QA catalogue para analisar dados da biblioteca

KBR (Koninklijke Bibliotheek van België/Bibliothèque royale de Belgique)
    número de registros: 4,840,846     Registro de data e hora da análise: 2024-12-20 00:01:12 (00:09:18)
en | de | pt | hu

Análise de assunto

A análise de indexação de assunto mede o grau em que os registros do catálogo contêm informações de indexação de assunto em elementos de dados definidos pelo esquema de metadados. Múltiplos elementos de dados podem ser usados para indexação de assunto - cada um para uma finalidade específica. Um termo de assunto pode ser uma palavra-chave de texto livre ou pode vir de um dicionário controlado. Além do termo, o campo pode conter informações adicionais como subcategorias, versão do dicionário, identificadores e links.

registros com classificações/cabeçalhos de assunto

1,651,835 (34.12%)
3,189,011 (65.88%)


  • x: número de assuntos por registro
  • y: número de registros

example records (one record for each subject count): 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 81, 82, 84, 85, 87, 89, 90, 91, 93, 94, 96, 98, 99, 100, 102, 104, 105, 107, 108, 109, 111, 113, 114, 115, 117, 118, 120, 123, 124, 126, 129, 132, 135, 138, 141, 144, 147, 150, 153, 156, 159, 162, 165, 168, 171, 174, 177, 180, 183, 186, 189, 192, 195, 198, 201, 204, 210, 213, 216, 222, 225, 231, 234, 237, 240, 243, 246, 255

Esquemas de classificação/cabeçalhos de assunto

Localização Esquema de classificação/cabeçalhos de assunto Instâncias Registros %

052 — Geographic Classification

ind1 Library of Congress Classification (lcc) 5 5

Quais subcampos estão disponíveis nas instâncias individuais desse campo?

$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)     5
$a Geographic classification area code     5
$b Geographic classification subarea code     3
subcampos contagem
$#, $a, $b 3
$#, $a 2

055 — Classification Numbers Assigned in Canada

ind2 LC-based call number assigned by LAC (lbbcl0) 3 3

Quais subcampos estão disponíveis nas instâncias individuais desse campo?

$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)   3
$a Classification number   3
$b Item number   3
subcampos contagem
$#, $a, $b 3
ind2 Complete LC class number assigned by the contributing library (lbbcl4) 2 2

Quais subcampos estão disponíveis nas instâncias individuais desse campo?

$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)     2
$a Classification number     2
$b Item number     1
subcampos contagem
$#, $a, $b 1
$#, $a 1

072 — Subject Category Code

$2 LC classification outline (Washington, DC: Library of Congress, Cataloging Distribution Service) (lcco) 45 37

Quais subcampos estão disponíveis nas instâncias individuais desse campo?

$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)     43
$a Subject category code     45
$2 Source     45
subcampos contagem
$#, $a, $2 43
$a, $2 2
$2 BISAC Subject Headings (bisacsh) 10 5

Quais subcampos estão disponíveis nas instâncias individuais desse campo?

$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)       9
$a Subject category code       10
$x Subject category code subdivision       8
$2 Source       10
subcampos contagem
$#, $a, $x, $2 8
$a, $2 1
$#, $a, $2 1
$2 nur (nur) 1 1

Quais subcampos estão disponíveis nas instâncias individuais desse campo?

$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)   1
$a Subject category code   1
$2 Source   1
subcampos contagem
$#, $a, $2 1
ind2 " " ( ) 41 41

Quais subcampos estão disponíveis nas instâncias individuais desse campo?

$a Subject category code     41
$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)     4
subcampos contagem
$a 37
$#, $a 4

080 — Universal Decimal Classification Number

$a Universal Decimal Classification (udc) 64,599 61,062

Quais subcampos estão disponíveis nas instâncias individuais desse campo?

$a Universal Decimal Classification number         64,599
$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)         3,926
$2 Edition identifier         218
subcampos contagem
$a 60,663
$#, $a 3,718
$#, $a, $2 208
$a, $2 10

082 — Dewey Decimal Classification Number

$a Dewey Decimal Classification (ddc) 18,487 17,740

Quais subcampos estão disponíveis nas instâncias individuais desse campo?

$a Classification number                             18,487
$b Item number                             5,604
$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)                             1,264
$2 Edition information                             1,190
$q Assigning agency                             3
subcampos contagem
$a 11,586
$a, $b 5,553
$#, $a, $2 1,058
$#, $a 136
$a, $2 71
$#, $a, $b, $2 28
$#, $a+, $2 20
$#, $a, $b 14
$a, $b, $2 9
$#, $a+ 5
$a+, $2 2
$a+ 2
$#, $a, $q, $2 2
$#, $a, $q 1


  • O sinal + denota várias instâncias

084 — Other Classification Number

$2 undetectable (undetectable) 27,047 17,555

Quais subcampos estão disponíveis nas instâncias individuais desse campo?

$a Classification number       27,047
$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)       1,391
$b Item number       1
subcampos contagem
$a 25,656
$#, $a 1,390
$#, $a, $b 1
$2 BISAC Subject Headings (bisacsh) 30 30

Quais subcampos estão disponíveis nas instâncias individuais desse campo?

$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)       26
$a Classification number       30
$2 Number source       30
subcampos contagem
$#, $a+, $2 17
$#, $a, $2 9
$a+, $2 4


  • O sinal + denota várias instâncias
$2 Nederlandse Basisclassificatie = Dutch Basic Classification Codes (The Hague: Koninklijke Bibliotheek) (bcl) 6 5

Quais subcampos estão disponíveis nas instâncias individuais desse campo?

$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)     4
$a Classification number     6
$2 Number source     6
subcampos contagem
$#, $a, $2 4
$a, $2 2
$2 Sondersammelgebiets-Nummer (ssgn) 4 4

Quais subcampos estão disponíveis nas instâncias individuais desse campo?

$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)   4
$a Classification number   4
$2 Number source   4
subcampos contagem
$#, $a, $2 4
$2 lacc (lacc) 3 3

Quais subcampos estão disponíveis nas instâncias individuais desse campo?

$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)   3
$a Classification number   3
$2 Number source   3
subcampos contagem
$#, $a, $2 3
$2 Vlaamse SISO [schema voor de indeling van de systematische catalogus in openbare bibliotheken] (Antwerpen: VLABIN-VBC) (vsiso) 2 2

Quais subcampos estão disponíveis nas instâncias individuais desse campo?

$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)   2
$a Classification number   2
$2 Number source   2
subcampos contagem
$#, $a, $2 2
$2 Fachinformationsdienste für die Wissenschaft (FID) (fid) 2 2

Quais subcampos estão disponíveis nas instâncias individuais desse campo?

$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)   2
$a Classification number   2
$q Assigning agency   2
$2 Number source   2
subcampos contagem
$#, $a, $q, $2 2
$2 Systematik der Deutschen Nationalbibliographie (sdnb) 2 2

Quais subcampos estão disponíveis nas instâncias individuais desse campo?

$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)     2
$a Classification number     2
$2 Number source     2
$q Assigning agency     1
subcampos contagem
$#, $a, $2 1
$#, $a, $q, $2 1
$2 Regensburger Verbundklassifikation (RVK) (rvk) 1 1

Quais subcampos estão disponíveis nas instâncias individuais desse campo?

$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)   1
$a Classification number   1
$2 Number source   1
subcampos contagem
$#, $a, $2 1

086 — Government Document Classification Number

ind1 Superintendent of Documents Classification System (sudocs) 2 2

Quais subcampos estão disponíveis nas instâncias individuais desse campo?

$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)   2
$a Classification number   2
subcampos contagem
$#, $a 2

600 — Subject Added Entry - Personal Name

$2 undetectable (undetectable) 340 280

Quais subcampos estão disponíveis nas instâncias individuais desse campo?

$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)                                           228
$* Link with identifier (in KBR version)                                           340
$a Personal name                                           340
$d Dates associated with a name                                           264
$1 Real World Object URI                                           265
$c Titles and other words associated with a name                                           126
$@ Language of field (in KBR version)                                           52
$g Miscellaneous information                                           1
subcampos contagem
$#, $*, $a, $d, $1 76
$*, $a, $c, $d, $1 49
$#, $*, $a, $c, $d, $1 48
$*, $a, $d, $1 36
$#, $*, $a 36
$#, $*, $@, $a, $d, $1 30
$#, $*, $@, $a, $c, $d, $1 11
$*, $a 10
$#, $*, $@, $a 9
$#, $*, $a, $1 8
$*, $a, $c 5
$#, $*, $a, $c, $d 5
$*, $a, $d 4
$*, $a, $1 4
$*, $a, $c, $d 3
$*, $a, $c+, $d, $1 1
$#, $*, $@, $a, $c+, $d, $1 1
$#, $*, $@, $a, $c 1
$#, $*, $a, $g 1
$#, $*, $a, $c, $1 1
$#, $*, $a, $c 1


  • O sinal + denota várias instâncias
$2 Faceted application of subject terminology (Dublin, Ohio: OCLC) (fast) 20 18

Quais subcampos estão disponíveis nas instâncias individuais desse campo?

$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)                       9
$* Link with identifier (in KBR version)                       20
$a Personal name                       20
$c Titles and other words associated with a name                       9
$d Dates associated with a name                       16
$2 Source of heading or term                       20
$1 Real World Object URI                       10
$q Fuller form of name                       1
$b Numeration                       1
$0 Authority record control number or standard number                       1
subcampos contagem
$#, $*, $a, $c, $d, $2 4
$#, $*, $a, $d, $1, $2 3
$*, $a, $2 3
$*, $a, $d, $2 2
$*, $a, $d, $1, $2 2
$*, $a, $c, $d, $q, $1, $2 1
$#, $*, $a, $c, $d, $1, $2 1
$#, $*, $a, $b, $c, $d, $1, $2 1
$*, $a, $1, $2 1
$*, $a, $c, $d, $0, $2 1
$*, $a, $c, $d, $1, $2 1
$2 Gemeinsame Normdatei (Leipzig, Frankfurt: Deutsche Nationalbibliothek) (gnd) 7 6

Quais subcampos estão disponíveis nas instâncias individuais desse campo?

$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)             4
$* Link with identifier (in KBR version)             7
$a Personal name             7
$d Dates associated with a name             6
$1 Real World Object URI             3
$2 Source of heading or term             7
$c Titles and other words associated with a name             2
$q Fuller form of name             1
subcampos contagem
$#, $*, $a, $d, $1, $2 2
$#, $*, $a, $d, $2 1
$*, $a, $d, $2 1
$#, $*, $a, $c, $d, $2 1
$*, $a, $c, $d, $q, $1, $2 1
$*, $a, $2 1
$2 Locally assigned term (local) 5 5

Quais subcampos estão disponíveis nas instâncias individuais desse campo?

$* Link with identifier (in KBR version)     5
$a Personal name     5
$g Miscellaneous information     3
$2 Source of heading or term     5
$c Titles and other words associated with a name     2
$d Dates associated with a name     2
$1 Real World Object URI     2
subcampos contagem
$*, $a, $g, $2 3
$*, $a, $c, $d, $1, $2 2
$2 rameau (rameau) 1 1

Quais subcampos estão disponíveis nas instâncias individuais desse campo?

$* Link with identifier (in KBR version)   1
$a Personal name   1
$d Dates associated with a name   1
$x General subdivision   1
$1 Real World Object URI   1
$2 Source of heading or term   1
subcampos contagem
$*, $a, $d, $x, $1, $2 1
$2 ULAN (ULAN) 1 1

Quais subcampos estão disponíveis nas instâncias individuais desse campo?

$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)   1
$* Link with identifier (in KBR version)   1
$a Personal name   1
$c Titles and other words associated with a name   1
$d Dates associated with a name   1
$1 Real World Object URI   1
$2 Source of heading or term   1
subcampos contagem
$#, $*, $a, $c, $d, $1, $2 1
ind2 " " ( ) 9,741 7,302

Quais subcampos estão disponíveis nas instâncias individuais desse campo?

$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)                                                                                                                                                                             8,524
$* Link with identifier (in KBR version)                                                                                                                                                                             9,741
$a Personal name                                                                                                                                                                             9,741
$d Dates associated with a name                                                                                                                                                                             8,863
$1 Real World Object URI                                                                                                                                                                             7,526
$c Titles and other words associated with a name                                                                                                                                                                             3,955
$b Numeration                                                                                                                                                                             381
$q Fuller form of name                                                                                                                                                                             178
$g Miscellaneous information                                                                                                                                                                             98
$@ Language of field (in KBR version)                                                                                                                                                                             85
$4 Relationship                                                                                                                                                                             46
$x General subdivision                                                                                                                                                                             10
$f Date of a work                                                                                                                                                                             1
$j Attribution qualifier                                                                                                                                                                             1
$6 Linkage                                                                                                                                                                             1
subcampos contagem
$#, $*, $a, $d, $1 4,202
$#, $*, $a, $c, $d, $1 1,735
$#, $*, $a, $d 678
$#, $*, $a, $c, $d 576
$*, $a, $c, $d, $1 445
$#, $*, $a, $b, $c, $d, $1 336
$*, $a, $d, $1 220
$#, $*, $a 217
$#, $*, $a, $c 189
$*, $a, $c, $d 183
$#, $*, $a, $1 123
$*, $a, $c 74
$#, $*, $a, $c+, $d, $1 70
$#, $*, $a, $c, $1 62
$#, $*, $a, $c, $d, $q, $1 61
$*, $a 61
$*, $a, $g 60
$*, $a, $d 58
$#, $*, $@, $a, $c, $d, $1 39
$#, $*, $a, $c, $d, $q 35
$*, $a, $1 32
$#, $*, $a, $d, $q, $1 27
$#, $*, $@, $a, $d, $1 21
$*, $a, $c, $1 18
$#, $*, $a, $c, $d, $1, $4 17
$#, $*, $a, $d, $q 16
$#, $*, $a, $b, $d, $1 16
$#, $*, $a, $c+, $d 10
$*, $a, $c, $d, $q, $1 9
$#, $*, $a, $d, $g, $1 8
$#, $*, $a, $d, $g 8
$*, $a, $c, $d, $q 8
$#, $*, $a, $b, $c, $d 8
$#, $*, $@, $a, $b, $c, $d, $1 7
$*, $a, $c+, $d, $1 6
$*, $a, $c, $d, $1, $4 6
$*, $a, $b, $c, $d, $1 5
$#, $*, $a, $c+, $1 5
$#, $*, $a, $g 5
$*, $a, $c, $d, $x, $1 4
$#, $*, $a, $c, $4 4
$#, $*, $@, $a, $c, $d, $x, $1 4
$#, $*, $a, $b, $1 4
$#, $*, $a, $c, $q 4
$*, $a, $d, $g 3
$#, $*, $a, $c+, $d, $q, $1 3
$#, $*, $a, $d, $1, $4 3
$*, $a, $c, $1, $4 3
$*, $a, $d, $q, $1 3
$#, $*, $a, $c, $d, $q, $1, $4 3
$*, $@, $a, $c, $d, $1 3
$*, $a, $d, $g, $1 3
$#, $*, $@, $a, $c 2
$#, $*, $@, $a, $d 2
$#, $*, $a, $c, $d, $g, $q 2
$#, $*, $a, $c, $1, $4 2
$*, $a, $1, $4 2
$#, $*, $a, $c+, $d, $g, $1 2
$*, $a, $d, $1, $4 2
$*, $a, $d, $f, $1 1
$#, $*, $a, $c, $d, $4 1
$#, $*, $a, $c, $d, $g, $1 1
$*, $a, $d, $g+, $1 1
$#, $*, $a, $d, $g, $1, $4 1
$#, $*, $a, $g, $1 1
$#, $*, $a, $c+, $d, $q 1
$*, $@, $a, $b, $c, $d, $1 1
$#, $*, $a, $c, $q, $1 1
$*, $a, $b, $c, $d 1
$#, $*, $@, $a, $c, $1 1
$*, $a, $c, $g 1
$#, $*, $@, $a, $1 1
$*, $a, $x 1
$#, $*, $@, $a, $c, $d, $q, $1 1
$#, $*, $@, $a, $b, $d, $x, $1 1
$*, $a, $c, $4 1
$#, $*, $a, $c, $j, $1 1
$*, $a, $c+, $d 1
$#, $*, $a, $d, $g, $q, $1 1
$*, $a, $c, $d, $q, $1, $4 1
$#, $*, $@, $a 1
$#, $*, $a, $b 1
$#, $*, $a, $b, $c+, $d 1
$#, $*, $@, $a, $d, $q, $1 1
$#, $*, $a, $c, $g 1
$#, $*, $a, $d, $q, $6 1


  • O sinal + denota várias instâncias
ind2 Library of Congress Subject Headings (lcsh0) 9,581 4,815

Quais subcampos estão disponíveis nas instâncias individuais desse campo?

$* Link with identifier (in KBR version)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     9,581
$a Personal name                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     9,581
$c Titles and other words associated with a name                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     3,625
$d Dates associated with a name                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     5,571
$1 Real World Object URI                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     5,434
$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     820
$g Miscellaneous information                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     103
$q Fuller form of name                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     79
$x General subdivision                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     134
$v Form subdivision                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     57
$b Numeration                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     26
$@ Language of field (in KBR version)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     23
$t Title of a work                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     31
$z Geographic subdivision                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     7
$y Chronological subdivision                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     6
$n Number of part/section of a work                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     3
$e Relator term                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     2
$j Attribution qualifier                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     1
subcampos contagem
$*, $a 2,797
$*, $a, $c, $d, $1 2,361
$*, $a, $d, $1 1,890
$*, $a, $1 364
$*, $a, $c, $d 328
$*, $a, $c 263
$*, $a, $d 236
$#, $*, $a, $c, $d, $1 203
$#, $*, $a 183
$*, $a, $c, $1 162
$#, $*, $a, $d, $1 137
$*, $a, $g 87
$#, $*, $a, $c, $d 48
$*, $a, $c+, $d, $1 44
$#, $*, $a, $1 39
$*, $a, $c, $d, $q, $1 25
$#, $*, $a, $d, $x, $1 25
$#, $*, $a, $c 24
$#, $*, $a, $d 24
$#, $*, $a, $c, $1 24
$*, $a, $c, $d, $q 20
$*, $a, $d, $x, $1 19
$*, $a, $c+, $d 14
$*, $a, $d, $x 12
$#, $*, $a, $c+, $d, $1 11
$*, $a, $d, $v, $1 10
$#, $*, $a, $d, $v, $1 9
$*, $a, $b, $1 9
$*, $@, $a, $c, $d, $1 9
$*, $a, $d, $q, $1 8
$#, $*, $a, $d, $x 7
$#, $*, $@, $a, $c, $d, $1 7
$*, $a, $c, $d, $x, $1 6
$#, $*, $a, $c, $d, $x, $1 5
$*, $a, $x 5
$#, $*, $a, $d, $t, $1 5
$*, $a, $v, $x 5
$*, $a, $d, $q 5
$*, $a, $d, $x+, $1 4
$#, $*, $a, $d, $t 4
$#, $*, $a, $c, $d, $x 4
$*, $a, $d, $g 4
$*, $a, $d, $v, $x, $1 3
$#, $*, $a, $d, $x, $z+, $1 3
$*, $a, $t 3
$#, $*, $a, $x 3
$#, $*, $a, $g 3
$#, $*, $@, $a, $d, $1 3
$*, $a, $c+, $1 3
$*, $a, $c, $q 3
$#, $*, $a, $b, $c, $d, $1 3
$*, $a, $c, $d, $v, $1 3
$*, $a, $c, $d, $v 3
$#, $*, $a, $c, $v 3
$*, $a, $d, $t 3
$*, $a, $c+ 3
$#, $*, $a, $d, $v, $x, $1 2
$#, $*, $a, $v, $x 2
$*, $a, $d, $x+ 2
$*, $a, $c, $d, $y, $1 2
$#, $*, $a, $d, $v 2
$#, $*, $a, $c, $d, $q 2
$*, $a, $d, $t, $1 2
$*, $a, $c, $d, $q, $x, $1 2
$*, $a, $c, $d, $t, $1 2
$#, $*, $a, $c+, $d 2
$*, $a, $b, $c, $d, $1 2
$#, $*, $a, $d, $q, $x 2
$*, $a, $b, $d, $g, $1 2
$#, $*, $a, $b, $1 2
$*, $a, $b, $d, $1 2
$*, $a, $d, $n, $t, $x 2
$#, $*, $a, $c, $x 2
$#, $*, $a, $c, $t 2
$*, $a, $d, $v 2
$*, $a, $c, $d, $x+ 1
$*, $a, $c, $d, $v, $x 1
$#, $*, $a, $c+ 1
$*, $a, $c, $d, $g, $1 1
$#, $*, $a, $c, $d, $g, $q, $1 1
$*, $a, $c, $x, $1 1
$*, $a, $x, $z 1
$#, $*, $a, $c, $x+ 1
$*, $a, $c+, $d, $q 1
$*, $a, $c+, $d, $q, $1 1
$#, $*, $@, $a, $c, $d, $x, $1 1
$*, $a, $c, $e, $v 1
$#, $*, $a, $d, $q 1
$*, $a, $j 1
$#, $*, $a, $c, $d, $q, $1 1
$*, $a, $d, $y, $1 1
$*, $a, $b, $c, $d 1
$#, $*, $a, $d, $v+ 1
$#, $*, $a, $c, $d, $v 1
$*, $a, $v, $x, $1 1
$#, $*, $a, $t 1
$#, $*, $@, $a, $d, $v, $1 1
$#, $*, $a, $b, $c, $d, $x, $1 1
$*, $a, $d, $q, $v, $x 1
$#, $*, $@, $a 1
$*, $a, $b, $c 1
$*, $a, $c+, $d, $g, $1 1
$*, $a, $c, $g, $y 1
$#, $*, $a, $d, $q, $1 1
$#, $*, $a, $d, $x+, $1 1
$*, $a, $x+ 1
$#, $*, $a, $d, $x+ 1
$#, $*, $a, $x+ 1
$*, $a, $c, $v 1
$#, $*, $a, $b, $c, $d, $v, $1 1
$*, $a, $c, $x 1
$#, $*, $a, $c+, $d, $q 1
$#, $*, $a, $c, $d, $t, $1 1
$*, $a, $c+, $d, $v, $1 1
$#, $*, $a, $c, $g, $y 1
$*, $a, $x+, $y, $z 1
$#, $*, $a, $d, $x, $z, $1 1
$*, $a, $c, $d, $t 1
$*, $a, $d, $g, $q, $1 1
$*, $a, $b, $d, $q, $1 1
$*, $a, $c, $d, $t, $v 1
$#, $*, $a, $t, $v 1
$#, $*, $a, $d, $q, $t, $1 1
$*, $a, $d, $x, $z, $1 1
$*, $@, $a, $d, $1 1
$*, $a, $b, $c, $d, $x 1
$*, $a, $d, $e, $t 1
$#, $*, $a, $c, $g 1
$#, $*, $a, $d, $q, $x+ 1
$*, $a, $c, $d, $n, $t, $v 1


  • O sinal + denota várias instâncias
ind2 Source not specified (unspec) 2,925 1,781

Quais subcampos estão disponíveis nas instâncias individuais desse campo?

$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)                                                                                 1,823
$* Link with identifier (in KBR version)                                                                                 2,925
$a Personal name                                                                                 2,925
$c Titles and other words associated with a name                                                                                 2,592
$d Dates associated with a name                                                                                 1,327
$1 Real World Object URI                                                                                 1,066
$q Fuller form of name                                                                                 32
$g Miscellaneous information                                                                                 9
$b Numeration                                                                                 4
$@ Language of field (in KBR version)                                                                                 2
subcampos contagem
$#, $*, $a, $c 828
$*, $a, $c 506
$#, $*, $a, $c, $d, $1 450
$*, $a, $c, $d, $1 277
$#, $*, $a, $c, $d 212
$*, $a, $c, $d 110
$#, $*, $a, $c, $1 91
$#, $*, $a, $d 83
$*, $a, $c, $1 70
$#, $*, $a, $d, $1 62
$*, $a, $d, $1 46
$#, $*, $a 42
$*, $a, $d 39
$#, $*, $a, $1 18
$*, $a 15
$*, $a, $1 14
$#, $*, $a, $c+, $d 8
$*, $a, $c, $d, $q, $1 6
$#, $*, $a, $c, $d, $q, $1 6
$#, $*, $a, $c+, $d, $1 5
$*, $a, $c+, $d, $1 5
$#, $*, $a, $g 4
$#, $*, $a, $c, $d, $g, $q, $1 4
$*, $a, $c, $d, $q 3
$*, $a, $c, $q 2
$#, $*, $a, $c, $q 2
$*, $a, $c+, $1 2
$#, $*, $a, $d, $q, $1 2
$*, $a, $d, $q, $1 2
$*, $a, $c, $d, $g, $q, $1 1
$*, $a, $b, $d, $1 1
$#, $*, $a, $c, $d, $q 1
$#, $*, $a, $b, $d, $1 1
$#, $*, $@, $a 1
$#, $*, $a, $b 1
$#, $*, $@, $a, $c, $d 1
$*, $a, $c+, $d, $q, $1 1
$*, $a, $b, $1 1
$#, $*, $a, $d, $q 1
$*, $a, $c, $q, $1 1


  • O sinal + denota várias instâncias
ind2 Répertoire de vedettes-matière (rvm) 4 3

Quais subcampos estão disponíveis nas instâncias individuais desse campo?

$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)       4
$* Link with identifier (in KBR version)       4
$a Personal name       4
$d Dates associated with a name       4
$x General subdivision       3
$1 Real World Object URI       4
$v Form subdivision       1
subcampos contagem
$#, $*, $a, $d, $x, $1 2
$#, $*, $a, $d, $1 1
$#, $*, $a, $d, $v, $x, $1 1

610 — Subject Added Entry - Corporate Name

$2 Faceted application of subject terminology (Dublin, Ohio: OCLC) (fast) 7 6

Quais subcampos estão disponíveis nas instâncias individuais desse campo?

$* Link with identifier (in KBR version)             7
$a Corporate name or jurisdiction name as entry element             7
$2 Source of heading or term             7
$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)             4
$b Subordinate unit             4
$g Miscellaneous information             2
subcampos contagem
$*, $a, $2 2
$#, $*, $a, $b+, $g, $2 1
$#, $*, $a, $2 1
$#, $*, $a, $b, $g, $2 1
$*, $a, $b, $2 1
$#, $*, $a, $b+, $2 1


  • O sinal + denota várias instâncias
$2 Gemeinsame Normdatei (Leipzig, Frankfurt: Deutsche Nationalbibliothek) (gnd) 1 1

Quais subcampos estão disponíveis nas instâncias individuais desse campo?

$* Link with identifier (in KBR version)   1
$a Corporate name or jurisdiction name as entry element   1
$b Subordinate unit   1
$2 Source of heading or term   1
subcampos contagem
$*, $a, $b, $2 1
ind2 " " ( ) 326 268

Quais subcampos estão disponíveis nas instâncias individuais desse campo?

$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)                                               286
$* Link with identifier (in KBR version)                                               326
$a Corporate name or jurisdiction name as entry element                                               326
$g Miscellaneous information                                               165
$b Subordinate unit                                               21
$@ Language of field (in KBR version)                                               10
$c Location of meeting                                               10
$1 Real World Object URI                                               11
$d Date of meeting or treaty signing                                               6
$4 Relationship                                               1
$n Number of part/section/meeting                                               2
subcampos contagem
$#, $*, $a, $g 120
$#, $*, $a 117
$*, $a, $g 14
$*, $a 14
$#, $*, $a, $b 13
$#, $*, $a, $b, $g 8
$#, $*, $@, $a, $g 8
$#, $*, $a, $c 7
$*, $a, $g, $1 5
$#, $*, $a, $g, $1 3
$*, $a, $c 2
$#, $*, $a, $d, $g 2
$*, $a, $d 2
$#, $*, $a, $g+ 2
$#, $*, $@, $a, $c, $g 1
$#, $*, $a, $1 1
$#, $*, $a, $1, $4 1
$#, $*, $a, $n 1
$#, $*, $a, $d, $g+ 1
$#, $*, $a, $d 1
$*, $a, $n 1
$*, $a, $1 1
$*, $@, $a, $g 1


  • O sinal + denota várias instâncias
ind2 Source not specified (unspec) 153 153

Quais subcampos estão disponíveis nas instâncias individuais desse campo?

$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)         148
$* Link with identifier (in KBR version)         153
$a Corporate name or jurisdiction name as entry element         153
$x General subdivision         2
$b Subordinate unit         1
subcampos contagem
$#, $*, $a 148
$*, $a 3
$*, $a, $x 1
$*, $a, $b, $x 1
ind2 Library of Congress Subject Headings (lcsh0) 62 46

Quais subcampos estão disponíveis nas instâncias individuais desse campo?

$* Link with identifier (in KBR version)                                                   62
$a Corporate name or jurisdiction name as entry element                                                   62
$v Form subdivision                                                   20
$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)                                                   28
$z Geographic subdivision                                                   4
$b Subordinate unit                                                   24
$x General subdivision                                                   19
$g Miscellaneous information                                                   4
$k Form subheading                                                   1
$n Number of part/section/meeting                                                   1
$c Location of meeting                                                   1
$1 Real World Object URI                                                   1
$y Chronological subdivision                                                   2
subcampos contagem
$*, $a, $v 10
$*, $a 8
$#, $*, $a 6
$#, $*, $a, $v 3
$*, $a, $z 3
$*, $a, $b, $x 3
$#, $*, $a, $b+ 3
$#, $*, $a, $b+, $x 3
$*, $a, $x 2
$#, $*, $a, $x 2
$*, $a, $b, $g 2
$*, $a, $b+, $v 2
$*, $a, $b, $v 2
$#, $*, $a, $b, $x 2
$#, $*, $a, $k, $n, $v 1
$*, $a, $b+ 1
$#, $*, $a, $c, $1 1
$#, $*, $a, $b, $v, $x 1
$#, $*, $a, $b 1
$#, $*, $a, $x+, $z 1
$*, $a, $x, $y 1
$#, $*, $a, $b, $g, $x 1
$#, $*, $a, $b+, $g, $x 1
$#, $*, $a, $b+, $x, $y 1
$#, $*, $a, $b+, $v, $x 1


  • O sinal + denota várias instâncias
ind2 Medical Subject Headings (mesh) 1 1

Quais subcampos estão disponíveis nas instâncias individuais desse campo?

$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)   1
$* Link with identifier (in KBR version)   1
$a Corporate name or jurisdiction name as entry element   1
$b Subordinate unit   1
subcampos contagem
$#, $*, $a, $b+ 1


  • O sinal + denota várias instâncias

611 — Subject Added Entry - Meeting Name

$2 Faceted application of subject terminology (Dublin, Ohio: OCLC) (fast) 11 8

Quais subcampos estão disponíveis nas instâncias individuais desse campo?

$* Link with identifier (in KBR version)       11
$a Meeting name or jurisdiction name as entry element       11
$0 Authority record control number or standard number       10
$2 Source of heading or term       11
$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)       5
subcampos contagem
$*, $a, $0, $2 6
$#, $*, $a, $0, $2 4
$#, $*, $a, $2 1
ind2 Library of Congress Subject Headings (lcsh0) 3 3

Quais subcampos estão disponíveis nas instâncias individuais desse campo?

$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)       2
$* Link with identifier (in KBR version)       3
$a Meeting name or jurisdiction name as entry element       3
$d Date of meeting or treaty signing       2
$c Location of meeting       1
subcampos contagem
$#, $*, $a, $d 1
$#, $*, $a 1
$*, $a, $c, $d 1

630 — Subject Added Entry - Uniform Title

$2 Locally assigned term (local) 1 1

Quais subcampos estão disponíveis nas instâncias individuais desse campo?

$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)   1
$* Link with identifier (in KBR version)   1
$@ Language of field (in KBR version)   1
$a Uniform title   1
$l Language of a work   1
$2 Source of heading or term   1
subcampos contagem
$#, $*, $@, $a, $l, $2 1
$2 Faceted application of subject terminology (Dublin, Ohio: OCLC) (fast) 1 1

Quais subcampos estão disponíveis nas instâncias individuais desse campo?

$* Link with identifier (in KBR version)   1
$a Uniform title   1
$0 Authority record control number or standard number   1
$2 Source of heading or term   1
subcampos contagem
$*, $a, $0, $2 1
ind2 Library of Congress Subject Headings (lcsh0) 47 27

Quais subcampos estão disponíveis nas instâncias individuais desse campo?

$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)                             18
$* Link with identifier (in KBR version)                             47
$a Uniform title                             47
$p Name of part/section of a work                             37
$x General subdivision                             39
$v Form subdivision                             8
$y Chronological subdivision                             4
$k Form subheading                             3
$l Language of a work                             2
subcampos contagem
$#, $*, $a, $p, $x 14
$*, $a, $p, $x 12
$*, $a, $p, $v 3
$*, $a, $x 2
$*, $a, $p, $v, $x 2
$*, $a, $p, $x+, $y 2
$*, $a, $k+, $x 2
$*, $a, $l 2
$*, $a, $p, $x+ 2
$*, $a, $v 2
$#, $*, $a, $p, $x+, $y 1
$#, $*, $a, $k+, $x+, $y 1
$#, $*, $a, $v 1
$#, $*, $a, $p, $x+ 1


  • O sinal + denota várias instâncias

648 — Subject Added Entry - Chronological Term

$2 Faceted application of subject terminology (Dublin, Ohio: OCLC) (fast) 22 22

Quais subcampos estão disponíveis nas instâncias individuais desse campo?

$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)     11
$* Link with identifier (in KBR version)     22
$a Chronological term     22
$2 Source of heading or term     22
subcampos contagem
$#, $*, $a, $2 11
$*, $a, $2 11
$2 undetectable (undetectable) 2 2

Quais subcampos estão disponíveis nas instâncias individuais desse campo?

$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)   2
$* Link with identifier (in KBR version)   2
$a Chronological term   2
subcampos contagem
$#, $*, $a 2
ind2 Source not specified (unspec) 37,549 27,054

Quais subcampos estão disponíveis nas instâncias individuais desse campo?

$* Link with identifier (in KBR version)     37,549
$a Chronological term     37,549
$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)     1,619
subcampos contagem
$*, $a 35,930
$#, $*, $a 1,619
ind2 " " ( ) 5,250 3,756

Quais subcampos estão disponíveis nas instâncias individuais desse campo?

$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)   5,250
$* Link with identifier (in KBR version)   5,250
$a Chronological term   5,250
subcampos contagem
$#, $*, $a 5,250

650 — Subject Added Entry - Topical Term

$2 Locally assigned term (local) 1,127,508 398,853

Quais subcampos estão disponíveis nas instâncias individuais desse campo?

$* Link with identifier (in KBR version)                                                 1,127,508
$a Topical term or geographic name entry element                                                 1,127,508
$g Miscellaneous information                                                 1,115,750
$2 Source of heading or term                                                 1,127,508
$b Topical term following geographic name entry element                                                 9,898
$v Form subdivision                                                 9,896
$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)                                                 10,184
$@ Language of field (in KBR version)                                                 3,949
$y Chronological subdivision                                                 2,075
$x General subdivision                                                 135
$z Geographic subdivision                                                 2
subcampos contagem
$*, $a, $g, $2 1,104,354
$*, $a, $b, $v, $2 9,877
$#, $*, $a, $g, $2 5,552
$#, $*, $@, $a, $g, $2 3,010
$*, $a, $g, $y, $2 1,946
$#, $*, $a, $2 982
$*, $@, $a, $g, $2 445
$#, $*, $@, $a, $2 407
$*, $a, $2 335
$*, $a, $g+, $2 245
$*, $a, $g+, $y, $2 115
$#, $*, $a, $x, $2 76
$#, $*, $a, $g+, $2 69
$#, $*, $@, $a, $x, $2 38
$#, $*, $@, $a, $b, $v, $2 19
$#, $*, $@, $a, $x+, $2 14
$#, $*, $@, $a, $g, $y, $2 11
$#, $*, $a, $x+, $2 4
$*, $@, $a, $g, $y, $2 3
$*, $a, $x, $2 2
$*, $@, $a, $2 1
$#, $*, $@, $a, $b, $z, $2 1
$*, $a, $x+, $2 1
$#, $*, $a, $b, $z, $2 1


  • O sinal + denota várias instâncias
$2 Faceted application of subject terminology (Dublin, Ohio: OCLC) (fast) 167 73

Quais subcampos estão disponíveis nas instâncias individuais desse campo?

$* Link with identifier (in KBR version)                   167
$a Topical term or geographic name entry element                   167
$2 Source of heading or term                   167
$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)                   91
$@ Language of field (in KBR version)                   32
$g Miscellaneous information                   7
$0 Authority record control number or standard number                   6
$v Form subdivision                   1
subcampos contagem
$*, $a, $2 68
$#, $*, $a, $2 55
$#, $*, $@, $a, $2 31
$*, $a, $g, $2 4
$*, $a, $0, $2 3
$#, $*, $a, $g, $2 2
$#, $*, $a, $0, $2 2
$*, $a, $v+, $2 1
$#, $*, $@, $a, $g, $0, $2 1


  • O sinal + denota várias instâncias
$2 BISAC Subject Headings (bisacsh) 49 23

Quais subcampos estão disponíveis nas instâncias individuais desse campo?

$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)     25
$* Link with identifier (in KBR version)     49
$a Topical term or geographic name entry element     49
$2 Source of heading or term     49
subcampos contagem
$#, $*, $a, $2 25
$*, $a, $2 24
$2 GEMET Thesaurus (European Environment Agency (EEA)) (gemet) 48 27

Quais subcampos estão disponíveis nas instâncias individuais desse campo?

$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)       42
$* Link with identifier (in KBR version)       48
$a Topical term or geographic name entry element       48
$2 Source of heading or term       48
$@ Language of field (in KBR version)       2
subcampos contagem
$#, $*, $a, $2 40
$*, $a, $2 6
$#, $*, $@, $a, $2 2
$2 Gemeinsame Normdatei (Leipzig, Frankfurt: Deutsche Nationalbibliothek) (gnd) 33 12

Quais subcampos estão disponíveis nas instâncias individuais desse campo?

$* Link with identifier (in KBR version)       33
$a Topical term or geographic name entry element       33
$2 Source of heading or term       33
$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)       15
$@ Language of field (in KBR version)       3
subcampos contagem
$*, $a, $2 18
$#, $*, $a, $2 12
$#, $*, $@, $a, $2 3
$2 undetectable (undetectable) 17 9

Quais subcampos estão disponíveis nas instâncias individuais desse campo?

$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)         16
$* Link with identifier (in KBR version)         17
$a Topical term or geographic name entry element         17
$g Miscellaneous information         4
$@ Language of field (in KBR version)         4
$b Topical term following geographic name entry element         1
$c Location of event         1
$d Active dates         1
subcampos contagem
$#, $*, $a 8
$#, $*, $a, $g 4
$#, $*, $@, $a 4
$*, $a, $b, $c, $d 1
$2 Library of Congress subject headings (Washington, DC: LC, Cataloging Distribution Service) (lcsh) 8 5

Quais subcampos estão disponíveis nas instâncias individuais desse campo?

$* Link with identifier (in KBR version)           8
$a Topical term or geographic name entry element           8
$2 Source of heading or term           8
$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)           5
$y Chronological subdivision           1
$@ Language of field (in KBR version)           2
$g Miscellaneous information           1
subcampos contagem
$*, $a, $2 3
$#, $*, $a, $2 2
$#, $*, $a, $y, $2 1
$#, $*, $@, $a, $g, $2 1
$#, $*, $@, $a, $2 1
$2 Indexation matires RERO (Martigny: Réseau des bibliothèques de Suisse occidentale) (rero) 7 1

Quais subcampos estão disponíveis nas instâncias individuais desse campo?

$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)       7
$* Link with identifier (in KBR version)       7
$a Topical term or geographic name entry element       7
$2 Source of heading or term       7
$@ Language of field (in KBR version)       3
$g Miscellaneous information       1
subcampos contagem
$#, $*, $a, $2 3
$#, $*, $@, $a, $2 3
$#, $*, $a, $g, $2 1
$2 Svenska ämnesord (Stockholm: Kungliga Biblioteket, LIBRIS-avdelningen) (sao) 6 3

Quais subcampos estão disponíveis nas instâncias individuais desse campo?

$* Link with identifier (in KBR version)   6
$a Topical term or geographic name entry element   6
$2 Source of heading or term   6
subcampos contagem
$*, $a, $2 6
$2 GOO-trefwoorden thesaurus (Den Haag: Koninklijke Bibliotheek) (gtt) 5 2

Quais subcampos estão disponíveis nas instâncias individuais desse campo?

$* Link with identifier (in KBR version)       5
$a Topical term or geographic name entry element       5
$2 Source of heading or term       5
$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)       2
$g Miscellaneous information       2
$@ Language of field (in KBR version)       1
subcampos contagem
$*, $a, $2 3
$#, $*, $a, $g, $2 1
$#, $*, $@, $a, $g, $2 1
$2 Répertoire d'autorités-sujet de l'UQAM (Montéral: Université du Québec Montréal, Services techniques des bibliothèques) (rasuqam) 5 1

Quais subcampos estão disponíveis nas instâncias individuais desse campo?

$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)     5
$* Link with identifier (in KBR version)     5
$a Topical term or geographic name entry element     5
$g Miscellaneous information     3
$2 Source of heading or term     5
subcampos contagem
$#, $*, $a, $g, $2 3
$#, $*, $a, $2 2
$2 RAMEAU: répertoire d'authorité de matières encyclopédique unifié (Paris: Bibliothèque nationale) (ram) 3 3

Quais subcampos estão disponíveis nas instâncias individuais desse campo?

$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)     2
$* Link with identifier (in KBR version)     3
$a Topical term or geographic name entry element     3
$2 Source of heading or term     3
subcampos contagem
$#, $*, $a, $2 2
$*, $a, $2 1
$2 Schlagwortnormdatei (Frankfurt am Main: Die Deutsche Bibliothek) (swd) 2 1

Quais subcampos estão disponíveis nas instâncias individuais desse campo?

$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)   2
$* Link with identifier (in KBR version)   2
$a Topical term or geographic name entry element   2
$2 Source of heading or term   2
subcampos contagem
$#, $*, $a, $2 2
$2 z (z) 1 1

Quais subcampos estão disponíveis nas instâncias individuais desse campo?

$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)   1
$* Link with identifier (in KBR version)   1
$a Topical term or geographic name entry element   1
$2 Source of heading or term   1
subcampos contagem
$#, $*, $a, $2 1
$2 Répertoire de vedettes-matière (Québec, Québec: Bibliothèque de l'Université Laval) (rvm) 1 1

Quais subcampos estão disponíveis nas instâncias individuais desse campo?

$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)   1
$* Link with identifier (in KBR version)   1
$@ Language of field (in KBR version)   1
$a Topical term or geographic name entry element   1
$2 Source of heading or term   1
subcampos contagem
$#, $*, $@, $a, $2 1
ind2 Library of Congress Subject Headings (lcsh0) 169,119 118,104

Quais subcampos estão disponíveis nas instâncias individuais desse campo?

$* Link with identifier (in KBR version)                                                                                                                                         169,119
$a Topical term or geographic name entry element                                                                                                                                         169,117
$g Miscellaneous information                                                                                                                                         7,407
$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)                                                                                                                                         3,894
$@ Language of field (in KBR version)                                                                                                                                         3,198
$b Topical term following geographic name entry element                                                                                                                                         210
$x General subdivision                                                                                                                                         384
$z Geographic subdivision                                                                                                                                         379
$y Chronological subdivision                                                                                                                                         210
$v Form subdivision                                                                                                                                         317
$0 Authority record control number or standard number                                                                                                                                         3
subcampos contagem
$*, $a 153,521
$*, $a, $g 6,961
$*+, $a+ 3,664
$#, $*, $@, $a 1,798
$#, $*+, $@, $a+ 851
$#, $*, $a 457
$*+, $a+, $g 283
$*, $a, $b 189
$*, $@, $a 134
$#, $*, $@, $a, $g 107
$#, $*, $@, $a, $x 104
$#, $*, $a, $z 102
$*, $a, $z 93
$#, $*, $@, $a, $x+ 86
$*, $a, $y 76
$#, $*, $a, $v 71
$*, $a, $v 65
$*, $a, $x 54
$#, $*, $@, $a, $x, $y 45
$#, $*, $a, $v, $z 41
$*, $a, $v, $z 41
$#, $*, $a, $x 34
$#, $*, $a, $y 34
$*, $a, $x+ 33
$#, $*, $a, $g 26
$*, $a, $z+ 25
$#, $*, $@, $a, $v 25
$#, $*, $a, $x+ 20
$*, $a, $v, $y 16
$*, $a, $b+ 15
$*, $a, $v, $z+ 15
$#, $*+, $@, $a+, $g 14
$#, $*+, $a+ 12
$#, $*, $@, $a, $v, $z+ 9
$*, $@, $a, $g 9
$#, $*, $a, $v, $z+ 8
$#, $*, $a, $z+ 8
$#, $*, $a, $v, $y 6
$*, $a, $v+ 5
$*, $a, $y, $z 5
$#, $*, $a, $y, $z+ 4
$#, $*, $@, $a, $v, $y 4
$#, $*, $@, $a, $y 4
$#, $*, $a, $b, $z 4
$#, $*, $@, $a, $z 4
$*+, $a+, $g+ 3
$*, $a, $x, $y, $z 3
$*, $a, $y, $z+ 3
$#, $*, $a, $0 2
$#, $*, $a, $v+, $y 2
$#, $*, $a, $v+, $z 2
$*, $a, $b, $z 2
$#, $*, $a, $v+ 2
$* 2
$*+, $a+, $g, $y 2
$*, $a, $v+, $z+ 2
$#, $*, $@, $a, $x, $z 1
$#, $*+, $a+, $g 1
$*, $a, $x, $z 1
$#, $*, $a, $y, $z 1
$#, $*, $@, $a, $g, $0 1
$#, $*, $@, $a, $v, $z 1
$#, $*, $a, $x, $y 1
$#, $*, $a, $x, $y, $z 1
$*, $a, $v, $y, $z+ 1
$*, $a, $v, $y, $z 1
$*, $a, $x+, $y 1
$#, $*, $@, $a, $z+ 1


  • O sinal + denota várias instâncias
ind2 " " ( ) 46,066 29,453

Quais subcampos estão disponíveis nas instâncias individuais desse campo?

$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)                                                                                                                                                   37,066
$* Link with identifier (in KBR version)                                                                                                                                                   46,066
$@ Language of field (in KBR version)                                                                                                                                                   19,841
$a Topical term or geographic name entry element                                                                                                                                                   46,065
$g Miscellaneous information                                                                                                                                                   2,978
$x General subdivision                                                                                                                                                   3,716
$z Geographic subdivision                                                                                                                                                   424
$2 Source of heading or term                                                                                                                                                   422
$y Chronological subdivision                                                                                                                                                   191
$b Topical term following geographic name entry element                                                                                                                                                   62
$v Form subdivision                                                                                                                                                   42
$c Location of event                                                                                                                                                   29
$1 Real World Object URI                                                                                                                                                   1
subcampos contagem
$#, $*, $@, $a 17,682
$#, $*, $a 13,543
$*, $a 7,359
$#, $*, $a, $g 1,247
$#, $*, $a, $x 1,220
$#, $*, $@, $a, $x 1,098
$*, $a, $g 982
$#, $*, $@, $a, $x+ 500
$#, $*, $a, $x+ 499
$#, $*, $a, $z+ 152
$#, $*, $@, $a, $g+ 152
$#, $*, $@, $a, $g 149
$*, $a, $x 131
$#, $*, $a, $g+ 127
$#, $*, $a, $g+, $2 103
$*, $a, $2 100
$#, $*, $a, $2 97
$*, $@, $a 96
$*, $a, $g+ 77
$#, $*, $a, $z 73
$*, $a, $g+, $2 67
$#, $*, $@, $a, $x, $y 65
$#, $*, $a, $y 64
$*, $a, $x+ 60
$#, $*, $a, $x, $z 48
$#, $*, $a, $b 42
$*, $a, $z+ 32
$*, $a, $g, $2 30
$#, $*, $@, $a, $z 21
$#, $*, $@, $a, $z+ 21
$#, $*, $a, $v 19
$#, $*, $@, $a, $x, $z 14
$#, $*, $a, $g, $2 14
$*, $a, $c, $g 14
$#, $*, $a, $x, $y 13
$#, $*, $a, $c, $g 13
$*, $a, $x, $y 11
$#, $*, $@, $a, $2 11
$*, $a, $z 11
$*, $a, $v 8
$#, $*, $a, $b, $z 8
$#, $*, $a, $y, $z 6
$#, $*, $@, $a, $x+, $y 6
$#, $*, $@, $a, $y 6
$#, $*, $a, $b, $x 6
$*, $a, $x+, $y 6
$*, $a, $x, $z+ 5
$#, $*, $a, $x, $z+ 5
$#, $*, $a, $v, $z 4
$#, $*, $@, $a, $x, $z+ 4
$*, $a, $x, $z 4
$#, $*, $@, $a, $v 4
$#, $*, $@, $a, $b 3
$#, $*, $a, $x+, $z 3
$#, $*, $a, $x+, $y 3
$#, $*, $a, $x, $y, $z+ 3
$#, $*, $a, $g, $y 3
$#, $*, $@, $a, $c 2
$#, $*, $@, $a, $x+, $z 2
$*, $a, $b 2
$#, $*, $@, $a, $x+, $z+ 2
$#, $*, $a, $x, $y, $z 2
$*, $a, $v, $z 2
$#, $*, $a, $v, $z+ 1
$#, $*, $a, $v, $x, $y 1
$#, $*, $a, $1 1
$#, $*, $a, $v, $x 1
$#, $*, $@ 1
$*, $a, $y 1
$#, $*, $@, $a, $v, $x 1
$#, $*, $@, $a, $b, $x 1
$*, $a, $v, $x 1
$*, $a, $x, $y, $z+ 1


  • O sinal + denota várias instâncias
ind2 Source not specified (unspec) 24,305 13,541

Quais subcampos estão disponíveis nas instâncias individuais desse campo?

$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)                                                                                                                                             20,302
$* Link with identifier (in KBR version)                                                                                                                                             24,305
$a Topical term or geographic name entry element                                                                                                                                             24,305
$@ Language of field (in KBR version)                                                                                                                                             3,677
$g Miscellaneous information                                                                                                                                             752
$z Geographic subdivision                                                                                                                                             506
$b Topical term following geographic name entry element                                                                                                                                             234
$v Form subdivision                                                                                                                                             89
$y Chronological subdivision                                                                                                                                             114
$2 Source of heading or term                                                                                                                                             40
$x General subdivision                                                                                                                                             83
$c Location of event                                                                                                                                             2
subcampos contagem
$#, $*, $a 15,552
$*, $a 3,655
$#, $*, $@, $a 3,490
$#, $*, $a, $g 484
$#, $*, $a, $z 179
$*, $a, $g 173
$#, $*, $a, $z+ 91
$#, $*, $a, $b 85
$#, $*, $@, $a, $g 50
$#, $*, $a, $v 42
$#, $*, $a, $b, $z 38
$*, $a, $z 37
$#, $*, $a, $y, $z 33
$#, $*, $a, $g, $2 31
$#, $*, $@, $a, $x+ 31
$#, $*, $a, $y 30
$*, $a, $b 28
$#, $*, $@, $a, $b 20
$*, $a, $z+ 20
$*, $@, $a 17
$#, $*, $@, $a, $z 16
$#, $*, $@, $a, $x 16
$#, $*, $a, $v, $z 14
$*, $a, $b, $z 14
$#, $*, $a, $x 13
$#, $*, $@, $a, $b, $z 11
$#, $*, $a, $x+ 9
$*, $a, $v 9
$*, $a, $y 9
$#, $*, $@, $a, $z+ 8
$*, $a, $x+ 7
$#, $*, $a, $b, $z+ 6
$#, $*, $a, $v, $y 5
$*, $a, $b, $z+ 5
$#, $*, $a, $2 4
$#, $*, $@, $a, $y, $z 4
$#, $*, $a, $y, $z+ 4
$#, $*, $a, $b, $y, $z 4
$*, $a, $x 4
$#, $*, $a, $b, $y 4
$*, $a, $g, $2 3
$#, $*, $@, $a, $v, $z 3
$#, $*, $a, $g, $y 3
$#, $*, $@, $a, $y 3
$#, $*, $@, $a, $v 3
$*, $a, $y, $z 3
$#, $*, $a, $b, $v 3
$*, $a, $x, $z 2
$#, $*, $@, $a, $y+ 2
$*, $a, $b, $y 2
$*, $a, $c, $g 2
$#, $*, $a, $b, $v, $y 2
$*, $a, $b, $v, $z 2
$*, $a, $v, $z 2
$*, $a, $b, $g 2
$*, $a, $b, $y, $z 2
$#, $*, $a, $v, $z+ 1
$#, $*, $@, $a, $b, $v, $z 1
$#, $*, $a, $b, $g 1
$#, $*, $@, $a, $b, $y, $z 1
$#, $*, $a, $y+ 1
$*, $a, $b, $g, $z 1
$#, $*, $@, $a, $2 1
$#, $*, $a, $x, $z 1
$#, $*, $a, $b, $v, $z 1
$*, $a, $v, $y 1
$#, $*, $a, $b, $g, $z 1
$*, $a, $g+ 1
$*, $a, $y, $z+ 1
$*, $a, $2 1


  • O sinal + denota várias instâncias
ind2 LC subject headings for children's literature (lcchild) 691 639

Quais subcampos estão disponíveis nas instâncias individuais desse campo?

$* Link with identifier (in KBR version)           691
$a Topical term or geographic name entry element           691
$g Miscellaneous information           12
$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)           8
$@ Language of field (in KBR version)           4
$v Form subdivision           3
subcampos contagem
$*, $a 672
$*, $a, $g 11
$#, $*, $@, $a 4
$#, $*, $a, $v 3
$#, $*, $a, $g 1
ind2 Répertoire de vedettes-matière (rvm) 137 62

Quais subcampos estão disponíveis nas instâncias individuais desse campo?

$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)                           107
$* Link with identifier (in KBR version)                           137
$@ Language of field (in KBR version)                           77
$a Topical term or geographic name entry element                           137
$v Form subdivision                           10
$y Chronological subdivision                           6
$g Miscellaneous information                           5
$z Geographic subdivision                           4
$b Topical term following geographic name entry element                           1
subcampos contagem
$#, $*, $@, $a 75
$*, $a 28
$#, $*, $a 16
$#, $*, $a, $v 3
$#, $*, $a, $v+, $y 2
$#, $*, $@, $a, $g 2
$#, $*, $a, $v, $y 2
$#, $*, $a, $v, $z 2
$#, $*, $a, $g 2
$#, $*, $a, $y 2
$#, $*, $a, $v, $z+ 1
$*, $a, $g 1
$*, $a, $b, $z 1


  • O sinal + denota várias instâncias

651 — Subject Added Entry - Geographic Name

$2 Faceted application of subject terminology (Dublin, Ohio: OCLC) (fast) 37 28

Quais subcampos estão disponíveis nas instâncias individuais desse campo?

$* Link with identifier (in KBR version)                         37
$a Geographic name                         37
$2 Source of heading or term                         37
$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)                         18
$x General subdivision                         12
$y Chronological subdivision                         10
$z Geographic subdivision                         7
$v Form subdivision                         5
$@ Language of field (in KBR version)                         2
$0 Authority record control number or standard number                         1
subcampos contagem
$*, $a, $2 11
$#, $*, $a, $x, $y, $2 5
$*, $a, $z, $2 4
$#, $*, $a, $2 4
$#, $*, $a, $z, $2 3
$#, $*, $a, $v, $x, $y, $2 2
$*, $a, $x, $y, $2 2
$#, $*, $@, $a, $2 2
$#, $*, $a, $v, $0, $2 1
$*, $a, $v, $x, $y, $2 1
$#, $*, $a, $x, $2 1
$*, $a, $v, $x, $2 1
$2 Locally assigned term (local) 15 3

Quais subcampos estão disponíveis nas instâncias individuais desse campo?

$* Link with identifier (in KBR version)       15
$a Geographic name       15
$g Miscellaneous information       13
$2 Source of heading or term       15
$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)       6
$@ Language of field (in KBR version)       2
subcampos contagem
$*, $a, $g, $2 9
$#, $*, $a, $g, $2 4
$#, $*, $@, $a, $2 2
$2 Gemeinsame Normdatei (Leipzig, Frankfurt: Deutsche Nationalbibliothek) (gnd) 4 4

Quais subcampos estão disponíveis nas instâncias individuais desse campo?

$* Link with identifier (in KBR version)     4
$a Geographic name     4
$2 Source of heading or term     4
$0 Authority record control number or standard number     1
subcampos contagem
$*, $a, $2 3
$*, $0+, $a, $2 1


  • O sinal + denota várias instâncias
$2 Svenska ämnesord (Stockholm: Kungliga Biblioteket, LIBRIS-avdelningen) (sao) 3 1

Quais subcampos estão disponíveis nas instâncias individuais desse campo?

$* Link with identifier (in KBR version)   3
$a Geographic name   3
$2 Source of heading or term   3
subcampos contagem
$*, $a, $2 3
$2 GOO-trefwoorden thesaurus (Den Haag: Koninklijke Bibliotheek) (gtt) 1 1

Quais subcampos estão disponíveis nas instâncias individuais desse campo?

$* Link with identifier (in KBR version)   1
$a Geographic name   1
$2 Source of heading or term   1
subcampos contagem
$*, $a, $2 1
ind2 Source not specified (unspec) 24,928 24,877

Quais subcampos estão disponíveis nas instâncias individuais desse campo?

$* Link with identifier (in KBR version)                     24,928
$a Geographic name                     24,928
$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)                     1,298
$@ Language of field (in KBR version)                     36
$x General subdivision                     9
$v Form subdivision                     2
$y Chronological subdivision                     2
$z Geographic subdivision                     4
subcampos contagem
$*, $a 23,626
$#, $*, $a 1,253
$#, $*, $@, $a 36
$*, $a, $x 3
$#, $*, $a, $x 2
$#, $*, $a, $v 2
$#, $*, $a, $x, $y 2
$#, $*, $a, $x, $z 2
$*, $a, $z 1
$#, $*, $a, $z 1
ind2 Répertoire de vedettes-matière (rvm) 13,878 10,508

Quais subcampos estão disponíveis nas instâncias individuais desse campo?

$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)                                               9,663
$* Link with identifier (in KBR version)                                               13,878
$a Geographic name                                               13,878
$v Form subdivision                                               6,785
$x General subdivision                                               4,930
$@ Language of field (in KBR version)                                               4,151
$0 Authority record control number or standard number                                               78
$y Chronological subdivision                                               20
$z Geographic subdivision                                               1
subcampos contagem
$#, $*, $a, $v+ 2,830
$*, $a, $v+ 2,261
$#, $*, $a, $x+ 1,760
$#, $*, $@, $a, $x+ 1,714
$#, $*, $@, $a, $v+ 1,664
$*, $a, $x+ 1,392
$#, $*, $a 830
$#, $*, $@, $a 740
$*, $a 514
$#, $*, $a, $0 38
$#, $*, $a, $x 27
$#, $*, $a, $v 22
$*, $a, $0 21
$#, $*, $@, $a, $0 19
$#, $*, $a, $x, $y 12
$*, $a, $x 9
$*, $a, $x, $y 8
$*, $@, $a, $x+ 6
$#, $*, $@, $a, $v 4
$*, $a, $v 3
$#, $*, $@, $a, $x 2
$#, $*, $@, $a, $z 1
$*, $@, $a, $v+ 1


  • O sinal + denota várias instâncias
ind2 " " ( ) 12,528 11,919

Quais subcampos estão disponíveis nas instâncias individuais desse campo?

$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)                                                   12,406
$* Link with identifier (in KBR version)                                                   12,528
$a Geographic name                                                   12,528
$@ Language of field (in KBR version)                                                   1,132
$v Form subdivision                                                   338
$x General subdivision                                                   52
$y Chronological subdivision                                                   13
$z Geographic subdivision                                                   10
$0 Authority record control number or standard number                                                   1
subcampos contagem
$#, $*, $a 10,949
$#, $*, $@, $a 1,101
$#, $*, $a, $v 224
$*, $a 80
$#, $*, $a, $v+ 61
$*, $a, $v 18
$#, $*, $@, $a, $v 11
$#, $*, $a, $x 10
$#, $*, $a, $x+ 10
$*, $a, $v+ 10
$#, $*, $@, $a, $v+ 9
$#, $*, $@, $a, $x+ 9
$#, $*, $a, $x, $y 8
$#, $*, $a, $z 7
$*, $a, $x+ 6
$*, $a, $x 3
$*, $a, $z+ 3
$#, $*, $a, $v+, $x 2
$#, $*, $a, $v, $x, $y 1
$#, $*, $@, $a, $x, $y 1
$#, $*, $a, $0 1
$#, $*, $a, $v, $y 1
$#, $*, $a, $v+, $x, $y 1
$*, $a, $x, $y 1
$*, $@, $a 1


  • O sinal + denota várias instâncias
ind2 Library of Congress Subject Headings (lcsh0) 254 145

Quais subcampos estão disponíveis nas instâncias individuais desse campo?

$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)                                                 153
$* Link with identifier (in KBR version)                                                 254
$a Geographic name                                                 254
$x General subdivision                                                 230
$y Chronological subdivision                                                 112
$v Form subdivision                                                 45
$z Geographic subdivision                                                 13
$@ Language of field (in KBR version)                                                 1
subcampos contagem
$#, $*, $a, $x, $y 56
$*, $a, $x 33
$#, $*, $a, $x 33
$*, $a, $x, $y 26
$#, $*, $a, $x+, $y 14
$*, $a, $v, $x 13
$*, $a, $x+ 10
$#, $*, $a, $x+ 9
$#, $*, $a, $x, $z 8
$#, $*, $a, $v 7
$#, $*, $a, $v, $x 7
$*, $a 7
$*, $a, $x+, $y 6
$#, $*, $a 5
$#, $*, $a, $v, $x, $y 4
$*, $a, $v, $x, $y 3
$#, $*, $a, $v, $x+, $y 3
$#, $*, $a, $v, $x+ 2
$#, $*, $a, $v, $x+, $z 2
$*, $a, $v 2
$*, $a, $z 1
$#, $*, $a, $v, $z 1
$#, $*, $a, $x+, $z 1
$#, $*, $@, $a, $v 1


  • O sinal + denota várias instâncias
ind2 LC subject headings for children's literature (lcchild) 2 1

Quais subcampos estão disponíveis nas instâncias individuais desse campo?

$* Link with identifier (in KBR version)   2
$a Geographic name   2
subcampos contagem
$*, $a 2

653 — Index Term - Uncontrolled

ind2 No information provided (uncontrolled/#) 7,207,918 1,001,169

Quais subcampos estão disponíveis nas instâncias individuais desse campo?

$@ Language of field (in KBR version)             6,417,237
$a Uncontrolled term             7,207,918
$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)             226,762
subcampos contagem
$@, $a 6,396,537
$a 584,449
$#, $a 206,054
$#, $@, $a 20,700
$a+ 170
$#, $a+ 8


  • O sinal + denota várias instâncias
ind2 Genre/form term (uncontrolled/6) 411 206

Quais subcampos estão disponíveis nas instâncias individuais desse campo?

$a Uncontrolled term   411
subcampos contagem
$a 411
ind2 Chronological term (uncontrolled/4) 66 6

Quais subcampos estão disponíveis nas instâncias individuais desse campo?

$@ Language of field (in KBR version)     45
$a Uncontrolled term     66
subcampos contagem
$@, $a 45
$a 21

654 — Subject Added Entry - Faceted Topical Terms

$2 kbr 491,900 255,936

Quais subcampos estão disponíveis nas instâncias individuais desse campo?

$* Link with identifier (in KBR version)                                                                                                                                                                                                             491,900
$a Focus term                                                                                                                                                                                                             491,900
$b Non-focus term                                                                                                                                                                                                             437,125
$2 Source of heading or term                                                                                                                                                                                                             491,900
$y Chronological subdivision                                                                                                                                                                                                             5,028
$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)                                                                                                                                                                                                             6,887
$@ Language of field (in KBR version)                                                                                                                                                                                                             4,373
$x(não definido)                                                                                                                                                                                                             1,703
$z Geographic subdivision                                                                                                                                                                                                             912
$v Form subdivision                                                                                                                                                                                                             167
$0 Authority record control number or standard number                                                                                                                                                                                                             25
subcampos contagem
$*, $a, $b, $2 228,711
$*, $a, $b+, $2 197,847
$*+, $a+, $2 50,789
$*, $a, $b, $y, $2 3,118
$#, $*, $@, $a, $b, $2 2,242
$#, $*, $a, $b, $2 1,323
$*, $a, $x+, $2 1,012
$#, $*, $@, $a, $b+, $2 973
$*, $a, $2 820
$#, $*+, $@, $a+, $2 699
$*, $a, $b+, $y, $2 659
$*, $a, $x, $2 652
$#, $*, $a, $b+, $2 533
$*, $a, $y, $2 282
$*, $a, $b, $z, $2 233
$*+, $a+, $y, $2 213
$#, $*, $a, $b, $z, $2 208
$#, $*, $a, $b, $y, $2 190
$*+, $a+, $b, $2 114
$#, $*, $@, $a, $b, $y, $2 109
$#, $*+, $a+, $2 99
$#, $*, $a, $b+, $y, $2 99
$*, $@, $a, $b, $2 93
$*, $a, $b, $y, $z, $2 93
$#, $*, $a, $b, $y, $z, $2 76
$*, $@, $a, $b+, $2 71
$*, $a, $z, $2 60
$#, $*, $@, $a, $b+, $y, $2 48
$#, $*, $a, $b, $v, $2 34
$*+, $@, $a+, $2 28
$*, $a, $b+, $z, $2 27
$#, $*, $a, $b, $z+, $2 26
$*, $a, $v, $2 24
$#, $*, $a, $b, $y, $z+, $2 21
$#, $*, $@, $a, $x, $2 21
$*, $a, $b, $v, $2 19
$#, $*, $@, $a, $b, $z, $2 18
$#, $*, $@, $a, $b, $y, $z, $2 17
$*, $a, $b, $z+, $2 16
$*, $2+, $a, $b, $0 16
$#, $*, $a, $b+, $z, $2 15
$#, $*, $@, $a, $2 15
$*+, $a+, $b+, $2 12
$*+, $a+, $z, $2 11
$#, $*, $a, $y, $2 10
$*, $a, $b, $v, $z, $2 10
$#, $*, $a, $b, $v, $y, $2 9
$*, $a, $b, $v, $y, $2 9
$#, $*, $a, $b, $v, $z, $2 9
$*, $a, $v, $y, $2 8
$#, $*, $a, $b, $v, $y, $z, $2 7
$#, $*, $@, $a, $b+, $z, $2 7
$#, $*, $2+, $a, $b, $0 7
$#, $*, $a, $b, $v, $z+, $2 7
$*, $2+, $a, $b 6
$*, $a, $b+, $v, $2 6
$#, $*, $a, $b+, $y, $z, $2 6
$*, $a, $b+, $y, $z, $2 6
$*, $a, $x+, $y, $2 6
$*, $a, $y+, $2 6
$#, $*, $a, $2 5
$#, $*+, $@, $a+, $b, $2 5
$*, $a, $b, $y, $z+, $2 5
$*, $a, $b, $x, $2 5
$#, $*, $2+, $a, $b, $y, $z 5
$*, $a, $b+, $v, $y, $2 4
$#, $*, $2+, $a, $b 4
$#, $*, $@, $a, $x+, $2 4
$*, $a, $b, $v, $z+, $2 4
$#, $*, $2+, $a, $b, $z 3
$#, $*, $@, $a, $z, $2 3
$*, $a, $z+, $2 3
$#, $*, $@, $a, $b, $v, $2 3
$*+, $a+, $b, $y, $2 3
$*, $a, $b, $v, $y, $z, $2 3
$#, $*, $a, $b+, $v, $y, $2 2
$#, $*, $2+, $@, $a, $b, $y 2
$#, $*, $a, $b+, $v, $z, $2 2
$*, $a, $b+, $x+, $2 2
$#, $*, $2+, $@, $a, $b, $0 2
$*, $2+, $a, $b+ 2
$#, $*, $@, $a, $b, $z+, $2 2
$#, $*, $@, $a, $y, $2 2
$#, $*, $@, $a, $b, $v, $y, $z, $2 2
$#, $*, $2+, $a, $b, $y 1
$*, $@, $a, $b, $y, $2 1
$#, $*, $a, $b+, $z+, $2 1
$#, $*, $a, $b+, $v, $2 1
$#, $*+, $a+, $b+, $2 1
$#, $*+, $@, $a+, $y, $2 1
$*, $@, $a, $x, $2 1
$#, $*, $@, $a, $b, $y, $z+, $2 1
$#, $*, $2+, $a, $b+ 1
$#, $*, $2+, $a, $b+, $y, $z 1
$#, $*, $a, $b, $v+, $2 1
$#, $*, $@, $a, $b, $v, $y, $2 1
$*, $a, $y+, $z, $2 1
$#, $*, $@, $a, $b, $v, $z, $2 1
$*, $a, $b+, $z+, $2 1
$*, $2+, $a, $b, $y 1
$#, $*, $@, $a, $b+, $v, $2 1
$#, $*, $2+, $a, $b+, $z 1


  • O sinal + denota várias instâncias
$2 undetectable 3,035 1,903

Quais subcampos estão disponíveis nas instâncias individuais desse campo?

$* Link with identifier (in KBR version)                                             3,035
$a Focus term                                             3,035
$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)                                             1,978
$@ Language of field (in KBR version)                                             1,160
$b Non-focus term                                             161
$y Chronological subdivision                                             4
$z Geographic subdivision                                             1
$v Form subdivision                                             1
subcampos contagem
$*+, $a+ 1,008
$#, $*+, $@, $a+ 860
$#, $*+, $a+ 441
$#, $*, $a 298
$#, $*, $@, $a 227
$#, $*, $a, $b 47
$#, $*, $@, $a, $b 44
$*, $a 36
$#, $*, $@, $a, $b+ 17
$#, $*+, $a+, $b 16
$#, $*, $a, $b+ 16
$*, $a, $b 8
$#, $*+, $@, $a+, $b+ 4
$*+, $a+, $b 2
$#, $*, $@, $a, $b, $y 2
$#, $*+, $@, $a+, $b 2
$*+, $@, $a+ 2
$#, $*, $a, $b, $y 1
$#, $*, $@, $a, $z 1
$*, $a, $b+ 1
$#, $*, $a, $b+, $y 1
$#, $*, $@, $a, $v+ 1


  • O sinal + denota várias instâncias
$2 Faceted application of subject terminology (Dublin, Ohio: OCLC) 25 20
$2 BISAC Subject Headings 8 6
$2 Library of Congress subject headings (Washington, DC: LC, Cataloging Distribution Service) 6 4
$2 Répertoire de vedettes-matière (Québec, Québec: Bibliothèque de l'Université Laval) 4 1
$2 RAMEAU: répertoire d'authorité de matières encyclopédique unifié (Paris: Bibliothèque nationale) 3 2
$2 UDC 2 1
$2 Thesaurus IDS Nebis Bibliothek Englisches Seminar der Universität Zürich (Zürich: Universität Zürich) 2 1
$2 Svenska ämnesord (Stockholm: Kungliga Biblioteket, LIBRIS-avdelningen) 1 1
$2 Locally assigned term 1 1

655 — Index Term - Genre/Form

$2 aat (aat) 108 102

Quais subcampos estão disponíveis nas instâncias individuais desse campo?

$* Link with identifier (in KBR version)                   108
$a Genre/form data or focus term                   108
$x General subdivision                   37
$y Chronological subdivision                   82
$2 Source of term                   108
$v Form subdivision                   49
$z Geographic subdivision                   49
$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)                   3
$@ Language of field (in KBR version)                   1
subcampos contagem
$*, $a, $x+, $y, $2 35
$*, $a, $v, $y, $z, $2 32
$*, $a, $v, $z, $2 16
$*, $a, $y, $2 13
$*, $a, $2 8
$#, $*, $a, $x, $y+, $2 1
$#, $*, $a, $v, $y, $z, $2 1
$*, $a, $x+, $2 1
$#, $*, $@, $a, $2 1


  • O sinal + denota várias instâncias
$2 fast (fast) 70 53

Quais subcampos estão disponíveis nas instâncias individuais desse campo?

$* Link with identifier (in KBR version)               70
$a Genre/form data or focus term               70
$2 Source of term               70
$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)               30
$0 Authority record control number               23
$v Form subdivision               3
subcampos contagem
$*, $a, $2 25
$#, $*, $a, $2 21
$*, $a, $0, $2 13
$#, $*, $a, $0, $2 8
$#, $*, $a, $v, $0, $2 1
$*, $a, $v, $0, $2 1
$*, $a, $v, $2 1
$2 Library of Congress genre/form terms for library and archival materials (Washington, DC: Library of Congress, Cataloging Distribution Service) (lcgft) 21 10

Quais subcampos estão disponíveis nas instâncias individuais desse campo?

$* Link with identifier (in KBR version)         21
$a Genre/form data or focus term         21
$2 Source of term         21
$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)         9
$0 Authority record control number         8
subcampos contagem
$*, $a, $2 7
$#, $*, $a, $2 6
$*, $a, $0, $2 5
$#, $*, $a, $0, $2 3
$2 undetectable (undetectable) 1 1

Quais subcampos estão disponíveis nas instâncias individuais desse campo?

$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)   1
$* Link with identifier (in KBR version)   1
$a Genre/form data or focus term   1
subcampos contagem
$#, $*, $a 1
$2 gtt (gtt) 1 1

Quais subcampos estão disponíveis nas instâncias individuais desse campo?

$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)   1
$* Link with identifier (in KBR version)   1
$a Genre/form data or focus term   1
$0 Authority record control number   1
$2 Source of term   1
subcampos contagem
$#, $*, $a, $0, $2 1
$2 Guidelines on subject access to individual works of fiction, drama, etc. (Chicago: American Library Association) (gsafd) 1 1

Quais subcampos estão disponíveis nas instâncias individuais desse campo?

$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)   1
$* Link with identifier (in KBR version)   1
$a Genre/form data or focus term   1
$2 Source of term   1
subcampos contagem
$#, $*, $a, $2 1
$2 Gemeinsame Normdatei: Beschreibung des Inhalts (Leipzig, Frankfurt: Deutsche Nationalbibliothek) (gnd-content) 1 1

Quais subcampos estão disponíveis nas instâncias individuais desse campo?

$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)   1
$* Link with identifier (in KBR version)   1
$a Genre/form data or focus term   1
$x General subdivision   1
$y Chronological subdivision   1
$z Geographic subdivision   1
$2 Source of term   1
subcampos contagem
$#, $*, $a, $x, $y, $z, $2 1
ind2 Source not specified (unspec) 79,401 52,540

Quais subcampos estão disponíveis nas instâncias individuais desse campo?

$* Link with identifier (in KBR version)             79,401
$a Genre/form data or focus term             79,401
$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)             13,603
$0 Authority record control number             2,035
$@ Language of field (in KBR version)             1,000
subcampos contagem
$*, $a 65,651
$#, $*, $a 10,801
$#, $*, $a, $0 1,802
$#, $*, $@, $a 914
$*, $a, $0 147
$#, $*, $@, $a, $0 86
ind2 " " ( ) 28,976 24,019

Quais subcampos estão disponíveis nas instâncias individuais desse campo?

$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)                                           28,203
$* Link with identifier (in KBR version)                                           28,976
$a Genre/form data or focus term                                           28,976
$0 Authority record control number                                           14,076
$2 Source of term                                           6,086
$@ Language of field (in KBR version)                                           9,642
$1 Real World Object URI                                           159
$y Chronological subdivision                                           21
$v Form subdivision                                           8
$z Geographic subdivision                                           6
$x General subdivision                                           8
subcampos contagem
$#, $*, $a, $0 9,786
$#, $*, $a, $2 6,082
$#, $*, $@, $a 5,830
$#, $*, $@, $a, $0 3,654
$#, $*, $a 2,673
$*, $a, $0 630
$#, $*, $@, $a, $1 151
$*, $a 128
$#, $*, $a, $1 8
$#, $*, $a, $y 8
$*, $@, $a, $0 6
$#, $*, $a, $v, $y, $z 4
$*, $a, $2 4
$#, $*, $a, $x+, $y 3
$#, $*, $a, $v 2
$*, $a, $x+, $y 2
$#, $*, $a, $x, $y 1
$*, $a, $v, $y, $z 1
$*, $a, $x, $y+ 1
$*, $a, $v, $z 1
$#, $*, $@, $a, $x+, $y 1


  • O sinal + denota várias instâncias
ind2 Library of Congress Subject Headings (lcsh0) 3,843 2,688

Quais subcampos estão disponíveis nas instâncias individuais desse campo?

$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)               3,352
$* Link with identifier (in KBR version)               3,843
$@ Language of field (in KBR version)               2,912
$a Genre/form data or focus term               3,843
$0 Authority record control number               311
subcampos contagem
$#, $*, $@, $a 2,840
$*, $a 422
$#, $*, $a 265
$#, $*, $a, $0 180
$#, $*, $@, $a, $0 67
$*, $a, $0 64
$*, $@, $a 5

657 — Index Term - Function

$2 undetectable 253 237

Quais subcampos estão disponíveis nas instâncias individuais desse campo?

$* Link with identifier (in KBR version)     253
$a Function     253
$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)     1
subcampos contagem
$*, $a 252
$#, $*, $a 1

662 — Subject Added Entry - Hierarchical Place Name

$2 undetectable (undetectable) 2 2

Quais subcampos estão disponíveis nas instâncias individuais desse campo?

$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)     2
$* Link with identifier (in KBR version)     2
$a Country or larger entity     2
$d City     1
$@ Language of field (in KBR version)     1
subcampos contagem
$#, $*, $a, $d 1
$#, $*, $@, $a 1
analysis parameters
files kbr-0.xml.gz
marcVersion KBR
marcFormat XML
dataSource FILE
limit -1
offset -1
defaultRecordType BOOKS
alephseq false
marcxml true
lineSeparated false
trimId false
recordIgnorator {conditions: —, empty: true }
recordFilter {conditions: —, empty: true } json: {"conditions":null,"empty":true}
ignorableFields {fields: [590, 591, 592, 593, 594, 595, 596, 659, 900, 911, 912, 916, 940, 941, 942, 944, 945, 946, 948, 949, 950, 951, 952, 953, 954, 970, 971, 972, 973, 975, 977, 988, 989 ], empty: false }
picaIdField 003@$0
picaSubfieldSeparator $
picaRecordTypeField 002@$0
schemaType MARC21
pica false
replacementInControlFields #
marc21 true
unimarc false
mqaf.version 0.9.3
qa-catalogue.version 0.8.0-SNAPSHOT
duration 00:09:18
numberOfprocessedRecords 4840846
analysisTimestamp 2024-12-20 00:01:12