QA catalogue para analisar dados da biblioteca

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leader/05 recordStatus
leader/06 typeOfRecord
leader/07 bibliographicLevel
leader/08 typeOfControl
leader/17 encodingLevel
leader/18 descriptiveCatalogingForm
1 registros encontrados


LDR 01349naa 2200385uu 4500
001 20037780
005 20020715114327.0
008 011112|||||||||xx |||||||||||||||||und||
035 $a VBS2/158346
041 0 $a spa
245 1 0 $a El derecho economico: concepto, caracteres, contenido
490 0 $a INF.J./NO 311/P.15-35/OCT.-DIC.1971
653 $a 400 Droit économique
$@ en-GB
653 $a 400 Droit économique
$@ fr-BE
653 $a 400 Droit économique
$@ nl-BE
653 $a 400 Echange de marchandises
$@ en-GB
653 $a 400 Echange de marchandises
$@ fr-BE
653 $a 400 Echange de marchandises
$@ nl-BE
653 $a 400 Economie nationale
$@ en-GB
653 $a 400 Economie nationale
$@ fr-BE
653 $a 400 Economie nationale
$@ nl-BE
653 $a 400 Economie publique
$@ en-GB
653 $a 400 Economie publique
$@ fr-BE
653 $a 400 Economie publique
$@ nl-BE
653 $a 400 Législation économique
$@ en-GB
653 $a 400 Législation économique
$@ fr-BE
653 $a 400 Législation économique
$@ nl-BE
653 $a Economie
$@ fr-BE
653 $a Economie
$@ nl-BE
653 $a Economy
$@ en-GB
653 $a X Droit non localisable
$@ fr-BE
653 $a X Non Dedectable Law
$@ en-GB
653 $a X Recht niet te localiseren
$@ nl-BE
852 $a MBZMAE
$b MAG
$c JUR
$h COMP 053.03
$p *
$t ART
951 $a Santos briz, J.
001 Control Number 20037780
005 Date and Time of Latest Transaction 20020715114327.0
008 General Information 011112|||||||||xx |||||||||||||||||und||
035 System Control Number
$a System control number VBS2/158346
041 Language Code
ind1 Translation indication 0 Item not a translation/does not include a translation
ind2 Source of code MARC language code
$a Language code of text/sound track or separate title spa
245 Title Statement
ind1 Title added entry 1 Added entry
ind2 Nonfiling characters 0 No nonfiling characters
$a Title El derecho economico: concepto, caracteres, contenido
490 Series Statement
ind1 Series tracing policy 0 Series not traced
$a Series statement INF.J./NO 311/P.15-35/OCT.-DIC.1971
653 Index Term - Uncontrolled
ind1 Level of index term No information provided
ind2 Type of term or name No information provided
$a Uncontrolled term 400 Droit économique
$@ en-GB
653 Index Term - Uncontrolled
ind1 Level of index term No information provided
ind2 Type of term or name No information provided
$a Uncontrolled term 400 Droit économique
$@ fr-BE
653 Index Term - Uncontrolled
ind1 Level of index term No information provided
ind2 Type of term or name No information provided
$a Uncontrolled term 400 Droit économique
$@ nl-BE
653 Index Term - Uncontrolled
ind1 Level of index term No information provided
ind2 Type of term or name No information provided
$a Uncontrolled term 400 Echange de marchandises
$@ en-GB
653 Index Term - Uncontrolled
ind1 Level of index term No information provided
ind2 Type of term or name No information provided
$a Uncontrolled term 400 Echange de marchandises
$@ fr-BE
653 Index Term - Uncontrolled
ind1 Level of index term No information provided
ind2 Type of term or name No information provided
$a Uncontrolled term 400 Echange de marchandises
$@ nl-BE
653 Index Term - Uncontrolled
ind1 Level of index term No information provided
ind2 Type of term or name No information provided
$a Uncontrolled term 400 Economie nationale
$@ en-GB
653 Index Term - Uncontrolled
ind1 Level of index term No information provided
ind2 Type of term or name No information provided
$a Uncontrolled term 400 Economie nationale
$@ fr-BE
653 Index Term - Uncontrolled
ind1 Level of index term No information provided
ind2 Type of term or name No information provided
$a Uncontrolled term 400 Economie nationale
$@ nl-BE
653 Index Term - Uncontrolled
ind1 Level of index term No information provided
ind2 Type of term or name No information provided
$a Uncontrolled term 400 Economie publique
$@ en-GB
653 Index Term - Uncontrolled
ind1 Level of index term No information provided
ind2 Type of term or name No information provided
$a Uncontrolled term 400 Economie publique
$@ fr-BE
653 Index Term - Uncontrolled
ind1 Level of index term No information provided
ind2 Type of term or name No information provided
$a Uncontrolled term 400 Economie publique
$@ nl-BE
653 Index Term - Uncontrolled
ind1 Level of index term No information provided
ind2 Type of term or name No information provided
$a Uncontrolled term 400 Législation économique
$@ en-GB
653 Index Term - Uncontrolled
ind1 Level of index term No information provided
ind2 Type of term or name No information provided
$a Uncontrolled term 400 Législation économique
$@ fr-BE
653 Index Term - Uncontrolled
ind1 Level of index term No information provided
ind2 Type of term or name No information provided
$a Uncontrolled term 400 Législation économique
$@ nl-BE
653 Index Term - Uncontrolled
ind1 Level of index term No information provided
ind2 Type of term or name No information provided
$a Uncontrolled term Economie
$@ fr-BE
653 Index Term - Uncontrolled
ind1 Level of index term No information provided
ind2 Type of term or name No information provided
$a Uncontrolled term Economie
$@ nl-BE
653 Index Term - Uncontrolled
ind1 Level of index term No information provided
ind2 Type of term or name No information provided
$a Uncontrolled term Economy
$@ en-GB
653 Index Term - Uncontrolled
ind1 Level of index term No information provided
ind2 Type of term or name No information provided
$a Uncontrolled term X Droit non localisable
$@ fr-BE
653 Index Term - Uncontrolled
ind1 Level of index term No information provided
ind2 Type of term or name No information provided
$a Uncontrolled term X Non Dedectable Law
$@ en-GB
653 Index Term - Uncontrolled
ind1 Level of index term No information provided
ind2 Type of term or name No information provided
$a Uncontrolled term X Recht niet te localiseren
$@ nl-BE
852 Location
ind1 Shelving scheme No information provided
ind2 Shelving order No information provided
$a Location MBZMAE
$b Sublocation or collection MAG
$c Shelving location JUR
$h Classification part COMP 053.03
$p Piece designation *
$t Copy number ART
951 Picture
$a Santos briz, J.


Leader: "01349naa  2200385uu 4500"
type*: Books
Leader contains general information. It is a row of fixed-length data elements, such that there is no formal separators between elements, only the standard sets the boundaries by its positions (e.g. 00-04 means that the part of the whole string from 0th to 4th character). Some parts contain numeric values, such as lenght of the record, some others contain encoded information (e.g. in 6th position "a" means Language material).

* Type comes from the combination of type of record (06) and bibliographic level (07) positions. See 'Dependencies' section of Leader

pos. meaning of position value meaning of value
00-04 Record length 0134
05 Record status invalid value
06 Type of record invalid value
07 Bibliographic level invalid value
08 Type of control invalid value
09 Character coding scheme invalid value
10 Indicator count invalid value
11 Subfield code count invalid value
12-16 Base address of data 0038
17 Encoding level invalid value
18 Descriptive cataloging form invalid value
19 Multipart resource record level invalid value
20 Length of the length-of-field portion invalid value
21 Length of the starting-character-position portion invalid value
22 Length of the implementation-defined portion invalid value
23 Undefined invalid value

General Information

008: "011112|||||||||xx |||||||||||||||||und||"
type*: Books
Field 008 contains general information. It is a row of fixed-length data elements, such that there is no formal separators between elements, only the standard sets the boundaries by its positions (e.g. 00-05 means that the part of the whole string from 0th to 5th character). 008 separates the string into three blocks: from 0 to 17th position it encodes general information, from 18th to 34th comes information specific to the record's type, and from 35th till the end of the string the general information continues. Some parts contain numeric values, such as length of the record, some others contain encoded information (e.g. in 6th position "s" means Single known date/probable date).

* Type comes from the combination of type of record (06) and bibliographic level (07) positions of the Leader. See 'Dependencies' section of Leader

pos. meaning of position value meaning of value
Positions for all document types
00-05 Date entered on file 01111
06 Type of date/Publication status missing value
07-10 Date 1 |||
11-14 Date 2 |||
15-17 Place of publication, production, or execution xx
Positions specific for Books
18-21 Illustrations ||| invalid value
22 Target audience missing value
23 Form of item missing value
24-27 Nature of contents ||| invalid value
28 Government publication missing value
29 Conference publication missing value
30 Festschrift missing value
31 Index missing value
33 Literary form missing value
34 Biography missing value
Positions for all document types
35-37 Language un
38 Modified record missing value
39 Cataloging source missing value

Representation in Solr index

  • id: 20037780
  • type_ss: Books
  • Leader_ss: 01349naa 2200385uu 4500
  • leader00_recordLength_ss: 01349
  • leader05_recordStatus_ss: New
  • leader06_typeOfRecord_ss: Language material
  • leader07_bibliographicLevel_ss: Monographic component part
  • leader08_typeOfControl_ss: No specified type
  • leader09_characterCodingScheme_ss: MARC-8
  • leader10_indicatorCount_ss: Number of character positions used for indicators
  • leader11_subfieldCodeCount_ss: Number of character positions used for a subfield code
  • leader12_baseAddressOfData_ss: 00385
  • leader17_encodingLevel_ss: Unknown
  • leader18_descriptiveCatalogingForm_ss: Unknown
  • leader19_multipartResourceRecordLevel_ss: Not specified or not applicable
  • leader20_lengthOfTheLengthOfFieldPortion_ss: Number of characters in the length-of-field portion of a Directory entry
  • leader21_lengthOfTheStartingCharacterPositionPortion_ss: Number of characters in the starting-character-position portion of a Directory entry
  • leader22_lengthOfTheImplementationDefinedPortion_ss: Number of characters in the implementation-defined portion of a Directory entry
  • leader23_undefined_ss: Undefined
  • 001_ControlNumber_ss: 20037780
  • 005_LatestTransactionTime_ss: 20020715114327.0
  • 008_GeneralInformation_ss: 011112|||||||||xx |||||||||||||||||und||
  • 008all00_GeneralInformation_dateEnteredOnFile_ss: 011112
  • 008all06_GeneralInformation_typeOfDateOrPublicationStatus_ss: No attempt to code
  • 008all07_GeneralInformation_date1_ss: ||||
  • 008all11_GeneralInformation_date2_ss: ||||
  • 008all15_GeneralInformation_placeOfPublicationProductionOrExecution_ss: No place, unknown, or undetermined
  • 008all35_GeneralInformation_language_ss: Undetermined
  • 008all38_GeneralInformation_modifiedRecord_ss: No attempt to code
  • 008all39_GeneralInformation_catalogingSource_ss: No attempt to code
  • 008book18_GeneralInformation_illustrations_ss: No attempt to code
  • 008book22_GeneralInformation_targetAudience_ss: No attempt to code
  • 008book23_GeneralInformation_formOfItem_ss: No attempt to code
  • 008book24_GeneralInformation_natureOfContents_ss: No attempt to code
  • 008book28_GeneralInformation_governmentPublication_ss: No attempt to code
  • 008book29_GeneralInformation_conferencePublication_ss: No attempt to code
  • 008book30_GeneralInformation_festschrift_ss: No attempt to code
  • 008book31_GeneralInformation_index_ss: No attempt to code
  • 008book33_GeneralInformation_literaryForm_ss: No attempt to code
  • 008book34_GeneralInformation_biography_ss: No attempt to code
  • 035a_SystemControlNumber_ss: VBS2/158346
  • 041a_Language_ss: Spanish
  • 041ind1_Language_translationIndication_ss: Item not a translation/does not include a translation
  • 041ind2_Language_sourceOfCode_ss: MARC language code
  • 245a_Title_mainTitle_ss: El derecho economico: concepto, caracteres, contenido
  • 245ind1_Title_titleAddedEntry_ss: Added entry
  • 245ind2_Title_nonfilingCharacters_ss: No nonfiling characters
  • 490ind1_SeriesStatement_seriesTracing_ss: Series not traced
  • 490a_SeriesStatement_ss: INF.J./NO 311/P.15-35/OCT.-DIC.1971
  • 653x40_UncontrolledIndexTerm_language_KBR_ss: en-GB — fr-BE — nl-BE
  • 653_UncontrolledIndexTerm_full_ss: 400 Droit économique, en-GB — 400 Droit économique, fr-BE — 400 Droit économique, nl-BE — 400 Echange de marchandises, en-GB — 400 Echange de marchandises, fr-BE — 400 Echange de marchandises, nl-BE — 400 Economie nationale, en-GB — 400 Economie nationale, fr-BE — 400 Economie nationale, nl-BE — 400 Economie publique, en-GB — 400 Economie publique, fr-BE — 400 Economie publique, nl-BE — 400 Législation économique, en-GB — 400 Législation économique, fr-BE — 400 Législation économique, nl-BE — Economie, fr-BE — Economie, nl-BE — Economy, en-GB — X Droit non localisable, fr-BE — X Non Dedectable Law, en-GB — X Recht niet te localiseren, nl-BE
  • 653ind1_UncontrolledIndexTerm_level_ss: No information provided
  • 653a_UncontrolledIndexTerm_ss: 400 Droit économique — 400 Echange de marchandises — 400 Economie nationale — 400 Economie publique — 400 Législation économique — Economie — Economy — X Droit non localisable — X Non Dedectable Law — X Recht niet te localiseren
  • 653ind2_UncontrolledIndexTerm_type_ss: No information provided
  • 653a_UncontrolledIndexTerm_unspec_ss: 400 Droit économique — 400 Echange de marchandises — 400 Economie nationale — 400 Economie publique — 400 Législation économique — Economie — Economy — X Droit non localisable — X Non Dedectable Law — X Recht niet te localiseren
  • 852p_Location_pieceDesignation_ss: *
  • 852ind2_Location_shelvingOrder_ss: No information provided
  • 852a_Location_location_unspec_ss: MBZMAE
  • 852ind1_Location_shelvingScheme_ss: No information provided
  • 852b_Location_sublocation_ss: MAG
  • 852t_Location_copyNumber_ss: ART
  • 852c_Location_shelvingLocation_ss: JUR
  • 852a_Location_location_ss: MBZMAE
  • 852h_Location_classification_ss: COMP 053.03
  • 951a_ss: Santos briz, J.
  • 035_count_i: 1
  • 245_count_i: 1
  • 653_count_i: 21
  • 951_count_i: 1
  • 852_count_i: 1
  • 490_count_i: 1
  • 041_count_i: 1

Retrieving issues detected in this MARC record (if any). It might take for a while.
