QA catalogue könyvtári adatok elemzéséhez

en | de | pt | hu


A QA Catalogue egy nyílt forráskódú alkalmazás, amelyet a Király Péter által vezetett Measuring Metadata Quality kutatási projekt részeként fejlesztettek ki. A kód a Backend (Java) és a Frontend (PHP) git tárolókban érhető el. Hozzájárulásokat szívesen fogadunk!


Thanks for Johann Rolschewski and Phú for their help in collecting the list of published library catalog, Jakob Voß for the Avram specification and for his help in exporting MARC schema to Avram, Carsten Klee for the MARCspec, Ákos Takács for Dockerization, Radek Svetlik for the Czech MARC data elements. I would like to thank the early users of the software, Patrick Hochstenbach (Gent), Osma Suominen and Tuomo Virolainen (FNL), Kokas Károly and Bernátsky László (SZTE), Sören Auer and Berrit Genat (TIB), Shelley Doljack, Darsi L Rueda, and Philip E. Schreur (Stanford), Marian Lefferts (CERL), Alex Jahnke and Maike Kittelmann (SUB) who provided data, suggestions or other kinds of feedback, Justin Christoffersen for language assistance. Special thanks to Reinhold Heuvelmann (DNB) for terminological and language suggestions.

Peter would like to thank the experts consulted regarding subject analysis: Rudolf Ungváry (retired, Hungarian National Library, HU), Gerard Coen (DANS and ISKO-NL, NL), Andreas Ledl (BARTOC and Uni Basel, CH), Anna Kasprzik (ZBW, DE), Jakob Voß (GBV, DE), Uma Balakrishnan (GBV, DE), Yann Y. Nicolas (ABES, FR), Michael Franke-Maier (Freie Universität Berlin, DE), Gerhard Lauer (Uni Basel, CH).