QA catalogue for analysing library data

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Serials analysis

These scores are calculated for each continuing resources (type of record (LDR/6) is language material ('a') and bibliographic level (LDR/7) is serial component part ('b'), integrating resource ('i') or serial ('s')).

The calculation is based on a slightly modified version of the method published by Jamie Carlstone in the following paper:

Jamie Carlstone (2017) Scoring the Quality of E-Serials MARC Records Using Java, Serials Review, 43:3-4, pp. 271-277, DOI: 10.1080/00987913.2017.1350525 URL:


  • y: number of records
  • x: number of authority names in one record
Each records having ... get a score based on a number of criteria. Each criteria results in a positive or negative score. The final score is these criteria scores.
criteria score
1. date1 (008/07-11) is unknown ('uuuu') -3
2. place of publication (008/15) is unknown (~ 'xx.+') -1
3. publication language (008/35) is unknown (xxx) -1
4. has authentication code (042$a) 7
5. encoding level (LDR/17) is Full level (‘ ‘) or Full level, material not examined (1) or Full level input by OCLC participants (I) 7
6. encoding level (LDR/17) is Added from a batch process (M), L, or Minimal level input by OCLC participants (K), or Minimal level (7) 1
7. has 006 field 1
8. has publisher (260) 1
9. has production, publication, distribution (264) 1
10. has publication frequency (310) 1
11. has content type (336) 1
12. has dates of publication (362) 1
13. has source of description (588) 1
14. has no subject headings -5
15. for each subject headings 1
16. authentication code (042$a) = “ppc” 100
17. date1 begins with '0' -100
18. Encoding level is abbreviated -100


The histograms of the individual components: