 0,00
$2 Source of code
1 0.00 1 1
042 — Authentication Code
2 0.00 2 1
$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)
1 0.00 1 1
$a Authentication code
2 0.00 2 1 2 1,01 0,00
043 — Geographic Area Code
2 0.00 2 1
$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)
1 0.00 1 1
$a Geographic area code
2 0.00 3 1 6 1,16 0,00
044 — Country of Publishing/Producing Entity Code
129,220 26.90 129,221 1 4 1,00 0,00
$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)
46,728 9.73 46,729 1 4 1,00 0,00
$@ Language of field (in KBR version)
1 0.00 1 1
$a MARC country code
129,217 26.90 132,330 1 8 1,03 0,00
047 — Form of Musical Composition Code
7 0.00 7 1
$ind2 Source of code
7 0.00 7 1
$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)
1 0.00 1 1
$a Form of musical composition code
7 0.00 7 1 6 1,14 0,00
050 — Library of Congress Call Number
15 0.00 15 1 2 1,05 0,00
$ind1 Existence in LC collection
15 0.00 15 1 2 1,05 0,00
$ind2 Source of call number
15 0.00 15 1 2 1,05 0,00
$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)
4 0.00 4 1 2 1,03 0,00
$a Classification number
15 0.00 15 1 2 1,05 0,00
$b Item number
2 0.00 2 1 2 1,14 0,00
072 — Subject Category Code
4 0.00 4 1 3 1,15 0,02
$ind2 Code source
4 0.00 4 1 3 1,15 0,02
$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)
1 0.00 1 1 3 1,30 0,04
$a Subject category code
4 0.00 4 1 3 1,15 0,02
080 — Universal Decimal Classification Number
6,046 1.26 6,918 1 4 1,06 0,00
$ind1 Type of edition
6,046 1.26 6,918 1 4 1,06 0,00
$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)
421 0.09 502 1 4 1,08 0,00
$a Universal Decimal Classification number
6,046 1.26 6,918 1 4 1,06 0,00
$2 Edition identifier
1 0.00 1 1 4 1,35 0,02
082 — Dewey Decimal Classification Number
198 0.04 211 1 4 1,04 0,00
$ind1 Type of edition
198 0.04 211 1 4 1,04 0,00
$ind2 Source of classification number
198 0.04 211 1 4 1,04 0,00
$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)
5 0.00 5 1 2 1,01 0,00
$a Classification number
198 0.04 211 1 4 1,04 0,00
$2 Edition information
1 0.00 1 1 2 1,00 0,00
084 — Other Classificaton Number
708 0.15 1,506 1 6 1,54 0,00
$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)
126 0.03 277 1 5 1,55 0,00
$a Classification number
708 0.15 1,506 1 6 1,54 0,00
1XX: Main Entry
100 — Main Entry - Personal Name
7,023 1.46 7,023 1 4 1,00 0,00
$ind1 Type of personal name entry element
7,023 1.46 7,023 1 4 1,00 0,00
$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)
666 0.14 666 1 4 1,00 0,00
$* Link with identifier (in KBR version)
7,023 1.46 7,023 1 4 1,00 0,00
$a Personal name
7,023 1.46 7,023 1 4 1,00 0,00
$b Numeration
11 0.00 11 1 2 1,00 0,00
$c Titles and words associated with a name
1,152 0.24 1,183 1 9 1,03 0,00
$d Dates associated with a name
2,472 0.51 2,472 1 4 1,00 0,00
$g Miscellaneous information
41 0.01 41 1 2 1,00 0,00
$j Attribution qualifier
1 0.00 1 1
$l Language of a work
23 0.00 23 1
$q Fuller form of name
105 0.02 105 1 3 1,00 0,00
$1 Real World Object URI
3,094 0.64 3,094 1 4 1,00 0,00
$4 Relationship
2,814 0.59 2,823 1 6 1,03 0,00
110 — Main Entry - Corporate Name
55,382 11.53 55,390 1 4 1,00 0,00
$ind1 Type of corporate name entry element
55,382 11.53 55,390 1 4 1,00 0,00
$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)
5,705 1.19 5,711 1 4 1,02 0,00
$* Link with identifier (in KBR version)
55,382 11.53 55,390 1 4 1,00 0,00
$@ Language of field (in KBR version)
2,573 0.54 2,575 1 3 1,02 0,00
$a Corporate name or jurisdiction name as entry element
55,382 11.53 55,390 1 4 1,00 0,00
$b Subordinate unit
7,729 1.61 9,185 1 5 1,22 0,00
$c Location of meeting
4,994 1.04 4,994 1 3 1,01 0,00
$d Date of meeting or treaty signing
167 0.03 167 1
$g Miscellaneous information
52,313 10.89 52,372 1 4 1,00 0,00
$l Language of a work
1,204 0.25 1,204 1
$1 Real World Object URI
177 0.04 177 1 2 1,00 0,00
$4 Relationship
1,875 0.39 1,879 1 6 1,20 0,00
111 — Main Entry - Meeting Name
10 0.00 10 1
$ind1 Type of meeting name entry element
10 0.00 10 1
$* Link with identifier (in KBR version)
10 0.00 10 1
$a Meeting name or jurisdiction name as entry element
10 0.00 10 1
$d Date of meeting or treaty signing
1 0.00 1 1 2 1,00 0,00
20X-24X: Title
210 — Abbreviated Title
8,058 1.68 15,937 1 10 1,90 0,00
$ind1 Title added entry
8,058 1.68 15,937 1 10 1,90 0,00
$ind2 Type
8,058 1.68 15,937 1 10 1,90 0,00
$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)
3,600 0.75 7,685 1 10 2,09 0,00
$a Abbreviated title
8,058 1.68 15,937 1 10 1,90 0,00
$b Qualifying information
5 0.00 5 1
222 — Key Title
3 0.00 3 1
$ind2 Nonfiling characters
3 0.00 3 1
$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)
3 0.00 3 1
$a Key title
3 0.00 3 1
$b Qualifying information
1 0.00 1 1
240 — Uniform Title
123 0.03 123 1
$ind1 Uniform title printed or displayed
123 0.03 123 1
$ind2 Nonfiling characters
123 0.03 123 1
$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)
12 0.00 12 1
$* Link with identifier (in KBR version)
123 0.03 125 1 2 1,00 0,00
$@ Language of field (in KBR version)
2 0.00 2 1
$a Uniform title
123 0.03 125 1 2 1,00 0,00
$l Language of a work
33 0.01 33 1
$p Name of part/section of a work
1 0.00 1 1
242 — Translation of Title by Cataloging Agency
57 0.01 59 1 6 1,05 0,00
$ind1 Title added entry
57 0.01 59 1 6 1,05 0,00
$ind2 Nonfiling characters
57 0.01 59 1 6 1,05 0,00
$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)
4 0.00 4 1 2 1,17 0,00
$a Title
57 0.01 59 1 6 1,05 0,00
$b Remainder of title
6 0.00 6 1
$y Language code of translated title
12 0.00 12 1 2 1,01 0,00
245 — Title Statement
480,359 100.00 480,364 1 4 1,01 0,00
$ind1 Title added entry
480,359 100.00 480,364 1 4 1,01 0,00
$ind2 Nonfiling characters
480,359 100.00 480,364 1 4 1,01 0,00
$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)
182,262 37.94 182,267 1 4 1,03 0,00
$@ Language of field (in KBR version)
2 0.00 2 1 3 1,05 0,00
$a Title
480,359 100.00 480,364 1 9 1,01 0,00
$b Remainder of title
73,440 15.29 73,476 1 10 1,00 0,00
$c Statement of responsibility, etc.
64,106 13.35 64,106 1 4 1,00 0,00
$f Inclusive dates
3 0.00 3 1
$h Medium
2,915 0.61 2,915 1 3 1,00 0,00
$n Number of part/section of a work
266,378 55.45 266,854 1 30 1,06 0,00
$p Name of part/section of a work
265,345 55.24 265,522 1 48 1,05 0,00
$s Version
1 0.00 1 1
$6 Linkage
1 0.00 1 1
246 — Varying Form of Title
20,747 4.32 24,369 1 24 1,15 0,00
$ind1 Note/added entry controller
20,747 4.32 24,369 1 24 1,15 0,00
$ind2 Type of title
20,747 4.32 24,369 1 24 1,15 0,00
$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)
6,872 1.43 8,191 1 24 1,22 0,00
$a Title proper/short title
20,718 4.31 24,332 1 24 1,15 0,00
$b Remainder of title
3,303 0.69 3,675 1 8 1,08 0,00
$f Date or sequential designation
8 0.00 11 1 3 1,27 0,17
$g Miscellaneous information
93 0.02 145 1 8 1,06 0,00
$i Display text
190 0.04 193 1 21 1,02 0,00
$n Number of part/section of a work
40 0.01 44 1 18 1,14 0,02
$p Name of part/section of a work
19 0.00 20 1 17 1,19 0,02
247 — Former Title
18 0.00 18 1 5 1,04 0,00
$ind1 Title added entry
18 0.00 18 1 5 1,04 0,00
$ind2 Note controller
18 0.00 18 1 5 1,04 0,00
$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)
18 0.00 18 1 3 1,04 0,01
$a Title
18 0.00 18 1 5 1,04 0,00
$b Remainder of title
1 0.00 1 1
$f Date or sequential designation
2 0.00 2 1 3 1,02 0,00
$x International Standard Serial Number
1 0.00 1 1
25X-28X: Edition, Imprint
250 — Edition Statement
24,650 5.13 24,713 1 4 1,00 0,00
$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)
5,643 1.17 5,662 1 4 1,02 0,00
$a Edition statement
24,650 5.13 24,713 1 4 1,00 0,00
$b Remainder of edition statement
68 0.01 68 1 2 1,00 0,00
254 — Musical Presentation Statement
125 0.03 125 1
$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)
29 0.01 29 1
$a Musical presentation statement
125 0.03 125 1 2 1,00 0,00
255 — Cartographic Mathematical Data
4,951 1.03 4,951 1 5 1,00 0,00
$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)
88 0.02 88 1 4 1,00 0,00
$a Statement of scale
4,951 1.03 4,951 1 5 1,00 0,00
256 — Computer File Characteristics
2 0.00 2 1
$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)
1 0.00 1 1
$a Computer file characteristics
2 0.00 2 1
260 — Publication, Distribution, etc. (Imprint)
262,286 54.60 262,286 1 2 1,00 0,00
$ind1 Sequence of publishing statements
262,286 54.60 262,286 1 2 1,00 0,00
$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)
12 0.00 12 1
$a Place of publication, distribution, etc.
1 0.00 1 1 4 1,21 0,06
$b Name of publisher, distributor, etc.
1 0.00 1 1 2 1,01 0,01
$c Date of publication, distribution, etc.
262,285 54.60 262,285 1
264 — Production, Publication, Distribution, Manufacture, and Copyright Notice
210,329 43.79 249,625 1 33 1,05 0,00
$ind1 Sequence of statements
210,329 43.79 249,625 1 33 1,05 0,00
$ind2 Function of entity
210,329 43.79 249,625 1 33 1,05 0,00
$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)
63,760 13.27 68,116 1 30 1,07 0,00
$@ Language of field (in KBR version)
18 0.00 22 1 3 1,01 0,00
$a Place of production, publication, distribution, manufacture
191,000 39.76 206,078 1 22 1,12 0,00
$b Name of producer, publisher, distributor, manufacturer
171,085 35.62 182,438 1 28 1,05 0,00
$c Date of production, publication, distribution, manufacture, or copyright notice
193,792 40.34 233,941 1 32 1,05 0,00
270 — Address
1 0.00 1 1 4 1,45 0,13
$ind1 Level
1 0.00 1 1 4 1,45 0,13
$ind2 Type of address
1 0.00 1 1 4 1,45 0,13
$a Address
1 0.00 1 1
$b City
1 0.00 1 1
$c State or province
1 0.00 1 1 4 1,45 0,13
3XX: Physical Description
300 — Physical Description
132,946 27.68 133,189 1 11 1,03 0,00
$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)
39,100 8.14 39,173 1 10 1,05 0,00
$a Extent
27,179 5.66 27,188 1 10 1,00 0,00
$b Other physical details
74,366 15.48 74,484 1 11 1,01 0,00
$c Dimensions
116,864 24.33 116,920 1 4 1,00 0,00
$e Accompanying material
7,306 1.52 7,306 1 4 1,00 0,00
306 — Playing Time
2 0.00 2 1
$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)
1 0.00 1 1
$a Playing time
2 0.00 2 1 6 1,02 0,01
310 — Current Publication Frequency
105,111 21.88 105,111 1
$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)
28,401 5.91 28,401 1
$@ Language of field (in KBR version)
1 0.00 1 1
$a Current publication frequency
105,110 21.88 105,110 1
$b Date of current publication frequency
116 0.02 116 1
321 — Former Publication Frequency
158 0.03 177 1 4 1,11 0,02
$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)
152 0.03 167 1 2 1,09 0,01
$a Former publication frequency
158 0.03 177 1 4 1,11 0,02
$b Dates of former publication frequency
85 0.02 104 1 4 1,21 0,03
336 — Content Type
14,632 3.05 14,654 1 3 1,00 0,00
$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)
11,567 2.41 11,589 1 3 1,00 0,00
$a Content type term
14,632 3.05 15,582 1 6 1,20 0,00
$2 Source
4,676 0.97 4,688 1 3 1,00 0,00
337 — Media Type
14,506 3.02 14,506 1 2 1,00 0,00
$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)
11,448 2.38 11,448 1 2 1,00 0,00
$a Media type term
14,506 3.02 14,506 1 2 1,00 0,00
$2 Source
4,665 0.97 4,665 1 2 1,00 0,00
338 — Carrier Type
16,356 3.40 16,356 1 2 1,00 0,00
$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)
13,239 2.76 13,239 1 2 1,00 0,00
$a Carrier type term
16,356 3.40 16,356 1 2 1,00 0,00
$b Carrier type code
6 0.00 6 1 2 1,00 0,00
$2 Source
4,197 0.87 4,197 1 2 1,00 0,00
340 — Physical Medium
26 0.01 28 1 8 1,02 0,00
$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)
20 0.00 20 1 5 1,01 0,00
$a Material base and configuration
7 0.00 9 1 8 1,07 0,00
$l Binding
19 0.00 19 1 2 1,00 0,00
347 — Digital File Characteristics
12,306 2.56 12,416 1 2 1,00 0,00
$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)
12,285 2.56 12,395 1 2 1,00 0,00
$a File type
2,363 0.49 2,363 1
$b Encoding format
10,050 2.09 10,054 1 2 1,00 0,00
$c File size
1 0.00 1 1
348 — Notated Music Characteristics
1 0.00 1 1
$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)
1 0.00 1 1
$a Format of notated music term
1 0.00 1 1 2 1,42 0,04
$b Format of notated music code
1 0.00 1 1 2 1,67 0,25
$c Form of musical notation term
1 0.00 1 1
362 — Dates of Publication and/or Sequential Designation
156,756 32.63 157,104 1 3 1,00 0,00
$ind1 Format of date
156,756 32.63 157,104 1 3 1,00 0,00
$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)
38,719 8.06 39,066 1 3 1,01 0,00
$a Dates of publication and/or sequential designation
156,749 32.63 157,097 1 4 1,00 0,00
$z Source of information
334 0.07 677 1 3 2,01 0,00
363 — Normalized Date and Sequential Designation
1 0.00 1 1
$ind1 Start/End designator
1 0.00 1 1
$ind2 State of issuance
1 0.00 1 1
$a First level of enumeration
1 0.00 1 1
365 — Trade Price
21,427 4.46 21,480 1 3 1,00 0,00
$ind1 Start/End designator
21,427 4.46 21,480 1 3 1,00 0,00
$ind2 State of issuance
21,427 4.46 21,480 1 3 1,00 0,00
$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)
4,444 0.93 4,470 1 3 1,01 0,00
$a Price type code
12 0.00 12 1
$b Price amount
13,690 2.85 13,704 1 3 1,00 0,00
$c Currency code
5 0.00 8 1 3 1,43 0,25
$e Price note
7,729 1.61 7,768 1 3 1,01 0,00
$f Price effective from
3 0.00 6 1 3 2,00 0,47
$g Price effective until
3 0.00 6 1 3 2,00 0,47
4XX: Series Statement
490 — Series Statement
3,235 0.67 3,250 1 5 1,02 0,00
$ind1 Series tracing policy
3,235 0.67 3,250 1 5 1,02 0,00
$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)
2,349 0.49 2,350 1 4 1,04 0,00
$a Series statement
3,147 0.66 3,250 1 5 1,02 0,00
$v Volume/sequential designation
1,308 0.27 1,329 1 8 1,32 0,00
$x International Standard Serial Number
8 0.00 8 1 2 1,01 0,00
5XX: Note
500 — General Note
28,336 5.90 37,572 1 76 1,42 0,00
$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)
10,513 2.19 16,620 1 76 1,32 0,00
$a General note
28,336 5.90 37,586 1 76 1,42 0,00
501 — With Note
8 0.00 8 1 2 1,01 0,00
$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)
7 0.00 7 1
$a With note
8 0.00 8 1 2 1,01 0,00
502 — Dissertation Note
21 0.00 21 1 2 1,00 0,00
$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)
2 0.00 2 1 2 1,00 0,00
$a Dissertation note
21 0.00 21 1 2 1,00 0,00
$b Degree type
21 0.00 21 1 2 1,00 0,00
504 — Bibliography, etc. Note
29 0.01 29 1 6 1,01 0,00
$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)
29 0.01 29 1 6 1,01 0,00
$a Bibliography, etc. note
29 0.01 29 1 6 1,01 0,00
505 — Formatted Contents Note
1,536 0.32 10,520 1 214 2,68 0,01
$ind1 Display constant controller
1,536 0.32 10,520 1 214 2,68 0,01
$ind2 Level of content designation
1,536 0.32 10,520 1 214 2,68 0,01
$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)
182 0.04 556 1 214 2,42 0,05
$a Formatted contents note
69 0.01 256 1 35 1,32 0,01
$g Miscellaneous information
1 0.00 2 1 212 25,15 1,22
$r Statement of responsibility
312 0.06 1,859 1 63 4,84 0,04
$t Title
1,519 0.32 10,455 1 214 4,19 0,02
506 — Restrictions on Access Note
9,719 2.02 9,727 1 3 1,03 0,00
$ind1 Restriction
9,719 2.02 9,727 1 3 1,03 0,00
$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)
8,950 1.86 8,958 1 3 1,14 0,00
$a Terms governing access
9,719 2.02 9,727 1 3 1,03 0,00
$c Physical access provisions
9,705 2.02 9,710 1 2 1,00 0,00
$d Authorized users
9,686 2.02 9,691 1 2 1,00 0,00
$f Standardized terminology for access restriction
14 0.00 14 1
510 — Citation/References Note
40 0.01 44 1 10 1,13 0,00
$ind1 Coverage/location in source
40 0.01 44 1 10 1,13 0,00
$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)
8 0.00 11 1 10 1,12 0,00
$a Name of source
40 0.01 44 1 10 1,13 0,00
511 — Participant or Performer Note
153 0.03 191 1 20 1,15 0,00
$ind1 Display constant controller
153 0.03 191 1 20 1,15 0,00
$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)
14 0.00 17 1 6 1,15 0,00
$a Participant or performer note
153 0.03 191 1 20 1,15 0,00
515 — Numbering Peculiarities Note
9 0.00 9 1
$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)
8 0.00 8 1
$a Numbering peculiarities note
9 0.00 9 1
520 — Summary, etc.
7,917 1.65 7,923 1 7 1,02 0,00
$ind1 Display constant controller
7,917 1.65 7,923 1 7 1,02 0,00
$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)
7,613 1.58 7,617 1 5 1,00 0,00
$a Summary, etc.
7,917 1.65 7,923 1 7 1,02 0,00
$c Assigning source
1 0.00 1 1 2 1,05 0,00
525 — Supplement Note
12 0.00 12 1
$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)
12 0.00 12 1
$a Supplement note
12 0.00 12 1
530 — Additional Physical Form available Note
879 0.18 922 1 4 1,01 0,00
$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)
432 0.09 450 1 3 1,01 0,00
$a Additional physical form available note
879 0.18 922 1 4 1,01 0,00
$u Uniform Resource Identifier
213 0.04 241 1 9 1,14 0,01
534 — Original Version Note
9 0.00 9 1
$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)
8 0.00 8 1
$e Physical description, etc. of original
9 0.00 9 1
536 — Funding Information Note
7 0.00 7 1
$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)
7 0.00 7 1
$a Text of note
7 0.00 7 1
538 — System Details Note
9,706 2.02 10,050 1 4 1,01 0,00
$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)
9,605 2.00 9,949 1 4 1,02 0,00
$a System details note
9,706 2.02 10,050 1 4 1,01 0,00
541 — Immediate Source of Acquisition Note
9,866 2.05 10,207 1 3 1,01 0,00
$ind1 Privacy
9,866 2.05 10,207 1 3 1,01 0,00
$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)
9,699 2.02 10,038 1 3 1,02 0,00
$a Source of acquisition
9,864 2.05 10,205 1 3 1,01 0,00
$c Method of acquisition
3 0.00 3 1 2 1,00 0,00
$d Date of acquisition
18 0.00 18 1 2 1,00 0,00
$e Accession number
2 0.00 2 1 2 1,02 0,00
$h Purchase price
1 0.00 1 1
546 — Language Note
4 0.00 4 1 4 1,02 0,00
$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)
4 0.00 4 1 3 1,01 0,00
$a Language note
4 0.00 4 1 2 1,00 0,00
547 — Former Title Complexity Note
388 0.08 402 1 2 1,03 0,00
$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)
106 0.02 110 1 2 1,04 0,01
$a Former title complexity note
388 0.08 402 1 2 1,03 0,00
550 — Issuing Body Note
2 0.00 2 1
$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)
2 0.00 2 1
$a Issuing body note
2 0.00 2 1
561 — Ownership and Custodial History
670 0.14 679 1 7 1,47 0,00
$ind1 Privacy
670 0.14 679 1 7 1,47 0,00
$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)
183 0.04 185 1 7 1,46 0,00
$a History
670 0.14 679 1 7 1,47 0,00
562 — Copy and Version Identification Note
1,386 0.29 1,622 1 8 1,20 0,00
$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)
153 0.03 188 1 8 1,19 0,00
$a Identifying markings
23 0.00 28 1 6 1,06 0,00
$b Copy identification
1,364 0.28 1,594 1 9 1,22 0,00
563 — Binding Information
7 0.00 7 1 7 1,03 0,00
$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)
7 0.00 7 1 4 1,06 0,00
$a Binding note
7 0.00 7 1 7 1,03 0,00
580 — Linking Entry Complexity Note
8,281 1.72 8,290 1 7 1,01 0,00
$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)
766 0.16 775 1 7 1,01 0,00
$a Linking entry complexity note
8,272 1.72 8,281 1 7 1,01 0,00
$6 Linkage
97 0.02 97 1
588 — Source of Description Note
3 0.00 4 1 3 1,00 0,00
$ind1 Display constant controller
3 0.00 4 1 3 1,00 0,00
$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)
2 0.00 2 1 3 1,00 0,00
$a Source of description note
3 0.00 4 1 3 1,00 0,00
6XX: Subject Access
600 — Subject Added Entry - Personal Name
124 0.03 257 1 125 1,63 0,03
$ind1 Type of personal name entry element
124 0.03 257 1 125 1,63 0,03
$ind2 Thesaurus
124 0.03 257 1 125 1,63 0,03
$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)
94 0.02 216 1 103 1,33 0,02
$* Link with identifier (in KBR version)
124 0.03 257 1 125 1,63 0,03
$@ Language of field (in KBR version)
10 0.00 10 1 5 1,09 0,03
$a Personal name
124 0.03 257 1 125 1,63 0,03
$b Numeration
1 0.00 1 1 2 1,01 0,00
$c Titles and other words associated with a name
75 0.02 159 1 118 1,61 0,04
$d Dates associated with a name
111 0.02 191 1 57 1,36 0,01
$1 Real World Object URI
107 0.02 175 1 66 1,34 0,01
610 — Subject Added Entry - Corporate Name
6 0.00 7 1 19 1,18 0,04
$ind1 Type of corporate name entry element
6 0.00 7 1 19 1,18 0,04
$ind2 Thesaurus
6 0.00 7 1 19 1,18 0,04
$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)
6 0.00 7 1 19 1,14 0,05
$* Link with identifier (in KBR version)
6 0.00 7 1 19 1,18 0,04
$@ Language of field (in KBR version)
1 0.00 1 1
$a Corporate name or jurisdiction name as entry element
6 0.00 7 1 19 1,18 0,04
$g Miscellaneous information
4 0.00 5 1 6 1,18 0,05
650 — Subject Added Entry - Topical Term
47,856 9.96 102,243 1 81 2,46 0,00
$ind1 Level of subject
47,856 9.96 102,243 1 81 2,46 0,00
$ind2 Thesaurus
47,856 9.96 102,243 1 81 2,46 0,00
$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)
1,881 0.39 3,258 1 81 1,76 0,00
$* Link with identifier (in KBR version)
47,856 9.96 108,498 1 81 2,47 0,00
$@ Language of field (in KBR version)
1,600 0.33 2,569 1 51 1,52 0,00
$a Topical term or geographic name entry element
47,856 9.96 108,498 1 81 2,47 0,00
$b Topical term following geographic name entry element
193 0.04 194 1 5 1,01 0,00
$g Miscellaneous information
43,839 9.13 95,426 1 81 2,77 0,00
$v Form subdivision
191 0.04 192 1 12 1,02 0,00
$x General subdivision
98 0.02 285 1 16 1,63 0,01
$y Chronological subdivision
34 0.01 36 1 8 1,07 0,00
$z Geographic subdivision
3 0.00 5 1 10 1,77 0,01
$2 Source of heading or term
43,542 9.06 95,257 1 81 2,82 0,00
651 — Subject Added Entry - Geographic Name
103 0.02 141 1 16 1,09 0,00
$ind2 Thesaurus
103 0.02 141 1 16 1,09 0,00
$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)
97 0.02 135 1 16 1,10 0,00
$* Link with identifier (in KBR version)
103 0.02 141 1 16 1,09 0,00
$@ Language of field (in KBR version)
52 0.01 61 1 6 1,11 0,00
$a Geographic name
103 0.02 141 1 16 1,09 0,00
$v Form subdivision
4 0.00 4 1 12 2,47 0,00
$x General subdivision
7 0.00 7 1 16 2,40 0,01
$y Chronological subdivision
3 0.00 3 1 8 1,41 0,08
653 — Index Term - Uncontrolled
11,463 2.39 20,493 1 255 7,20 0,00
$ind1 Level of index term
11,463 2.39 20,493 1 255 7,20 0,00
$ind2 Type of term or name
11,463 2.39 20,493 1 255 7,20 0,00
$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)
78 0.02 81 1 61 1,06 0,00
$@ Language of field (in KBR version)
1,202 0.25 9,547 1 255 17,28 0,00
$a Uncontrolled term
11,463 2.39 20,493 1 255 7,20 0,00
654 — Subject Added Entry - Faceted Topical Terms
2,990 0.62 4,489 1 34 1,92 0,00
$ind1 Level of subject
2,990 0.62 4,489 1 34 1,92 0,00
$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)
178 0.04 256 1 13 1,42 0,00
$* Link with identifier (in KBR version)
2,990 0.62 4,832 1 66 2,19 0,00
$@ Language of field (in KBR version)
175 0.04 250 1 13 1,39 0,00
$a Focus term
2,990 0.62 4,832 1 66 2,19 0,00
$b Non-focus term
2,842 0.59 5,742 1 62 2,91 0,00
33 0.01 88 1 18 2,41 0,02
$y Chronological subdivision
36 0.01 40 1 10 1,14 0,00
$z Geographic subdivision
1 0.00 1 1 11 1,53 0,02
$2 Source of heading or term
2,986 0.62 4,482 1 34 1,92 0,00
655 — Index Term - Genre/Form
29 0.01 30 1 12 1,42 0,00
$ind1 Type of heading
29 0.01 30 1 12 1,42 0,00
$ind2 Thesaurus
29 0.01 30 1 12 1,42 0,00
$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)
26 0.01 27 1 5 1,17 0,00
$* Link with identifier (in KBR version)
29 0.01 30 1 12 1,42 0,00
$@ Language of field (in KBR version)
7 0.00 8 1 4 1,51 0,00
$a Genre/form data or focus term
29 0.01 30 1 12 1,42 0,00
$0 Authority record control number
24 0.00 24 1 7 1,06 0,00
$1 Real World Object URI
1 0.00 1 1
70X-75X: Added Entry
700 — Added Entry - Personal Name
16,641 3.46 27,776 1 128 2,16 0,00
$ind1 Type of personal name entry element
16,641 3.46 27,776 1 128 2,16 0,00
$ind2 Type of added entry
16,641 3.46 27,776 1 128 2,16 0,00
$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)
9,729 2.03 11,129 1 128 1,67 0,00
$* Link with identifier (in KBR version)
16,641 3.46 27,776 1 128 2,16 0,00
$a Personal name
16,641 3.46 27,776 1 128 2,16 0,00
$b Numeration
137 0.03 145 1 26 1,09 0,00
$c Titles and other words associated with a name
10,454 2.18 12,893 1 90 1,54 0,00
$d Dates associated with a name
4,933 1.03 8,598 1 124 1,66 0,00
$e Relator term
1 0.00 1 1 4 1,53 0,03
$f Date of a work
1 0.00 12 1 12 2,83 1,56
$g Miscellaneous information
161 0.03 395 1 14 1,12 0,00
$j Attribution qualifier
2 0.00 3 1 7 1,16 0,00
$l Language of a work
13 0.00 23 1 9 1,13 0,01
$q Fuller form of name
253 0.05 287 1 8 1,06 0,00
$1 Real World Object URI
5,215 1.09 10,378 1 116 1,84 0,00
$4 Relationship
13,851 2.88 18,632 1 128 2,19 0,00
710 — Added Entry - Corporate Name
109,046 22.70 126,728 1 28 1,13 0,00
$ind1 Type of corporate name entry element
109,046 22.70 126,728 1 28 1,13 0,00
$ind2 Type of added entry
109,046 22.70 126,728 1 28 1,13 0,00
$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)
10,872 2.26 17,453 1 28 1,14 0,00
$* Link with identifier (in KBR version)
109,046 22.70 126,728 1 28 1,13 0,00
$@ Language of field (in KBR version)
5,145 1.07 7,836 1 18 1,11 0,00
$a Corporate name or jurisdiction name as entry element
109,045 22.70 126,727 1 28 1,13 0,00
$b Subordinate unit
11,625 2.42 14,064 1 10 1,21 0,00
$c Location of meeting
11,647 2.42 13,398 1 8 1,07 0,00
$d Date of meeting or treaty signing
438 0.09 612 1 14 1,07 0,00
$f Date of a work
1 0.00 2 1 2 1,25 0,20
$g Miscellaneous information
94,218 19.61 105,122 1 27 1,10 0,00
$l Language of a work
141 0.03 173 1 7 1,09 0,00
$1 Real World Object URI
416 0.09 433 1 4 1,00 0,00
$4 Relationship
108,358 22.56 125,007 1 28 1,12 0,00
711 — Added Entry - Meeting Name
22 0.00 23 1 5 1,05 0,00
$ind1 Type of meeting name entry element
22 0.00 23 1 5 1,05 0,00
$ind2 Type of added entry
22 0.00 23 1 5 1,05 0,00
$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)
1 0.00 1 1 2 1,08 0,02
$* Link with identifier (in KBR version)
22 0.00 23 1 5 1,05 0,00
$@ Language of field (in KBR version)
1 0.00 1 1 2 1,33 0,08
$a Meeting name or jurisdiction name as entry element
22 0.00 23 1 5 1,05 0,00
$d Date of meeting or treaty signing
5 0.00 5 1 5 1,04 0,00
720 — Added Entry - Uncontrolled Name
10 0.00 13 1 35 1,29 0,00
$ind1 Type of name
10 0.00 13 1 35 1,29 0,00
$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)
7 0.00 9 1 35 1,43 0,00
$a Name
10 0.00 13 1 35 1,29 0,00
730 — Added Entry - Uniform Title
6 0.00 14 1 11 1,31 0,00
$ind1 Nonfiling characters
6 0.00 14 1 11 1,31 0,00
$ind2 Type of added entry
6 0.00 14 1 11 1,31 0,00
$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)
4 0.00 11 1 11 1,50 0,01
$* Link with identifier (in KBR version)
6 0.00 14 1 11 1,31 0,00
$a Uniform title
6 0.00 14 1 11 1,31 0,00
$l Language of a work
5 0.00 13 1 11 1,82 0,02
740 — Added Entry - Uncontrolled Related/Analytical Title
1,162 0.24 1,162 1 10 1,04 0,01
$ind1 Nonfiling characters
1,162 0.24 1,162 1 10 1,04 0,01
$ind2 Type of added entry
1,162 0.24 1,162 1 10 1,04 0,01
$a Uncontrolled related/analytical title
1,162 0.24 1,162 1 10 1,04 0,01
752 — Added Entry - Hierarchical Place Name
1 0.00 1 1
$* Link with identifier (in KBR version)
1 0.00 1 1
$a Country or larger entity
1 0.00 1 1
$d City
1 0.00 1 1
76X-78X: Linking Entry
765 — Original Language Entry
13 0.00 13 1 10 1,04 0,00
$ind1 Note controller
13 0.00 13 1 10 1,04 0,00
$ind2 Display constant controller
13 0.00 13 1 10 1,04 0,00
$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)
12 0.00 12 1 10 1,04 0,00
$* Link with identifier (in KBR version)
13 0.00 13 1 10 1,04 0,00
$a Main entry heading
4 0.00 4 1 10 1,05 0,00
$t Title
13 0.00 13 1 10 1,04 0,00
$z International Standard Book Number
5 0.00 5 1 10 1,05 0,00
767 — Translation Entry
33 0.01 33 1 10 1,20 0,00
$ind1 Note controller
33 0.01 33 1 10 1,20 0,00
$ind2 Display constant controller
33 0.01 33 1 10 1,20 0,00
$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)
27 0.01 27 1 10 1,22 0,00
$* Link with identifier (in KBR version)
33 0.01 33 1 10 1,20 0,00
$a Main entry heading
2 0.00 2 1 10 1,17 0,01
$t Title
33 0.01 33 1 10 1,20 0,00
$z International Standard Book Number
2 0.00 2 1 5 1,22 0,00
770 — Supplement/Special Issue Entry
460 0.10 590 1 10 1,28 0,03
$ind1 Note controller
460 0.10 590 1 10 1,28 0,03
$ind2 Display constant controller
460 0.10 590 1 10 1,28 0,03
$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)
110 0.02 149 1 10 1,37 0,08
$* Link with identifier (in KBR version)
460 0.10 590 1 10 1,28 0,03
$a Main entry heading
25 0.01 25 1
$g Related parts
14 0.00 16 1 2 1,11 0,03
$t Title
460 0.10 590 1 10 1,28 0,03
$z International Standard Book Number
4 0.00 4 1
772 — Supplement Parent Entry
570 0.12 623 1 9 1,01 0,00
$ind1 Note controller
570 0.12 623 1 9 1,01 0,00
$ind2 Display constant controller
570 0.12 623 1 9 1,01 0,00
$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)
66 0.01 70 1 2 1,02 0,00
$* Link with identifier (in KBR version)
570 0.12 623 1 9 1,01 0,00
$a Main entry heading
12 0.00 12 1
$g Related parts
31 0.01 51 1 2 1,75 0,00
$k Series data for related item
3 0.00 3 1
$t Title
570 0.12 623 1 9 1,01 0,00
773 — Host Item Entry
13,698 2.85 13,937 1 13 1,04 0,00
$ind1 Note controller
13,698 2.85 13,937 1 13 1,04 0,00
$ind2 Display constant controller
13,698 2.85 13,937 1 13 1,04 0,00
$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)
11,124 2.32 11,362 1 13 1,04 0,00
$* Link with identifier (in KBR version)
13,698 2.85 13,943 1 13 1,04 0,00
$a Main entry heading
254 0.05 268 1 5 1,01 0,00
$b Edition
112 0.02 115 1 3 1,03 0,00
$g Related parts
4,299 0.89 4,442 1 13 1,04 0,00
$h Physical description
73 0.02 73 1 2 1,00 0,00
$i Relationship information
3 0.00 3 1 4 1,02 0,00
$n Note
2,349 0.49 2,351 1 4 1,01 0,00
$t Title
13,698 2.85 13,943 1 13 1,04 0,00
$z International Standard Book Number
33 0.01 33 1 6 1,01 0,00
774 — Constituent Unit Entry
262,284 54.60 262,284 1
$ind1 Note controller
262,284 54.60 262,284 1
$ind2 Display constant controller
262,284 54.60 262,284 1
$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)
11 0.00 11 1
$* Link with identifier (in KBR version)
262,284 54.60 262,284 1
$t Title
262,284 54.60 262,284 1
$6 Linkage
3 0.00 3 1
775 — Other Edition Entry
12,806 2.67 15,784 1 12 1,79 0,00
$ind1 Note controller
12,806 2.67 15,784 1 12 1,79 0,00
$ind2 Display constant controller
12,806 2.67 15,784 1 12 1,79 0,00
$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)
3,417 0.71 3,851 1 12 2,10 0,00
$* Link with identifier (in KBR version)
12,806 2.67 15,784 1 14 1,79 0,00
$a Main entry heading
79 0.02 93 1 12 2,00 0,00
$g Related parts
4 0.00 4 1 4 1,02 0,00
$i Relationship information
11,737 2.44 14,381 1 14 1,74 0,00
$t Title
12,806 2.67 15,784 1 14 1,79 0,00
$w Record control number
1 0.00 2 1 2 1,50 0,35
$z International Standard Book Number
1,868 0.39 2,007 1 14 2,11 0,00
776 — Additional Physical Form Entry
6,343 1.32 6,617 1 8 1,03 0,00
$ind1 Note controller
6,343 1.32 6,617 1 8 1,03 0,00
$ind2 Display constant controller
6,343 1.32 6,617 1 8 1,03 0,00
$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)
5,775 1.20 6,041 1 8 1,04 0,00
$* Link with identifier (in KBR version)
6,343 1.32 6,617 1 8 1,03 0,00
$a Main entry heading
137 0.03 139 1 8 1,03 0,00
$d Place, publisher, and date of publication
1 0.00 1 1
$g Related parts
8 0.00 9 1 2 1,01 0,01
$h Physical description
42 0.01 44 1 2 1,01 0,00
$i Relationship information
4,193 0.87 5,072 1 8 1,09 0,00
$t Title
6,343 1.32 6,617 1 8 1,03 0,00
$w Record control number
1 0.00 1 1
$x International Standard Serial Number
1 0.00 1 1
$z International Standard Book Number
380 0.08 464 1 8 1,04 0,00
777 — Issued With Entry
26 0.01 32 1 11 1,25 0,02
$ind1 Note controller
26 0.01 32 1 11 1,25 0,02
$ind2 Display constant controller
26 0.01 32 1 11 1,25 0,02
$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)
22 0.00 28 1 11 1,21 0,03
$* Link with identifier (in KBR version)
26 0.01 32 1 11 1,25 0,02
$a Main entry heading
2 0.00 2 1 11 1,37 0,05
$g Related parts
8 0.00 11 1 3 1,09 0,02
$t Title
26 0.01 32 1 11 1,25 0,02
780 — Preceding Entry
17,032 3.55 18,146 1 9 1,06 0,00
$ind1 Note controller
17,032 3.55 18,146 1 9 1,06 0,00
$ind2 Type of relationship
17,032 3.55 18,146 1 9 1,06 0,00
$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)
2,134 0.44 2,273 1 7 1,06 0,00
$* Link with identifier (in KBR version)
17,032 3.55 18,146 1 9 1,06 0,00
$a Main entry heading
113 0.02 114 1 2 1,02 0,00
$g Related parts
41 0.01 45 1 2 1,06 0,01
$i Relationship information
1 0.00 2 2
$t Title
17,032 3.55 18,146 1 9 1,06 0,00
$x International Standard Serial Number
2 0.00 2 1
$z International Standard Book Number
12 0.00 12 1 2 1,06 0,01
785 — Succeeding Entry
16,816 3.50 17,858 1 15 1,06 0,00
$ind1 Note controller
16,816 3.50 17,858 1 15 1,06 0,00
$ind2 Type of relationship
16,816 3.50 17,858 1 15 1,06 0,00
$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)
1,476 0.31 1,545 1 7 1,05 0,00
$* Link with identifier (in KBR version)
16,816 3.50 17,858 1 15 1,06 0,00
$a Main entry heading
111 0.02 112 1 2 1,01 0,00
$g Related parts
50 0.01 54 1 2 1,08 0,01
$n Note
1 0.00 1 1
$o Other item identifier
1 0.00 1 1
$t Title
16,816 3.50 17,858 1 15 1,06 0,00
$x International Standard Serial Number
1 0.00 1 1
$z International Standard Book Number
22 0.00 22 1 2 1,04 0,01
787 — Other Relationship Entry
56 0.01 63 1 7 1,13 0,00
$ind1 Note controller
56 0.01 63 1 7 1,13 0,00
$ind2 Display constant controller
56 0.01 63 1 7 1,13 0,00
$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)
38 0.01 40 1 7 1,09 0,00
$* Link with identifier (in KBR version)
56 0.01 63 1 7 1,13 0,00
$a Main entry heading
5 0.00 6 1 7 1,16 0,00
$g Related parts
14 0.00 15 1 4 1,09 0,00
$i Relationship information
5 0.00 5 1 4 1,11 0,00
$t Title
56 0.01 63 1 7 1,13 0,00
$x International Standard Serial Number
1 0.00 1 1
80X-83X: Series Added Entry
800 — Series Added Entry - Personal Name
21 0.00 21 1 2 1,00 0,00
$ind1 Type of personal name entry element
21 0.00 21 1 2 1,00 0,00
$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)
11 0.00 11 1
$* Link with identifier (in KBR version)
21 0.00 21 1 2 1,00 0,00
$a Personal name
21 0.00 21 1 2 1,00 0,00
$c Titles and other words associated with a name
11 0.00 11 1 2 1,06 0,01
$d Dates associated with a name
13 0.00 13 1
$q Fuller form of name
1 0.00 1 1
841-88X: Holdings, Location, Alternate Graphics
852 — Location
881 0.18 936 1 54 1,01 0,00
$ind1 Shelving scheme
881 0.18 936 1 54 1,01 0,00
$ind2 Shelving order
881 0.18 936 1 54 1,01 0,00
$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)
124 0.03 124 1 4 1,00 0,00
$a Location
182 0.04 237 1 54 1,02 0,00
$b Sublocation or collection
880 0.18 935 1 54 1,02 0,00
$c Shelving location
128 0.03 181 1 54 1,01 0,00
$e Address
5 0.00 58 1 54 1,04 0,00
$h Classification part
180 0.04 235 1 54 1,02 0,00
$p Piece designation
182 0.04 237 1 54 1,02 0,00
$q Piece physical condition
5 0.00 58 1 54 1,04 0,00
$t Copy number
182 0.04 237 1 54 1,02 0,00
$x Nonpublic note
698 0.15 698 1
856 — Electronic Location and Access
13,361 2.78 14,392 1 46 1,05 0,00
$ind1 Access method
13,361 2.78 14,392 1 46 1,05 0,00
$ind2 Relationship
13,361 2.78 14,392 1 46 1,05 0,00
$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)
11,976 2.49 12,809 1 45 1,04 0,00
16 0.00 19 1 3 1,12 0,09
45 0.01 45 1
$l Standardized information governing access
45 0.01 45 1
$n Terms governing access
3 0.00 4 1 2 1,24 0,03
$q Electronic format type
2 0.00 2 1
$u Uniform Resource Identifier
13,357 2.78 14,370 1 46 1,05 0,00
$x Nonpublic note
68 0.01 68 1 5 1,00 0,00
$y Link text
54 0.01 55 1 46 1,89 0,03
$z Public note
1,922 0.40 2,075 1 10 1,01 0,00
$3 Materials specified
21 0.00 21 1 4 1,71 0,02
$7 Access status
174 0.04 249 1 46 1,08 0,00
Holdings: MARC Holdings tags
866 — Textual Holdings-Basic Bibliographic Unit
65,527 13.64 110,623 1 8 1,68 0,00
$ind1 Field encoding level
65,527 13.64 110,623 1 8 1,68 0,00
$ind2 Type of notation
65,527 13.64 110,623 1 8 1,68 0,00
$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)
25,767 5.36 42,205 1 6 1,63 0,00
$a Textual holdings
65,479 13.63 110,536 1 8 1,68 0,00
$x Nonpublic note
60,120 12.52 104,198 1 7 1,73 0,00
$z Public note
101 0.02 107 1 4 1,03 0,02
Locally defined tags of the Royal Library of Belgium
997 — Item information
238,350 49.62 253,022 1 254 1,12 0,00
$# number/occurrence of field
8,254 1.72 15,560 1 19 1,31 0,00
$* Link with identifier
238,350 49.62 253,022 1 254 1,12 0,00
$a Barcode number
238,350 49.62 253,022 1 254 1,12 0,00
$c Library (holding institution)
238,350 49.62 253,022 1 254 1,12 0,00
$d Section (department of holding institution)
238,350 49.62 253,022 1 254 1,12 0,00
$g Call Number
163,125 33.96 177,408 1 254 1,12 0,00
$h Rating2
6 0.00 6 1 3 1,01 0,00
$t Document type
238,350 49.62 252,975 1 254 1,12 0,00
37 0.01 46 1 6 1,04 0,00
unknown origin
2,032 0.42 2,094 1 4 1,03 0,00
3 0.00 4 1 2 1,33 0,25
2,032 0.42 2,094 1 4 1,03 0,00
2,032 0.42 2,094 1 4 1,03 0,00
1,799 0.37 1,860 1 4 1,03 0,00
2,031 0.42 2,092 1 4 1,03 0,00
1 0.00 1 1
2,031 0.42 2,093 1 4 1,03 0,00
2 0.00 2 1
2 0.00 2 1
1 0.00 1 1
1 0.00 1 1
1 0.00 1 1
1 0.00 1 1
4 0.00 7 1 3 1,43 0,25
4 0.00 7 1 3 1,43 0,25
4 0.00 7 1 3 1,50 0,28
1 0.00 1 1
1 0.00 1 1
1 0.00 1 1
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