QA catalogue for analysing library data

KBR (Koninklijke Bibliotheek van België/Bibliothèque royale de Belgique)
    number of records: 4,840,846     timestamp of analysis: 2024-12-19 23:51:52 (00:12:17)
en | de | pt | hu


Which fields and subfields occur how often in which records? Completeness is the degree to which the catalogue records contain all data elements defined in the metadata schema (including the locally defined data elements)


by document types: all · Books · Continuing Resources · Music · Maps · Visual Materials · Mixed Materials · Computer Files
number of records: 3,654,713

Field groups

Fields fields pos./subf. count %

Fields defined in MARC21

00X Control Fields 3 79
3,654,713 100.00
01X-09X Numbers and Code 37 185
3,642,303 99.66
1XX Main Entry 4 52
1,059,106 28.98
20X-24X Title 7 70
3,654,565 100.00
25X-28X Edition, Imprint 8 37
3,440,091 94.13
3XX Physical Description 19 91
3,099,230 84.80
4XX Series Statement 1 5
688,684 18.84
5XX Note 41 195
1,036,512 28.36
6XX Subject Access 10 130
1,210,902 33.13
70X-75X Added Entry 9 96
1,747,292 47.81
76X-78X Linking Entry 14 142
631,069 17.27
80X-83X Series Added Entry 3 29
2,162 0.06
841-88X Holdings, Location, Alternate Graphics 7 71
555,108 15.19
Holdings MARC Holdings tags 1 6
1,303 0.04

Fields defined in extensions of MARC

KBR Locally defined tags of the Royal Library of Belgium 1 10
2,453,977 67.15
unknown unknown origin 4 13
654 0.02
Total number of data elements 169 1,211


records occurences
count % count min max σ
00X: Control Fields
00 Record length
3,654,713 100.00 3,654,713 1
05 Record status
3,654,713 100.00 3,654,713 1
06 Type of record
3,654,713 100.00 3,654,713 1
07 Bibliographic level
3,654,713 100.00 3,654,713 1
08 Type of control
3,654,713 100.00 3,654,713 1
09 Character coding scheme
3,654,713 100.00 3,654,713 1
10 Indicator count
3,654,713 100.00 3,654,713 1
11 Subfield code count
3,654,713 100.00 3,654,713 1
12 Base address of data
3,654,713 100.00 3,654,713 1
17 Encoding level
3,654,713 100.00 3,654,713 1
18 Descriptive cataloging form
3,654,713 100.00 3,654,713 1
19 Multipart resource record level
3,654,713 100.00 3,654,713 1
20 Length of the length-of-field portion
3,654,713 100.00 3,654,713 1
21 Length of the starting-character-position portion
3,654,713 100.00 3,654,713 1
22 Length of the implementation-defined portion
3,654,713 100.00 3,654,713 1
23 Undefined
3,654,713 100.00 3,654,713 1
001 — Control Number
3,654,713 100.00 3,654,713 1
003 — Control Number Identifier
412 0.01 412 1
005 — Date and Time of Latest Transaction
403,775 11.05 403,775 1
006 — Additional Material Characteristics
All Materials
00 Form of material
59,270 1.62 59,270 1
01 Illustrations
59,270 1.62 59,270 1
05 Target audience
59,270 1.62 59,270 1
06 Form of item
59,270 1.62 59,270 1
07 Nature of contents
59,270 1.62 59,270 1
11 Government publication
59,268 1.62 59,268 1
12 Conference publication
107 0.00 107 1
13 Festschrift
107 0.00 107 1
14 Index
107 0.00 107 1
16 Literary form
107 0.00 107 1
17 Biography
96 0.00 96 1
007 — Physical Description
00 Category of material
395,992 10.84 455,899 1 2 1.08 0.00
Electronic resource
01 Specific material designation
131,714 3.60 190,867 1 2 1.40 0.00
03 Color
59,253 1.62 59,253 1
04 Dimensions
59,253 1.62 59,253 1
05 Sound
59,253 1.62 59,253 1
06 Image bit depth
59,253 1.62 59,253 1
09 File formats
59,253 1.62 59,253 1
10 Quality assurance targets
59,253 1.62 59,253 1
11 Antecedent/source
59,253 1.62 59,253 1
12 Level of compression
59,253 1.62 59,253 1
13 Reformatting quality
59,253 1.62 59,253 1
01 Specific material designation
2 0.00 2 1
Notated music
01 Specific material designation
26 0.00 26 1
Nonprojected graphic
01 Specific material designation
18,972 0.52 18,972 1
Sound recording
01 Specific material designation
224 0.01 224 1 2 1.00 0.00
03 Speed
4 0.00 4 1
04 Configuration of playback channels
4 0.00 4 1
05 Groove width/groove pitch
4 0.00 4 1
06 Dimensions
4 0.00 4 1
07 Tape width
4 0.00 4 1
08 Tape configuration
4 0.00 4 1
09 Kind of disc, cylinder, or tape
4 0.00 4 1
10 Kind of material
4 0.00 4 1
11 Kind of cutting
4 0.00 4 1
12 Special playback characteristics
4 0.00 4 1
13 Original capture and storage technique
4 0.00 4 1
01 Specific material designation
245,806 6.73 245,806 1 2 1.00 0.00
01 Specific material designation
2 0.00 2 1
03 Color
2 0.00 2 1
04 Videorecording format
2 0.00 2 1
05 Sound on medium or separate
2 0.00 2 1
06 Medium for sound
2 0.00 2 1
07 Dimensions
2 0.00 2 1
08 Configuration of playback channels
2 0.00 2 1
008 — General Information
All Materials
00 Date entered on file
3,618,908 99.02 3,618,908 1
06 Type of date/Publication status
3,613,010 98.86 3,613,010 1
07 Date 1
3,613,010 98.86 3,613,010 1
11 Date 2
3,613,009 98.86 3,613,009 1
15 Place of publication, production, or execution
3,613,004 98.86 3,613,004 1
35 Language
3,608,048 98.72 3,608,048 1
38 Modified record
3,608,021 98.72 3,608,021 1
39 Cataloging source
3,607,952 98.72 3,607,952 1
18 Illustrations
3,613,004 98.86 3,613,004 1
22 Target audience
3,613,001 98.86 3,613,001 1
23 Form of item
3,613,001 98.86 3,613,001 1
24 Nature of contents
3,608,491 98.74 3,608,491 1
28 Government publication
3,608,491 98.74 3,608,491 1
29 Conference publication
3,608,491 98.74 3,608,491 1
30 Festschrift
3,608,490 98.74 3,608,490 1
31 Index
3,608,490 98.74 3,608,490 1
33 Literary form
3,608,490 98.74 3,608,490 1
34 Biography
3,608,488 98.74 3,608,488 1
01X-09X: Numbers and Code
010 — Library of Congress Control Number
10,211 0.28 10,211 1
$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)
1,056 0.03 1,056 1
$a LC control number
10,210 0.28 10,210 1
$b NUCMC control number
3 0.00 3 1
$z Canceled/invalid LC control number
11 0.00 13 1 2 1.15 0.07
013 — Patent Control Information
11 0.00 12 1 2 1.03 0.03
$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)
10 0.00 10 1
$a Number
11 0.00 12 1 2 1.03 0.03
$b Country
5 0.00 6 1 2 1.04 0.04
015 — National Bibliography Number
455 0.01 456 1 2 1.00 0.00
$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)
452 0.01 453 1 2 1.00 0.00
$a National bibliography number
455 0.01 456 1 2 1.00 0.00
$2 Source
443 0.01 444 1 2 1.00 0.00
016 — National Bibliographic Agency Control Number
425 0.01 429 1 2 1.01 0.00
$ind1 National bibliographic agency
425 0.01 429 1 2 1.01 0.00
$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)
424 0.01 428 1 2 1.01 0.00
$a Record control number
425 0.01 429 1 2 1.01 0.00
$2 Source
422 0.01 425 1 2 1.01 0.00
017 — Copyright or Legal Deposit Number
504,848 13.81 517,363 1 254 1.02 0.00
3 0.00 3 1
$ind2 Display constant controller
504,848 13.81 517,363 1 254 1.02 0.00
$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)
132,196 3.62 134,337 1 46 1.02 0.00
$@ Language of field (in KBR version)
2 0.00 3 1 2 1.50 0.35
$a Copyright or legal deposit number
502,242 13.74 514,796 1 254 1.02 0.00
$b Assigning agency
49,997 1.37 50,019 1 5 1.00 0.00
$i Display text
6 0.00 14 2 3 2.33 0.12
$z Canceled/invalid copyright or legal deposit number
790 0.02 800 1 4 1.01 0.00
$6 Linkage
13 0.00 42 2 6 3.23 0.27
020 — International Standard Book Number
1,165,969 31.90 1,213,688 1 200 1.04 0.00
$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)
202,881 5.55 210,152 1 85 1.04 0.00
$@ Language of field (in KBR version)
3 0.00 4 1 2 1.33 0.25
$a International Standard Book Number
792,904 21.70 828,174 1 100 1.05 0.00
$c Terms of availability
675,520 18.48 680,540 1 64 1.01 0.00
$q Qualifying information
48,229 1.32 53,753 1 85 1.12 0.00
$z Canceled/invalid ISBN
10,503 0.29 11,301 1 100 1.08 0.01
$6 Linkage
122 0.00 332 1 25 2.72 0.28
022 — International Standard Serial Number
11,619 0.32 11,760 1 49 1.01 0.00
$ind1 Level of international interest
11,619 0.32 11,760 1 49 1.01 0.00
$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)
4,368 0.12 4,397 1 4 1.01 0.00
$a International Standard Serial Number
11,457 0.31 11,577 1 49 1.00 0.00
20 0.00 20 1
$y Incorrect ISSN
188 0.01 189 1 2 1.01 0.00
$z Canceled ISSN
2 0.00 2 1
024 — Other Standard Identifier
18,471 0.51 18,575 1 11 1.01 0.00
$ind1 Type of standard number or code
18,471 0.51 18,575 1 11 1.01 0.00
$ind2 Difference indicator
18,471 0.51 18,575 1 11 1.01 0.00
$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)
3,217 0.09 3,239 1 3 1.01 0.00
$a Standard number or code
18,410 0.50 18,487 1 11 1.01 0.00
$c Terms of availability
53 0.00 54 1 11 1.01 0.00
$d Additional codes following the standard number or code
17 0.00 17 1
$q Qualifying information
11 0.00 11 1 4 1.50 0.11
$z Canceled/invalid standard number or code
55 0.00 82 1 4 1.14 0.01
$2 Source of number or code
9 0.00 9 1
026 — Fingerprint Identifier
2,587 0.07 2,588 1 2 1.00 0.00
$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)
284 0.01 284 1
$c Date
2,574 0.07 2,575 1 2 1.00 0.00
$e Unparsed fingerprint
2,587 0.07 2,588 1 2 1.00 0.00
028 — Publisher or Distributor Number
909 0.02 970 1 21 1.46 0.00
$ind1 Type of number
909 0.02 970 1 21 1.46 0.00
$ind2 Note/added entry controller
909 0.02 970 1 21 1.46 0.00
$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)
362 0.01 420 1 21 1.71 0.00
$a Publisher or distributor number
834 0.02 895 1 21 1.46 0.00
$b Source
140 0.00 141 1 3 1.00 0.00
031 — Musical Incipits Information
9 0.00 31 1 100 1.88 0.02
$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)
3 0.00 4 1 51 3.73 0.27
$a Number of work
7 0.00 29 1 100 1.88 0.02
$b Number of movement
7 0.00 29 1 100 1.87 0.02
$c Number of excerpt
7 0.00 29 1 100 1.87 0.02
$d Caption or heading
6 0.00 16 1 39 1.94 0.02
$e Role
1 0.00 1 1 7 1.11 0.02
$g Clef
7 0.00 21 1 100 1.63 0.02
$m Voice/instrument
7 0.00 18 1 50 1.55 0.01
$n Key signature
5 0.00 18 1 64 1.62 0.02
$o Time signature
7 0.00 25 1 50 1.51 0.01
$p Musical notation
7 0.00 21 1 100 1.63 0.02
$t Text incipit
7 0.00 16 1 50 1.43 0.01
$2 System code
7 0.00 21 1 100 1.63 0.02
033 — Date/Time and Place of an Event
57,240 1.57 57,242 1 2 1.00 0.00
$ind1 Type of date in subfield $a
57,240 1.57 57,242 1 2 1.00 0.00
$ind2 Type of event
57,240 1.57 57,242 1 2 1.00 0.00
$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)
27,663 0.76 27,665 1 2 1.00 0.00
$a Formatted date/time
57,083 1.56 57,085 1 2 1.00 0.00
$p Place of event
48,699 1.33 48,700 1 2 1.00 0.00
034 — Coded Cartographic Mathematical Data
32 0.00 32 1 3 1.00 0.00
$ind1 Type of scale
32 0.00 32 1 3 1.00 0.00
$ind2 Type of ring
32 0.00 32 1 3 1.00 0.00
$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)
30 0.00 30 1 2 1.00 0.00
$a Category of scale
32 0.00 32 1 3 1.00 0.00
$b Constant ratio linear horizontal scale
27 0.00 27 1 6 1.10 0.06
$d Coordinates - westernmost longitude
1 0.00 1 1 3 1.03 0.00
$e Coordinates - easternmost longitude
1 0.00 1 1 3 1.03 0.00
$f Coordinates - northernmost latitude
1 0.00 1 1 3 1.03 0.00
$g Coordinates - southernmost latitude
1 0.00 1 1 3 1.03 0.00
035 — System Control Number
1,104,242 30.21 1,104,729 1 4 1.00 0.00
$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)
1,614 0.04 1,673 1 4 1.04 0.00
$a System control number
1,104,242 30.21 1,104,729 1 4 1.00 0.00
$z Canceled/invalid control number
18 0.00 24 1 3 1.42 0.07
036 — Original Study Number for Computer Data Files
1 0.00 3 3
$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)
1 0.00 3 3
$a Original study number
1 0.00 3 3
$b Source agency assigning number
1 0.00 3 3
037 — Source of Acquisition
192 0.01 192 1
$ind1 Source of acquisition sequence
192 0.01 192 1
$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)
145 0.00 145 1
$a Stock number
32 0.00 32 1
$b Source of stock number/acquisition
180 0.00 180 1
$c Terms of availability
112 0.00 112 1
$n Note
160 0.00 160 1
038 — Record Content Licensor
1 0.00 1 1
$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)
1 0.00 1 1
$a Record content licensor
1 0.00 1 1
040 — Cataloging Source
3,228,365 88.33 3,230,709 1 4 1.00 0.00
$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)
556,068 15.22 556,620 1 4 1.00 0.00
$@ Language of field (in KBR version)
1 0.00 1 1
$a Original cataloging agency
3,221,709 88.15 3,224,088 1 4 1.00 0.00
$b Language of cataloging
459,066 12.56 459,614 1 4 1.00 0.00
$c Transcribing agency
1,667 0.05 1,667 1
$d Modifying agency
13,717 0.38 16,871 1 30 1.25 0.01
$e Description conventions
422,211 11.55 422,636 1 4 1.00 0.00
$6 Linkage
3 0.00 3 1
041 — Language Code
3,548,242 97.09 3,551,882 1 9 1.00 0.00
$ind1 Translation indication
3,548,242 97.09 3,551,882 1 9 1.00 0.00
$ind2 Source of code
3,548,242 97.09 3,551,882 1 9 1.00 0.00
$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)
614,802 16.82 616,844 1 9 1.00 0.00
$@ Language of field (in KBR version)
2 0.00 2 1
$a Language code of text/sound track or separate title
3,547,662 97.07 3,646,263 1 16 1.03 0.00
$b Language code of summary or abstract
1,716 0.05 2,399 1 5 1.40 0.00
$d Language code of sung or spoken text
5 0.00 5 1
$e Language code of librettos
2 0.00 2 1 3 1.76 0.09
$f Language code of table of contents
30 0.00 31 1 2 1.03 0.03
$g Language code of accompanying material other than librettos and transcripts
7 0.00 9 1 3 1.51 0.03
$h Language code of original
75,515 2.07 75,819 1 4 1.00 0.00
$j Language code of subtitles
15 0.00 16 1 2 1.07 0.06
$k Language code of intermediate translations
37 0.00 40 1 2 1.08 0.02
$m Language code of original accompanying materials other than librettos
2 0.00 2 1
042 — Authentication Code
520 0.01 520 1
$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)
270 0.01 270 1
$a Authentication code
520 0.01 525 1 2 1.01 0.00
043 — Geographic Area Code
49,732 1.36 49,732 1
$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)
641 0.02 641 1
$a Geographic area code
49,732 1.36 57,721 1 6 1.16 0.00
044 — Country of Publishing/Producing Entity Code
3,156,780 86.38 3,156,847 1 4 1.00 0.00
$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)
514,997 14.09 515,064 1 4 1.00 0.00
$@ Language of field (in KBR version)
1 0.00 1 1
$a MARC country code
3,156,618 86.37 3,245,064 1 8 1.03 0.00
$c ISO country code
4,854 0.13 5,009 1 3 1.03 0.00
045 — Time Period of Content
30 0.00 30 1
$ind1 Type of time period in subfield $b or $c
30 0.00 30 1
$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)
2 0.00 2 1
$a Time period code
9 0.00 9 1
$b Formatted 9999 B.C. through C.E. time period
21 0.00 27 1 2 1.32 0.03
046 — Special Coded Dates
3 0.00 3 1
$ind1 Type of entity
3 0.00 3 1
$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)
2 0.00 2 1
$k Beginning or single date created
3 0.00 3 1
$2 Source of date
1 0.00 1 1
047 — Form of Musical Composition Code
39 0.00 39 1
$ind2 Source of code
39 0.00 39 1
$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)
15 0.00 15 1
$a Form of musical composition code
39 0.00 53 1 6 1.14 0.00
048 — Number of Musical Instruments or Voices Codes
10 0.00 11 1 4 1.01 0.00
$ind2 Source of code
10 0.00 11 1 4 1.01 0.00
$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)
10 0.00 11 1 4 1.03 0.01
$a Performer or ensemble
9 0.00 11 1 16 1.88 0.03
$b Soloist
9 0.00 9 1 5 1.12 0.02
050 — Library of Congress Call Number
27,674 0.76 29,052 1 2 1.05 0.00
$ind1 Existence in LC collection
27,674 0.76 29,052 1 2 1.05 0.00
$ind2 Source of call number
27,674 0.76 29,052 1 2 1.05 0.00
$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)
1,327 0.04 1,369 1 2 1.03 0.00
$a Classification number
27,674 0.76 29,056 1 2 1.05 0.00
$b Item number
6,170 0.17 7,041 1 2 1.14 0.00
055 — Classification Numbers Assigned in Canada
4 0.00 4 1
$ind1 Existence in LAC collection
4 0.00 4 1
$ind2 Type, completeness, source of class/call number
4 0.00 4 1
$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)
4 0.00 4 1
$a Classification number
4 0.00 4 1
$b Item number
3 0.00 3 1
060 — National Library of Medicine Call Number
3 0.00 3 1
$ind1 Existence in NLM collection
3 0.00 3 1
$ind2 Source of call number
3 0.00 3 1
$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)
3 0.00 3 1
$a Classification number
3 0.00 3 1
066 — Character Sets Present
27 0.00 27 1
$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)
25 0.00 25 1
$a Primary G0 character set
5 0.00 5 1
$c Alternate G0 or G1 character set
22 0.00 24 1 2 1.08 0.04
071 — National Agricultural Library Copy Statement
23 0.00 25 1 2 1.05 0.02
$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)
22 0.00 24 1 2 1.05 0.02
$a Classification number
23 0.00 25 1 2 1.05 0.02
$b Item number
15 0.00 16 1 2 1.06 0.05
$c Copy information
5 0.00 5 1
072 — Subject Category Code
76 0.00 89 1 3 1.15 0.02
$ind2 Code source
76 0.00 89 1 3 1.15 0.02
$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)
39 0.00 52 1 3 1.30 0.04
$a Subject category code
76 0.00 89 1 3 1.15 0.02
$x Subject category code subdivision
4 0.00 8 1 3 2.00 0.35
$2 Source
39 0.00 52 1 3 1.30 0.04
074 — GPO Item Number
1 0.00 1 1
$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)
1 0.00 1 1
$a GPO item number
1 0.00 1 1
080 — Universal Decimal Classification Number
54,997 1.50 57,662 1 4 1.06 0.00
$ind1 Type of edition
54,997 1.50 57,662 1 4 1.06 0.00
$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)
3,228 0.09 3,422 1 4 1.08 0.00
$a Universal Decimal Classification number
54,997 1.50 57,662 1 4 1.06 0.00
$2 Edition identifier
159 0.00 216 1 4 1.35 0.02
082 — Dewey Decimal Classification Number
17,521 0.48 18,255 1 4 1.04 0.00
$ind1 Type of edition
17,521 0.48 18,255 1 4 1.04 0.00
$ind2 Source of classification number
17,521 0.48 18,255 1 4 1.04 0.00
$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)
1,229 0.03 1,240 1 2 1.01 0.00
$a Classification number
17,521 0.48 18,284 1 4 1.04 0.00
$b Item number
5,589 0.15 5,604 1 2 1.00 0.00
$q Assigning agency
3 0.00 3 1
$2 Edition information
1,169 0.03 1,170 1 2 1.00 0.00
084 — Other Classificaton Number
16,777 0.46 25,465 1 6 1.54 0.00
$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)
686 0.02 1,045 1 5 1.55 0.00
$a Classification number
16,777 0.46 25,496 1 6 1.54 0.00
$q Assigning agency
3 0.00 3 1
$2 Number source
48 0.00 50 1 2 1.04 0.02
086 — Government Document Classification Number
2 0.00 2 1
$ind1 Number source
2 0.00 2 1
$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)
2 0.00 2 1
$a Classification number
2 0.00 2 1
1XX: Main Entry
100 — Main Entry - Personal Name
943,276 25.81 943,304 1 4 1.00 0.00
$ind1 Type of personal name entry element
943,276 25.81 943,304 1 4 1.00 0.00
$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)
157,026 4.30 157,052 1 4 1.00 0.00
$* Link with identifier (in KBR version)
943,276 25.81 943,311 1 4 1.00 0.00
$@ Language of field (in KBR version)
483 0.01 485 1 2 1.00 0.00
$a Personal name
943,269 25.81 943,306 1 4 1.00 0.00
$b Numeration
3,222 0.09 3,226 1 2 1.00 0.00
$c Titles and words associated with a name
179,658 4.92 186,307 1 9 1.03 0.00
$d Dates associated with a name
388,543 10.63 388,649 1 4 1.00 0.00
$e Relator term
95 0.00 95 1
$g Miscellaneous information
4,724 0.13 4,725 1 2 1.00 0.00
$j Attribution qualifier
813 0.02 813 1
$l Language of a work
5 0.00 5 1
$q Fuller form of name
16,985 0.46 17,047 1 3 1.00 0.00
$0 Authority record control number or standard number
26 0.00 26 1
$1 Real World Object URI
607,148 16.61 607,256 1 4 1.00 0.00
$4 Relationship
395,562 10.82 409,374 1 6 1.03 0.00
$6 Linkage
1 0.00 1 1
110 — Main Entry - Corporate Name
116,734 3.19 117,051 1 4 1.00 0.00
$ind1 Type of corporate name entry element
116,734 3.19 117,051 1 4 1.00 0.00
$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)
15,719 0.43 16,026 1 4 1.02 0.00
$* Link with identifier (in KBR version)
116,734 3.19 117,051 1 4 1.00 0.00
$@ Language of field (in KBR version)
5,832 0.16 5,882 1 3 1.02 0.00
$a Corporate name or jurisdiction name as entry element
116,184 3.18 116,501 1 4 1.00 0.00
$b Subordinate unit
23,739 0.65 29,242 1 5 1.22 0.00
$c Location of meeting
7,882 0.22 8,055 1 3 1.01 0.00
$d Date of meeting or treaty signing
1,748 0.05 1,748 1
$e Relator term
1 0.00 1 1
$g Miscellaneous information
72,723 1.99 72,926 1 4 1.00 0.00
$l Language of a work
2,348 0.06 2,348 1
$1 Real World Object URI
506 0.01 508 1 2 1.00 0.00
$4 Relationship
35,767 0.98 39,853 1 6 1.20 0.00
$6 Linkage
4 0.00 4 1
111 — Main Entry - Meeting Name
1,347 0.04 1,347 1
$ind1 Type of meeting name entry element
1,347 0.04 1,347 1
$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)
54 0.00 54 1
$* Link with identifier (in KBR version)
1,347 0.04 1,347 1
$a Meeting name or jurisdiction name as entry element
1,347 0.04 1,347 1
$c Location of meeting
85 0.00 85 1
$d Date of meeting or treaty signing
618 0.02 619 1 2 1.00 0.00
$e Subordinate unit
1 0.00 1 1
$j Relator term
20 0.00 20 1
$n Number of part/section/meeting
67 0.00 67 1
$p Name of part/section of a work
1 0.00 1 1
$4 Relationship
25 0.00 25 1
130 — Main Entry - Uniform Title
186 0.01 186 1
$ind1 Nonfiling characters
186 0.01 186 1
$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)
132 0.00 132 1
$* Link with identifier (in KBR version)
186 0.01 186 1
$a Uniform title
186 0.01 186 1
$d Date of treaty signing
4 0.00 4 1
$f Date of a work
9 0.00 9 1
$l Language of a work
89 0.00 89 1
$n Number of part/section of a work
1 0.00 1 1
$p Name of part/section of a work
4 0.00 4 1
$6 Linkage
2 0.00 2 1
20X-24X: Title
210 — Abbreviated Title
804 0.02 861 1 10 1.90 0.00
$ind1 Title added entry
804 0.02 861 1 10 1.90 0.00
$ind2 Type
804 0.02 861 1 10 1.90 0.00
$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)
164 0.00 196 1 10 2.09 0.00
$a Abbreviated title
804 0.02 862 1 10 1.90 0.00
$b Qualifying information
13 0.00 13 1
240 — Uniform Title
20,365 0.56 20,365 1
$ind1 Uniform title printed or displayed
20,365 0.56 20,365 1
$ind2 Nonfiling characters
20,365 0.56 20,365 1
$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)
3,514 0.10 3,514 1
$* Link with identifier (in KBR version)
20,365 0.56 20,365 1 2 1.00 0.00
$@ Language of field (in KBR version)
100 0.00 100 1
$a Uniform title
20,365 0.56 20,365 1 2 1.00 0.00
$d Date of treaty signing
121 0.00 125 1 2 1.03 0.01
$f Date of a work
86 0.00 86 1
$g Miscellaneous information
109 0.00 109 1
$k Form subheading
96 0.00 96 1
$l Language of a work
3,869 0.11 3,869 1
$m Medium of performance for music
7 0.00 7 1
$n Number of part/section of a work
58 0.00 59 1 2 1.00 0.00
$p Name of part/section of a work
76 0.00 76 1
$r Key for music
5 0.00 5 1
$s Version
1 0.00 1 1
$6 Linkage
1 0.00 1 1
242 — Translation of Title by Cataloging Agency
1,000 0.03 1,019 1 6 1.05 0.00
$ind1 Title added entry
1,000 0.03 1,019 1 6 1.05 0.00
$ind2 Nonfiling characters
1,000 0.03 1,019 1 6 1.05 0.00
$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)
74 0.00 77 1 2 1.17 0.00
$@ Language of field (in KBR version)
1 0.00 2 2
$a Title
1,000 0.03 1,019 1 6 1.05 0.00
$b Remainder of title
43 0.00 43 1
$c Statement of responsibility, etc.
5 0.00 5 1
$n Number of part/section of a work
4 0.00 4 1
$p Name of part/section of a work
4 0.00 4 1
$y Language code of translated title
385 0.01 390 1 2 1.01 0.00
243 — Collective Uniform Title
6 0.00 6 1
$ind1 Uniform title printed or displayed
6 0.00 6 1
$ind2 Nonfiling characters
6 0.00 6 1
$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)
6 0.00 6 1
$a Uniform title
6 0.00 6 1
$f Date of a work
6 0.00 6 1
245 — Title Statement
3,654,565 100.00 3,654,654 1 4 1.01 0.00
$ind1 Title added entry
3,654,565 100.00 3,654,654 1 4 1.01 0.00
$ind2 Nonfiling characters
3,654,565 100.00 3,654,654 1 4 1.01 0.00
$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)
751,006 20.55 751,095 1 4 1.03 0.00
$@ Language of field (in KBR version)
113 0.00 117 1 3 1.05 0.00
$a Title
3,654,467 99.99 3,655,889 1 9 1.01 0.00
$b Remainder of title
1,025,467 28.06 1,025,638 1 10 1.00 0.00
$c Statement of responsibility, etc.
2,142,348 58.62 2,142,435 1 4 1.00 0.00
$f Inclusive dates
164 0.00 164 1
$g Bulk dates
36 0.00 47 1 4 1.31 0.09
$h Medium
124,566 3.41 124,566 1 3 1.00 0.00
$k Form
1 0.00 1 1
$n Number of part/section of a work
96,602 2.64 116,140 1 30 1.06 0.00
$p Name of part/section of a work
58,293 1.60 73,089 1 48 1.05 0.00
$s Version
46 0.00 46 1
$6 Linkage
1,912 0.05 1,912 1
246 — Varying Form of Title
195,275 5.34 214,108 1 24 1.15 0.00
$ind1 Note/added entry controller
195,275 5.34 214,108 1 24 1.15 0.00
$ind2 Type of title
195,275 5.34 214,108 1 24 1.15 0.00
$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)
44,395 1.21 49,691 1 24 1.22 0.00
$@ Language of field (in KBR version)
728 0.02 1,417 1 5 1.92 0.00
$a Title proper/short title
195,160 5.34 213,743 1 24 1.15 0.00
$b Remainder of title
27,723 0.76 30,061 1 8 1.08 0.00
$f Date or sequential designation
3 0.00 3 1 3 1.27 0.17
$g Miscellaneous information
31,341 0.86 33,014 1 8 1.06 0.00
$h Medium
19 0.00 38 1 5 1.73 0.12
$i Display text
75,520 2.07 77,214 1 21 1.02 0.00
$n Number of part/section of a work
1,242 0.03 1,418 1 18 1.14 0.02
$p Name of part/section of a work
893 0.02 1,067 1 17 1.19 0.02
$6 Linkage
1,280 0.04 1,296 1 2 1.01 0.00
247 — Former Title
1,966 0.05 2,051 1 5 1.04 0.00
$ind1 Title added entry
1,966 0.05 2,051 1 5 1.04 0.00
$ind2 Note controller
1,966 0.05 2,051 1 5 1.04 0.00
$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)
212 0.01 222 1 3 1.04 0.01
$a Title
1,963 0.05 2,048 1 5 1.04 0.00
$f Date or sequential designation
720 0.02 738 1 3 1.02 0.00
25X-28X: Edition, Imprint
250 — Edition Statement
230,323 6.30 231,033 1 4 1.00 0.00
$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)
45,301 1.24 45,841 1 4 1.02 0.00
$@ Language of field (in KBR version)
246 0.01 483 1 3 2.01 0.00
$a Edition statement
230,206 6.30 230,912 1 4 1.00 0.00
$b Remainder of edition statement
10,163 0.28 10,164 1 2 1.00 0.00
$6 Linkage
25 0.00 25 1
254 — Musical Presentation Statement
3,622 0.10 3,622 1
$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)
401 0.01 401 1
$a Musical presentation statement
3,622 0.10 3,622 1 2 1.00 0.00
255 — Cartographic Mathematical Data
6,121 0.17 6,122 1 5 1.00 0.00
$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)
1,401 0.04 1,402 1 4 1.00 0.00
$a Statement of scale
6,116 0.17 6,117 1 5 1.00 0.00
$b Statement of projection
5 0.00 5 1
$c Statement of coordinates
8 0.00 8 1 4 1.01 0.00
$d Statement of zone
2 0.00 2 1
256 — Computer File Characteristics
2 0.00 2 1
$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)
1 0.00 1 1
$a Computer file characteristics
2 0.00 2 1
260 — Publication, Distribution, etc. (Imprint)
166 0.00 167 1 2 1.00 0.00
$ind1 Sequence of publishing statements
166 0.00 167 1 2 1.00 0.00
$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)
18 0.00 18 1
$a Place of publication, distribution, etc.
45 0.00 55 1 4 1.21 0.06
$b Name of publisher, distributor, etc.
165 0.00 166 1 2 1.01 0.01
$c Date of publication, distribution, etc.
46 0.00 46 1
$3 Materials specified
1 0.00 2 2
263 — Projected Publication Date
606 0.02 606 1
$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)
555 0.02 555 1
$a Projected publication date
606 0.02 606 1
264 — Production, Publication, Distribution, Manufacture, and Copyright Notice
3,437,564 94.06 3,528,315 1 33 1.05 0.00
$ind1 Sequence of statements
3,437,564 94.06 3,528,315 1 33 1.05 0.00
$ind2 Function of entity
3,437,564 94.06 3,528,315 1 33 1.05 0.00
$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)
661,255 18.09 670,284 1 30 1.07 0.00
$@ Language of field (in KBR version)
326 0.01 335 1 3 1.01 0.00
$a Place of production, publication, distribution, manufacture
3,109,762 85.09 3,447,597 1 22 1.12 0.00
$b Name of producer, publisher, distributor, manufacturer
2,831,259 77.47 2,964,296 1 28 1.05 0.00
$c Date of production, publication, distribution, manufacture, or copyright notice
3,356,020 91.83 3,433,429 1 32 1.05 0.00
$3 Materials specified
1 0.00 1 1
$6 Linkage
307 0.01 307 1
270 — Address
18 0.00 26 1 4 1.45 0.13
$ind1 Level
18 0.00 26 1 4 1.45 0.13
$ind2 Type of address
18 0.00 26 1 4 1.45 0.13
$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)
7 0.00 10 1 2 1.43 0.10
$a Address
16 0.00 16 1
$b City
13 0.00 13 1
$c State or province
18 0.00 26 1 4 1.45 0.13
3XX: Physical Description
300 — Physical Description
2,983,480 81.63 3,043,575 1 11 1.03 0.00
$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)
525,680 14.38 542,822 1 10 1.05 0.00
$@ Language of field (in KBR version)
4,282 0.12 8,296 1 3 1.90 0.00
$a Extent
2,697,580 73.81 2,702,143 1 10 1.00 0.00
$b Other physical details
1,434,324 39.25 1,451,791 1 11 1.01 0.00
$c Dimensions
2,485,138 68.00 2,485,752 1 4 1.00 0.00
$e Accompanying material
54,392 1.49 54,395 1 4 1.00 0.00
$f Type of unit
4,702 0.13 11,119 1 4 1.94 0.00
$g Size of unit
4 0.00 4 1
$6 Linkage
51 0.00 51 1
306 — Playing Time
27 0.00 27 1
$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)
18 0.00 18 1
$a Playing time
26 0.00 26 1 6 1.02 0.01
5 0.00 5 1
8 0.00 8 1
310 — Current Publication Frequency
8,497 0.23 8,497 1
$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)
2,027 0.06 2,027 1
$a Current publication frequency
8,497 0.23 8,497 1
$b Date of current publication frequency
14 0.00 14 1
321 — Former Publication Frequency
12 0.00 12 1 4 1.11 0.02
$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)
12 0.00 12 1 2 1.09 0.01
$a Former publication frequency
12 0.00 12 1 4 1.11 0.02
$b Dates of former publication frequency
4 0.00 4 1 4 1.21 0.03
336 — Content Type
659,543 18.05 659,883 1 3 1.00 0.00
$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)
340,270 9.31 340,598 1 3 1.00 0.00
$@ Language of field (in KBR version)
7 0.00 7 1
$a Content type term
659,521 18.05 811,734 1 6 1.20 0.00
$b Content type code
359 0.01 384 1 3 1.07 0.01
$2 Source
587,918 16.09 588,147 1 3 1.00 0.00
$3 Materials specified
1 0.00 2 2
337 — Media Type
659,402 18.04 659,623 1 2 1.00 0.00
$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)
340,157 9.31 340,372 1 2 1.00 0.00
$@ Language of field (in KBR version)
3 0.00 3 1
$a Media type term
658,872 18.03 659,135 1 2 1.00 0.00
$b Media type code
770 0.02 771 1 2 1.00 0.00
$2 Source
588,277 16.10 588,377 1 2 1.00 0.00
$3 Materials specified
1 0.00 2 2
338 — Carrier Type
675,907 18.49 676,146 1 2 1.00 0.00
$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)
351,495 9.62 351,731 1 2 1.00 0.00
$@ Language of field (in KBR version)
1 0.00 1 1
$a Carrier type term
675,895 18.49 676,232 1 2 1.00 0.00
$b Carrier type code
726 0.02 728 1 2 1.00 0.00
$2 Source
593,975 16.25 594,135 1 2 1.00 0.00
$3 Materials specified
1 0.00 2 2
340 — Physical Medium
167,545 4.58 171,893 1 8 1.02 0.00
$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)
147,489 4.04 147,893 1 5 1.01 0.00
$a Material base and configuration
35,880 0.98 40,247 1 8 1.07 0.00
$b Dimensions
112 0.00 112 1 3 1.01 0.00
$c Materials applied to surface
8 0.00 8 1
$d Information recording technique
7 0.00 7 1
$e Support
231 0.01 231 1
$l Binding
131,103 3.59 131,136 1 2 1.00 0.00
$n Font size
2 0.00 2 1
344 — Sound Characteristics
2 0.00 2 1
$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)
2 0.00 2 1
$a Type of recording
2 0.00 2 1
$b Recording medium
2 0.00 2 1
346 — Video Characteristics
1 0.00 1 1
$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)
1 0.00 1 1
$a Video format
1 0.00 1 1
$b Broadcast standard
1 0.00 1 1
347 — Digital File Characteristics
121,154 3.32 121,218 1 2 1.00 0.00
$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)
120,631 3.30 120,695 1 2 1.00 0.00
$a File type
2,619 0.07 2,619 1
$b Encoding format
118,555 3.24 118,619 1 2 1.00 0.00
$c File size
45 0.00 45 1
$d Resolution
1 0.00 1 1
$2 Source
4 0.00 4 1
351 — Organization and Arrangement of Materials
208 0.01 208 1
$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)
202 0.01 202 1
$a Organization
208 0.01 208 1
362 — Dates of Publication and/or Sequential Designation
21,163 0.58 21,208 1 3 1.00 0.00
$ind1 Format of date
21,163 0.58 21,208 1 3 1.00 0.00
$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)
4,807 0.13 4,818 1 3 1.01 0.00
$a Dates of publication and/or sequential designation
21,162 0.58 21,211 1 4 1.00 0.00
$z Source of information
14 0.00 23 1 3 2.01 0.00
365 — Trade Price
519 0.01 522 1 3 1.00 0.00
$ind1 Start/End designator
519 0.01 522 1 3 1.00 0.00
$ind2 State of issuance
519 0.01 522 1 3 1.00 0.00
$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)
56 0.00 56 1 3 1.01 0.00
$a Price type code
8 0.00 8 1
$b Price amount
329 0.01 329 1 3 1.00 0.00
$c Currency code
2 0.00 2 1 3 1.43 0.25
$e Price note
184 0.01 187 1 3 1.01 0.00
366 — Trade Availability Information
2 0.00 2 1
$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)
2 0.00 2 1
$b Detailed date of publication
1 0.00 1 1
$c Availability status code
1 0.00 1 1
$e Note
1 0.00 1 1
$j ISO country code
1 0.00 1 1
$k MARC country code
1 0.00 1 1
$2 Source of availability status code
1 0.00 1 1
383 — Numeric Designation of Musical Work
2 0.00 2 1
$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)
2 0.00 2 1
$b Opus number
2 0.00 2 1 3 1.03 0.01
385 — Audience Characteristics
862 0.02 868 1 4 1.01 0.00
$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)
862 0.02 868 1 4 1.01 0.00
$a Audience term
841 0.02 851 1 4 1.01 0.00
$b Audience code
32 0.00 32 1
$m Demographic group term
38 0.00 38 1
$n Demographic group code
3 0.00 3 1
386 — Creator/Contributor Characteristics
1 0.00 1 1
$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)
1 0.00 1 1
$a Creator/contributor term
1 0.00 1 1
$i Relationship information
1 0.00 1 1
$2 Source
1 0.00 1 1
388 — Time Period of Creation
2 0.00 2 1
$ind1 Type of time period
2 0.00 2 1
$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)
2 0.00 2 1
$a Time period of creation term
2 0.00 2 1
4XX: Series Statement
490 — Series Statement
688,684 18.84 697,889 1 5 1.02 0.00
$ind1 Series tracing policy
688,684 18.84 697,889 1 5 1.02 0.00
$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)
56,017 1.53 57,160 1 4 1.04 0.00
$a Series statement
683,850 18.71 695,023 1 5 1.02 0.00
$v Volume/sequential designation
483,604 13.23 643,356 1 8 1.32 0.00
$x International Standard Serial Number
3,519 0.10 3,538 1 2 1.01 0.00
5XX: Note
500 — General Note
603,696 16.52 835,395 1 76 1.42 0.00
1 0.00 1 1
$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)
120,346 3.29 143,351 1 76 1.32 0.00
$@ Language of field (in KBR version)
1 0.00 1 1 2 1.00 0.00
$a General note
603,679 16.52 835,557 1 76 1.42 0.00
1 0.00 1 1
$5 Institution to which field applies
71 0.00 71 1
$6 Linkage
1 0.00 1 1
501 — With Note
246 0.01 248 1 2 1.01 0.00
$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)
30 0.00 30 1
$a With note
246 0.01 248 1 2 1.01 0.00
502 — Dissertation Note
90,657 2.48 90,675 1 2 1.00 0.00
$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)
4,706 0.13 4,711 1 2 1.00 0.00
$a Dissertation note
90,190 2.47 90,204 1 2 1.00 0.00
$b Degree type
21,537 0.59 21,547 1 2 1.00 0.00
$c Name of granting institution
55 0.00 58 1 2 1.05 0.02
$d Year degree granted
58 0.00 61 1 2 1.05 0.02
$g Miscellaneous information
1 0.00 1 1
504 — Bibliography, etc. Note
37,935 1.04 38,446 1 6 1.01 0.00
$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)
36,657 1.00 37,167 1 6 1.01 0.00
$@ Language of field (in KBR version)
1 0.00 1 1
$a Bibliography, etc. note
37,933 1.04 38,445 1 6 1.01 0.00
$b Number of references
4 0.00 4 1
505 — Formatted Contents Note
38,989 1.07 105,703 1 214 2.68 0.01
$ind1 Display constant controller
38,989 1.07 105,703 1 214 2.68 0.01
$ind2 Level of content designation
38,989 1.07 105,703 1 214 2.68 0.01
$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)
10,450 0.29 27,370 1 214 2.42 0.05
$@ Language of field (in KBR version)
1 0.00 1 1
$a Formatted contents note
2,081 0.06 3,231 1 35 1.32 0.01
$g Miscellaneous information
439 0.01 11,218 1 212 25.15 1.22
$r Statement of responsibility
2,170 0.06 8,786 1 63 4.84 0.04
$t Title
37,427 1.02 156,409 1 214 4.19 0.02
$u Uniform Resource Identifier
2 0.00 2 1
$6 Linkage
1 0.00 1 1
506 — Restrictions on Access Note
70,952 1.94 73,346 1 3 1.03 0.00
$ind1 Restriction
70,952 1.94 73,346 1 3 1.03 0.00
$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)
8,649 0.24 11,042 1 3 1.14 0.00
$a Terms governing access
70,952 1.94 73,346 1 3 1.03 0.00
$b Jurisdiction
1 0.00 1 1
$c Physical access provisions
68,239 1.87 68,239 1 2 1.00 0.00
$d Authorized users
68,124 1.86 68,124 1 2 1.00 0.00
$e Authorization
1 0.00 1 1
$f Standardized terminology for access restriction
5 0.00 5 1
510 — Citation/References Note
115,720 3.17 131,318 1 10 1.13 0.00
$ind1 Coverage/location in source
115,720 3.17 131,318 1 10 1.13 0.00
$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)
28,252 0.77 31,591 1 10 1.12 0.00
$@ Language of field (in KBR version)
98 0.00 245 1 6 2.50 0.04
$a Name of source
115,715 3.17 131,310 1 10 1.13 0.00
$b Coverage of source
2 0.00 2 1
$c Location within source
67,341 1.84 77,117 1 5 1.15 0.00
$u Uniform Resource Identifier
22 0.00 22 1
511 — Participant or Performer Note
17,606 0.48 20,282 1 20 1.15 0.00
$ind1 Display constant controller
17,606 0.48 20,282 1 20 1.15 0.00
$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)
2,649 0.07 3,119 1 6 1.15 0.00
$a Participant or performer note
17,606 0.48 20,282 1 20 1.15 0.00
513 — Type of Report and Period Covered Note
1 0.00 1 1
$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)
1 0.00 1 1
$a Type of report
1 0.00 1 1
515 — Numbering Peculiarities Note
4 0.00 4 1
$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)
4 0.00 4 1
$a Numbering peculiarities note
4 0.00 4 1
516 — Type of Computer File or Data Note
2 0.00 2 1
$ind1 Display constant controller
2 0.00 2 1
$a Type of computer file or data note
2 0.00 2 1
518 — Date/Time and Place of an Event Note
1,274 0.03 1,279 1 18 1.11 0.01
$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)
94 0.00 97 1 3 1.03 0.01
$a Date/time and place of an event note
1,272 0.03 1,275 1 18 1.11 0.01
$d Date of event
3 0.00 5 1 3 1.67 0.50
$o Other event information
2 0.00 4 1 3 2.00 0.71
$p Place of event
3 0.00 5 1 3 1.67 0.50
520 — Summary, etc.
125,717 3.44 128,146 1 7 1.02 0.00
$ind1 Display constant controller
125,717 3.44 128,146 1 7 1.02 0.00
$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)
48,718 1.33 48,818 1 5 1.00 0.00
$@ Language of field (in KBR version)
1 0.00 1 1
$a Summary, etc.
125,706 3.44 128,136 1 7 1.02 0.00
$b Expansion of summary note
7 0.00 7 1
$c Assigning source
290 0.01 304 1 2 1.05 0.00
$u Uniform Resource Identifier
3 0.00 3 1
$2 Source
212 0.01 213 1 2 1.00 0.00
521 — Target Audience Note
7,674 0.21 7,704 1 2 1.00 0.00
$ind1 Display constant controller
7,674 0.21 7,704 1 2 1.00 0.00
$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)
7,628 0.21 7,658 1 2 1.00 0.00
$a Target audience note
7,674 0.21 7,715 1 3 1.01 0.00
$b Source
67 0.00 70 1 2 1.04 0.01
$3 Materials specified
38 0.00 38 1
525 — Supplement Note
84 0.00 84 1
$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)
84 0.00 84 1
$a Supplement note
84 0.00 84 1
526 — Study Program Information Note
1 0.00 1 1
$ind1 Display constant controller
1 0.00 1 1
$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)
1 0.00 1 1
$a Program name
1 0.00 1 1
$z Public note
1 0.00 1 1
530 — Additional Physical Form available Note
19,886 0.54 19,961 1 4 1.01 0.00
$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)
5,642 0.15 5,659 1 3 1.01 0.00
$a Additional physical form available note
19,694 0.54 19,769 1 4 1.01 0.00
$b Availability source
2 0.00 2 1
$c Availability conditions
142 0.00 142 1
$d Order number
79 0.00 79 1
$u Uniform Resource Identifier
581 0.02 663 1 9 1.14 0.01
533 — Reproduction Note
59,346 1.62 59,348 1 2 1.00 0.00
$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)
273 0.01 273 1
$a Type of reproduction
59,346 1.62 59,348 1 2 1.00 0.00
$b Place of reproduction
59,162 1.62 59,162 1
$c Agency responsible for reproduction
59,162 1.62 59,162 1
$d Date of reproduction
59,162 1.62 59,162 1
$e Physical description of reproduction
79 0.00 79 1
$m Dates and/or sequential designation of issues reproduced
1 0.00 1 1
$n Note about reproduction
59,161 1.62 118,322 2
$7 Fixed-length data elements of reproduction
59,071 1.62 59,071 1
534 — Original Version Note
496 0.01 496 1
$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)
366 0.01 366 1
$a Main entry of original
109 0.00 109 1
$b Edition statement of original
2 0.00 2 1
$c Publication, distribution, etc. of original
22 0.00 22 1
$e Physical description, etc. of original
21 0.00 21 1
$l Location of original
262 0.01 262 1
$p Introductory phrase
169 0.00 169 1
$t Title statement of original
13 0.00 13 1
535 — Location of Originals/Duplicates Note
1 0.00 1 1
$ind1 Custodial role
1 0.00 1 1
$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)
1 0.00 1 1
$a Custodian
1 0.00 1 1
$b Postal address
1 0.00 1 1
$c Country
1 0.00 1 1
$g Repository location code
1 0.00 1 1
536 — Funding Information Note
1,078 0.03 1,078 1
$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)
874 0.02 874 1
$a Text of note
1,078 0.03 1,078 1
538 — System Details Note
68,242 1.87 68,365 1 4 1.01 0.00
$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)
9,083 0.25 9,206 1 4 1.02 0.00
$a System details note
68,242 1.87 68,365 1 4 1.01 0.00
540 — Terms Governing Use and Reproduction Note
239 0.01 239 1
$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)
237 0.01 237 1
$a Terms governing use and reproduction
239 0.01 239 1
$c Authorization
23 0.00 23 1
$5 Institution to which field applies
23 0.00 23 1
541 — Immediate Source of Acquisition Note
70,408 1.93 70,525 1 3 1.01 0.00
$ind1 Privacy
70,408 1.93 70,525 1 3 1.01 0.00
$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)
11,247 0.31 11,364 1 3 1.02 0.00
$a Source of acquisition
69,711 1.91 69,815 1 3 1.01 0.00
$b Address
1,300 0.04 1,302 1 2 1.00 0.00
$c Method of acquisition
1,708 0.05 1,710 1 2 1.00 0.00
$d Date of acquisition
1,799 0.05 1,814 1 2 1.00 0.00
$e Accession number
352 0.01 363 1 2 1.02 0.00
$f Owner
29 0.00 29 1
$h Purchase price
6 0.00 6 1
$n Extent
5 0.00 5 1
$o Type of unit
1 0.00 1 1
$3 Materials specified
4 0.00 4 1
542 — Information Relating to Copyright Status
332 0.01 332 1
$ind1 Privacy
332 0.01 332 1
$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)
326 0.01 326 1
$c Corporate creator
1 0.00 1 1
$l Copyright status
214 0.01 214 1
$n Note
214 0.01 214 1
$u Uniform Resource Identifier
331 0.01 331 1
544 — Location of Other Archival Materials Note
207 0.01 207 1
$ind1 Relationship
207 0.01 207 1
$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)
201 0.01 201 1
$a Custodian
207 0.01 207 1
$b Address
207 0.01 207 1
$c Country
1 0.00 1 1
$d Title
1 0.00 1 1
545 — Biographical or Historical Data
32 0.00 37 1 2 1.11 0.02
$ind1 Type of data
32 0.00 37 1 2 1.11 0.02
$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)
9 0.00 12 1 2 1.15 0.04
$a Biographical or historical data
30 0.00 35 1 2 1.12 0.02
$b Expansion
2 0.00 2 1
546 — Language Note
4,086 0.11 4,156 1 4 1.02 0.00
$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)
3,385 0.09 3,397 1 3 1.01 0.00
$a Language note
2,922 0.08 2,929 1 2 1.00 0.00
$b Information code or alphabet
1,730 0.05 1,905 1 4 1.10 0.00
547 — Former Title Complexity Note
124 0.00 126 1 2 1.03 0.00
$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)
15 0.00 16 1 2 1.04 0.01
$a Former title complexity note
124 0.00 126 1 2 1.03 0.00
552 — Entity and Attribute Information Note
1 0.00 1 1
$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)
1 0.00 1 1
$z Display note
1 0.00 1 1
556 — Information About Documentation Note
1 0.00 1 1
$ind1 Display constant controller
1 0.00 1 1
$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)
1 0.00 1 1
$a Information about documentation note
1 0.00 1 1
561 — Ownership and Custodial History
9,253 0.25 10,167 1 7 1.47 0.00
$ind1 Privacy
9,253 0.25 10,167 1 7 1.47 0.00
$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)
9,220 0.25 10,133 1 7 1.46 0.00
$a History
9,247 0.25 10,160 1 7 1.47 0.00
$u Uniform Resource Identifier
3 0.00 5 1 2 1.67 0.25
562 — Copy and Version Identification Note
136,349 3.73 172,972 1 8 1.20 0.00
$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)
32,154 0.88 41,116 1 8 1.19 0.00
$@ Language of field (in KBR version)
2 0.00 2 1
$a Identifying markings
6,061 0.17 6,569 1 6 1.06 0.00
$b Copy identification
130,026 3.56 166,448 1 9 1.22 0.00
$c Version identification
300 0.01 302 1 2 1.00 0.00
$d Presentation format
5 0.00 5 1
$e Number of copies
536 0.01 541 1 2 1.01 0.00
563 — Binding Information
3,570 0.10 3,788 1 7 1.03 0.00
$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)
3,057 0.08 3,274 1 4 1.06 0.00
$a Binding note
3,568 0.10 3,788 1 7 1.03 0.00
2 0.00 2 1
565 — Case File Characteristics Note
8 0.00 8 1
$ind1 Display constant controller
8 0.00 8 1
$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)
8 0.00 8 1
$a Number of cases/variables
7 0.00 7 1
$b Name of variable
1 0.00 1 1
$e Filing scheme or code
2 0.00 2 1
580 — Linking Entry Complexity Note
4,106 0.11 4,276 1 7 1.01 0.00
$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)
1,783 0.05 1,808 1 7 1.01 0.00
$@ Language of field (in KBR version)
1 0.00 1 1
$a Linking entry complexity note
4,106 0.11 4,276 1 7 1.01 0.00
$6 Linkage
2 0.00 2 1
581 — Publications About Described Materials Note
5,704 0.16 6,230 1 4 1.04 0.00
$ind1 Display constant controller
5,704 0.16 6,230 1 4 1.04 0.00
$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)
5,692 0.16 6,218 1 4 1.04 0.00
$@ Language of field (in KBR version)
2 0.00 6 1 4 1.01 0.01
$a Publications about described materials note
5,666 0.16 6,192 1 4 1.04 0.00
$z International Standard Book Number
25 0.00 25 1
583 — Action Note
4 0.00 4 1 3 1.03 0.00
$ind1 Privacy
4 0.00 4 1 3 1.03 0.00
$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)
4 0.00 4 1 3 1.03 0.00
$a Action
2 0.00 2 1
$c Time/date of action
1 0.00 1 1
$u Uniform Resource Identifier
1 0.00 1 1
$2 Source of term
1 0.00 1 1 3 1.03 0.00
$5 Institution to which field applies
1 0.00 1 1 3 1.03 0.00
585 — Exhibitions Note
27 0.00 27 1
$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)
27 0.00 27 1
$a Exhibitions note
27 0.00 27 1
586 — Awards Note
198 0.01 215 1 3 1.09 0.01
$ind1 Display constant controller
198 0.01 215 1 3 1.09 0.01
$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)
197 0.01 214 1 3 1.09 0.01
$a Awards note
198 0.01 215 1 3 1.09 0.01
588 — Source of Description Note
89,342 2.44 89,388 1 3 1.00 0.00
$ind1 Display constant controller
89,342 2.44 89,388 1 3 1.00 0.00
$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)
73,934 2.02 73,980 1 3 1.00 0.00
$a Source of description note
89,342 2.44 89,388 1 3 1.00 0.00
6XX: Subject Access
600 — Subject Added Entry - Personal Name
10,700 0.29 18,379 1 125 1.63 0.03
$ind1 Type of personal name entry element
10,700 0.29 18,379 1 125 1.63 0.03
$ind2 Thesaurus
10,700 0.29 18,379 1 125 1.63 0.03
$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)
6,705 0.18 8,913 1 103 1.33 0.02
$* Link with identifier (in KBR version)
10,700 0.29 18,379 1 125 1.63 0.03
$@ Language of field (in KBR version)
80 0.00 89 1 5 1.09 0.03
$a Personal name
10,700 0.29 18,379 1 125 1.63 0.03
$b Numeration
383 0.01 388 1 2 1.01 0.00
$c Titles and other words associated with a name
5,167 0.14 8,541 1 118 1.61 0.04
$d Dates associated with a name
8,795 0.24 12,350 1 57 1.36 0.01
$e Relator term
2 0.00 2 1
$f Date of a work
1 0.00 1 1
$g Miscellaneous information
134 0.00 209 1 35 1.55 0.26
$j Attribution qualifier
2 0.00 2 1
$n Number of part/section of a work
3 0.00 3 1
$q Fuller form of name
238 0.01 263 1 4 1.11 0.01
$t Title of a work
26 0.00 31 1 4 1.19 0.11
$v Form subdivision
43 0.00 57 1 3 1.34 0.04
$x General subdivision
95 0.00 150 1 8 1.56 0.08
$y Chronological subdivision
5 0.00 5 1
$z Geographic subdivision
6 0.00 10 1 4 1.67 0.41
$0 Authority record control number or standard number
1 0.00 1 1
$1 Real World Object URI
8,166 0.22 11,221 1 66 1.34 0.01
$2 Source of heading or term
28 0.00 34 1 2 1.21 0.03
$4 Relationship
14 0.00 46 1 7 3.29 0.37
$6 Linkage
1 0.00 1 1
610 — Subject Added Entry - Corporate Name
406 0.01 461 1 19 1.18 0.04
$ind1 Type of corporate name entry element
406 0.01 461 1 19 1.18 0.04
$ind2 Thesaurus
406 0.01 461 1 19 1.18 0.04
$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)
356 0.01 383 1 19 1.14 0.05
$* Link with identifier (in KBR version)
406 0.01 461 1 19 1.18 0.04
$@ Language of field (in KBR version)
9 0.00 9 1
$a Corporate name or jurisdiction name as entry element
406 0.01 461 1 19 1.18 0.04
$b Subordinate unit
38 0.00 66 1 6 1.72 0.13
$c Location of meeting
9 0.00 9 1
$d Date of meeting or treaty signing
1 0.00 2 2 4 3.00 0.71
$g Miscellaneous information
118 0.00 138 1 6 1.18 0.05
$k Form subheading
1 0.00 1 1
$n Number of part/section/meeting
3 0.00 3 1
$v Form subdivision
17 0.00 20 1 3 1.18 0.12
$x General subdivision
16 0.00 22 1 3 1.38 0.11
$y Chronological subdivision
2 0.00 2 1
$z Geographic subdivision
2 0.00 4 1 3 2.00 0.71
$1 Real World Object URI
6 0.00 12 1 5 2.00 0.55
$2 Source of heading or term
7 0.00 8 1 2 1.14 0.12
$4 Relationship
1 0.00 1 1
611 — Subject Added Entry - Meeting Name
11 0.00 14 1 2 1.27 0.07
$ind1 Type of meeting name entry element
11 0.00 14 1 2 1.27 0.07
$ind2 Thesaurus
11 0.00 14 1 2 1.27 0.07
$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)
6 0.00 7 1 2 1.17 0.14
$* Link with identifier (in KBR version)
11 0.00 14 1 2 1.27 0.07
$a Meeting name or jurisdiction name as entry element
11 0.00 14 1 2 1.27 0.07
$c Location of meeting
1 0.00 1 1
$d Date of meeting or treaty signing
2 0.00 2 1
$0 Authority record control number or standard number
7 0.00 10 1 2 1.43 0.10
$2 Source of heading or term
8 0.00 11 1 2 1.38 0.09
630 — Subject Added Entry - Uniform Title
29 0.00 49 1 8 1.69 0.25
$ind1 Nonfiling characters
29 0.00 49 1 8 1.69 0.25
$ind2 Thesaurus
29 0.00 49 1 8 1.69 0.25
$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)
10 0.00 19 1 5 1.90 0.34
$* Link with identifier (in KBR version)
29 0.00 49 1 8 1.69 0.25
$@ Language of field (in KBR version)
1 0.00 1 1
$a Uniform title
29 0.00 49 1 8 1.69 0.25
$k Form subheading
2 0.00 6 2 4 3.00 0.71
$l Language of a work
3 0.00 3 1
$p Name of part/section of a work
23 0.00 37 1 5 1.61 0.19
$v Form subdivision
5 0.00 8 1 3 1.60 0.31
$x General subdivision
23 0.00 46 1 7 2.00 0.27
$y Chronological subdivision
3 0.00 4 1 2 1.33 0.25
$0 Authority record control number or standard number
1 0.00 1 1
$2 Source of heading or term
2 0.00 2 1
648 — Subject Added Entry - Chronological Term
2,731 0.07 4,014 1 6 1.39 0.00
$ind2 Thesaurus
2,731 0.07 4,014 1 6 1.39 0.00
$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)
190 0.01 275 1 4 1.39 0.00
$* Link with identifier (in KBR version)
2,731 0.07 4,014 1 6 1.39 0.00
$a Chronological term
2,731 0.07 4,014 1 6 1.39 0.00
$2 Source of heading or term
22 0.00 22 1
650 — Subject Added Entry - Topical Term
461,753 12.63 1,204,397 1 81 2.46 0.00
$ind1 Level of subject
461,753 12.63 1,204,397 1 81 2.46 0.00
$ind2 Thesaurus
461,753 12.63 1,204,397 1 81 2.46 0.00
$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)
23,174 0.63 44,782 1 81 1.76 0.00
$* Link with identifier (in KBR version)
461,753 12.63 1,204,551 1 81 2.47 0.00
$@ Language of field (in KBR version)
7,108 0.19 11,892 1 51 1.52 0.00
$a Topical term or geographic name entry element
461,751 12.63 1,204,549 1 81 2.47 0.00
$b Topical term following geographic name entry element
10,082 0.28 10,206 1 5 1.01 0.00
$c Location of event
1 0.00 1 1 2 1.03 0.03
$g Miscellaneous information
351,753 9.62 1,018,573 1 81 2.77 0.00
$v Form subdivision
9,885 0.27 10,095 1 12 1.02 0.00
$x General subdivision
2,322 0.06 3,714 1 16 1.63 0.01
$y Chronological subdivision
2,361 0.06 2,526 1 8 1.07 0.00
$z Geographic subdivision
972 0.03 1,729 1 10 1.77 0.01
$0 Authority record control number or standard number
1 0.00 2 1 3 1.50 0.28
$1 Real World Object URI
1 0.00 1 1
$2 Source of heading or term
346,754 9.49 1,022,630 1 81 2.82 0.00
651 — Subject Added Entry - Geographic Name
5,252 0.14 7,150 1 16 1.09 0.00
$ind2 Thesaurus
5,252 0.14 7,150 1 16 1.09 0.00
$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)
3,283 0.09 4,106 1 16 1.10 0.00
$* Link with identifier (in KBR version)
5,252 0.14 7,150 1 16 1.09 0.00
$@ Language of field (in KBR version)
1,009 0.03 1,200 1 6 1.11 0.00
$a Geographic name
5,252 0.14 7,150 1 16 1.09 0.00
$g Miscellaneous information
3 0.00 13 2 7 4.33 1.19
$v Form subdivision
893 0.02 2,969 1 12 2.47 0.00
$x General subdivision
708 0.02 2,225 1 16 2.40 0.01
$y Chronological subdivision
108 0.00 154 1 8 1.41 0.08
$z Geographic subdivision
23 0.00 31 1 6 1.52 0.18
$0 Authority record control number or standard number
10 0.00 11 1 2 1.01 0.01
$2 Source of heading or term
33 0.00 60 1 7 1.82 0.21
653 — Index Term - Uncontrolled
790,459 21.63 6,986,665 1 255 7.20 0.00
$ind1 Level of index term
790,459 21.63 6,986,665 1 255 7.20 0.00
$ind2 Type of term or name
790,459 21.63 6,986,665 1 255 7.20 0.00
$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)
28,237 0.77 39,583 1 61 1.06 0.00
$@ Language of field (in KBR version)
370,259 10.13 6,407,735 1 255 17.28 0.00
$a Uncontrolled term
790,459 21.63 6,986,902 1 255 7.20 0.00
654 — Subject Added Entry - Faceted Topical Terms
198,456 5.43 409,365 1 34 1.92 0.00
$ind1 Level of subject
198,456 5.43 409,365 1 34 1.92 0.00
$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)
3,960 0.11 5,880 1 13 1.42 0.00
$* Link with identifier (in KBR version)
198,456 5.43 473,871 1 66 2.19 0.00
$@ Language of field (in KBR version)
1,787 0.05 2,705 1 13 1.39 0.00
$a Focus term
198,456 5.43 473,871 1 66 2.19 0.00
$b Non-focus term
180,745 4.95 572,914 1 62 2.91 0.00
$v Form subdivision
120 0.00 166 1 5 1.38 0.04
47 0.00 97 1 18 2.41 0.02
$y Chronological subdivision
4,039 0.11 4,645 1 10 1.14 0.00
$z Geographic subdivision
628 0.02 976 1 11 1.53 0.02
$0 Authority record control number or standard number
20 0.00 25 1 2 1.25 0.04
$2 Source of heading or term
197,557 5.41 408,065 1 34 1.92 0.00
655 — Index Term - Genre/Form
32,816 0.90 37,661 1 12 1.42 0.00
$ind1 Type of heading
32,816 0.90 37,661 1 12 1.42 0.00
$ind2 Thesaurus
32,816 0.90 37,661 1 12 1.42 0.00
$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)
29,113 0.80 30,950 1 5 1.17 0.00
$* Link with identifier (in KBR version)
32,816 0.90 37,661 1 12 1.42 0.00
$@ Language of field (in KBR version)
4,306 0.12 5,579 1 4 1.51 0.00
$a Genre/form data or focus term
32,816 0.90 37,661 1 12 1.42 0.00
$v Form subdivision
39 0.00 39 1
$x General subdivision
27 0.00 55 1 4 1.96 0.05
$y Chronological subdivision
78 0.00 81 1 3 1.05 0.02
$z Geographic subdivision
36 0.00 36 1
$0 Authority record control number
12,078 0.33 12,955 1 7 1.06 0.00
$1 Real World Object URI
158 0.00 158 1
$2 Source of term
6,218 0.17 6,244 1 12 1.01 0.00
70X-75X: Added Entry
700 — Added Entry - Personal Name
924,792 25.30 1,937,857 1 128 2.16 0.00
$ind1 Type of personal name entry element
924,792 25.30 1,937,857 1 128 2.16 0.00
$ind2 Type of added entry
924,792 25.30 1,937,857 1 128 2.16 0.00
$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)
334,758 9.16 523,825 1 128 1.67 0.00
$* Link with identifier (in KBR version)
924,792 25.30 1,937,887 1 128 2.16 0.00
$@ Language of field (in KBR version)
750 0.02 799 1 4 1.31 0.00
$a Personal name
924,791 25.30 1,937,884 1 128 2.16 0.00
$b Numeration
16,698 0.46 18,090 1 26 1.09 0.00
$c Titles and other words associated with a name
326,676 8.94 454,887 1 90 1.54 0.00
$d Dates associated with a name
637,255 17.44 973,811 1 124 1.66 0.00
$e Relator term
98 0.00 150 1 4 1.53 0.03
$g Miscellaneous information
12,630 0.35 13,975 1 14 1.12 0.00
$i Relationship information
2 0.00 5 1 4 2.50 1.06
$j Attribution qualifier
2,175 0.06 2,530 1 7 1.16 0.00
$k Form subheading
3 0.00 5 1 2 1.67 0.25
$l Language of a work
622 0.02 706 1 9 1.13 0.01
$n Number of part/section of a work
1 0.00 1 1
$q Fuller form of name
35,036 0.96 37,380 1 8 1.06 0.00
$s Version
3 0.00 3 1
$t Title of a work
7 0.00 13 1 5 1.75 0.42
$0 Authority record control number or standard number
29 0.00 42 1 4 1.38 0.09
$1 Real World Object URI
710,953 19.45 1,259,483 1 116 1.84 0.00
$3 Materials specified
109 0.00 153 1 3 1.40 0.02
$4 Relationship
614,352 16.81 1,313,356 1 128 2.19 0.00
$5 Institution to which field applies
4 0.00 5 1 2 1.25 0.20
$6 Linkage
22 0.00 32 1 3 1.45 0.08
710 — Added Entry - Corporate Name
1,168,162 31.96 1,304,745 1 28 1.13 0.00
$ind1 Type of corporate name entry element
1,168,162 31.96 1,304,745 1 28 1.13 0.00
$ind2 Type of added entry
1,168,162 31.96 1,304,745 1 28 1.13 0.00
$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)
243,840 6.67 271,259 1 28 1.14 0.00
$* Link with identifier (in KBR version)
1,168,162 31.96 1,304,740 1 28 1.13 0.00
$@ Language of field (in KBR version)
57,688 1.58 62,131 1 18 1.11 0.00
$a Corporate name or jurisdiction name as entry element
1,167,880 31.96 1,304,270 1 28 1.13 0.00
$b Subordinate unit
148,505 4.06 179,743 1 10 1.21 0.00
$c Location of meeting
122,758 3.36 129,411 1 8 1.07 0.00
$d Date of meeting or treaty signing
22,960 0.63 24,570 1 14 1.07 0.00
$e Relator term
18 0.00 30 1 5 1.67 0.20
$f Date of a work
1 0.00 1 1 2 1.25 0.20
$g Miscellaneous information
778,845 21.31 855,736 1 27 1.10 0.00
$i Relationship information
1 0.00 1 1
$l Language of a work
6,587 0.18 7,190 1 7 1.09 0.00
$o Arranged statement for music
1 0.00 1 1
$1 Real World Object URI
91,329 2.50 91,619 1 4 1.00 0.00
$3 Materials specified
1 0.00 1 1
$4 Relationship
1,102,313 30.16 1,227,893 1 28 1.12 0.00
$6 Linkage
4 0.00 4 1
711 — Added Entry - Meeting Name
9,845 0.27 10,290 1 5 1.05 0.00
$ind1 Type of meeting name entry element
9,845 0.27 10,290 1 5 1.05 0.00
$ind2 Type of added entry
9,845 0.27 10,290 1 5 1.05 0.00
$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)
37 0.00 40 1 2 1.08 0.02
$* Link with identifier (in KBR version)
9,845 0.27 10,290 1 5 1.05 0.00
$@ Language of field (in KBR version)
8 0.00 11 1 2 1.33 0.08
$a Meeting name or jurisdiction name as entry element
9,845 0.27 10,290 1 5 1.05 0.00
$c Location of meeting
20 0.00 22 1 2 1.10 0.05
$d Date of meeting or treaty signing
4,216 0.12 4,380 1 5 1.04 0.00
$n Number of part/section/meeting
17 0.00 18 1 2 1.06 0.06
$4 Relationship
13 0.00 13 1
720 — Added Entry - Uncontrolled Name
82,531 2.26 106,301 1 35 1.29 0.00
$ind1 Type of name
82,531 2.26 106,301 1 35 1.29 0.00
$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)
36,686 1.00 52,287 1 35 1.43 0.00
$@ Language of field (in KBR version)
1 0.00 1 1
$a Name
82,529 2.26 106,291 1 35 1.29 0.00
$e Relator term
365 0.01 671 1 12 1.84 0.04
$4 Relationship
37,213 1.02 52,994 1 35 1.42 0.00
730 — Added Entry - Uniform Title
3,329 0.09 4,425 1 11 1.31 0.00
$ind1 Nonfiling characters
3,329 0.09 4,425 1 11 1.31 0.00
$ind2 Type of added entry
3,329 0.09 4,425 1 11 1.31 0.00
$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)
1,722 0.05 2,539 1 11 1.50 0.01
$* Link with identifier (in KBR version)
3,329 0.09 4,425 1 11 1.31 0.00
$@ Language of field (in KBR version)
10 0.00 15 1 2 1.50 0.07
$a Uniform title
3,329 0.09 4,425 1 11 1.31 0.00
$d Date of treaty signing
13 0.00 14 1 2 1.08 0.07
$f Date of a work
159 0.00 203 1 6 1.28 0.03
$i Relationship information
3 0.00 3 1
$k Form subheading
13 0.00 24 1 2 1.85 0.07
$l Language of a work
563 0.02 1,029 1 11 1.82 0.02
$n Number of part/section of a work
18 0.00 18 1
$p Name of part/section of a work
21 0.00 26 1 2 1.27 0.04
$s Version
2 0.00 2 1
$t Title of a work
7 0.00 7 1
$4 Relationship
1 0.00 1 1
740 — Added Entry - Uncontrolled Related/Analytical Title
34 0.00 77 1 10 1.04 0.01
$ind1 Nonfiling characters
34 0.00 77 1 10 1.04 0.01
$ind2 Type of added entry
34 0.00 77 1 10 1.04 0.01
$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)
10 0.00 10 1
$a Uncontrolled related/analytical title
34 0.00 77 1 10 1.04 0.01
751 — Added Entry - Geographic Name
2,657 0.07 2,866 1 4 1.08 0.00
$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)
2,518 0.07 2,716 1 4 1.08 0.00
$* Link with identifier (in KBR version)
2,657 0.07 2,866 1 4 1.08 0.00
$@ Language of field (in KBR version)
582 0.02 629 1 3 1.08 0.00
$a Geographic name
2,657 0.07 2,866 1 4 1.08 0.00
$e Relator term
1 0.00 1 1
$4 Relationship
2,572 0.07 2,776 1 4 1.08 0.00
752 — Added Entry - Hierarchical Place Name
2 0.00 2 1
$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)
2 0.00 2 1
$* Link with identifier (in KBR version)
2 0.00 2 1
$a Country or larger entity
2 0.00 2 1
$b First-order political jurisdiction
1 0.00 1 1
$d City
1 0.00 1 1
$4 Relationship
1 0.00 1 1
758 — Resource Identifier
13,522 0.37 13,522 1
$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)
77 0.00 77 1
$a Label
13,522 0.37 13,522 1
$i Relationship information
13,522 0.37 13,522 1
$4 Relationship
13,522 0.37 13,522 1
76X-78X: Linking Entry
760 — Main Series Entry
1 0.00 1 1
$ind1 Note controller
1 0.00 1 1
$ind2 Display constant controller
1 0.00 1 1
$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)
1 0.00 1 1
$* Link with identifier (in KBR version)
1 0.00 1 1
$a Main entry heading
1 0.00 1 1
$t Title
1 0.00 1 1
765 — Original Language Entry
5,297 0.14 5,517 1 10 1.04 0.00
$ind1 Note controller
5,297 0.14 5,517 1 10 1.04 0.00
$ind2 Display constant controller
5,297 0.14 5,517 1 10 1.04 0.00
$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)
4,547 0.12 4,733 1 10 1.04 0.00
$* Link with identifier (in KBR version)
5,297 0.14 5,517 1 10 1.04 0.00
$a Main entry heading
2,867 0.08 2,999 1 10 1.05 0.00
$d Place, publisher, and date of publication
3 0.00 3 1
$g Related parts
12 0.00 12 1
$h Physical description
1 0.00 1 1
$i Relationship information
2 0.00 2 1
$o Other item identifier
1 0.00 1 1
$t Title
5,297 0.14 5,517 1 10 1.04 0.00
$w Record control number
3 0.00 4 1 2 1.33 0.25
$z International Standard Book Number
3,768 0.10 3,954 1 10 1.05 0.00
767 — Translation Entry
3,381 0.09 4,048 1 10 1.20 0.00
$ind1 Note controller
3,381 0.09 4,048 1 10 1.20 0.00
$ind2 Display constant controller
3,381 0.09 4,048 1 10 1.20 0.00
$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)
2,343 0.06 2,869 1 10 1.22 0.00
$* Link with identifier (in KBR version)
3,381 0.09 4,048 1 10 1.20 0.00
$a Main entry heading
1,481 0.04 1,739 1 10 1.17 0.01
$g Related parts
16 0.00 16 1
$i Relationship information
1 0.00 1 1
$t Title
3,381 0.09 4,048 1 10 1.20 0.00
$z International Standard Book Number
2,003 0.05 2,450 1 5 1.22 0.00
770 — Supplement/Special Issue Entry
107 0.00 139 1 10 1.28 0.03
$ind1 Note controller
107 0.00 139 1 10 1.28 0.03
$ind2 Display constant controller
107 0.00 139 1 10 1.28 0.03
$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)
70 0.00 99 1 10 1.37 0.08
$* Link with identifier (in KBR version)
107 0.00 139 1 10 1.28 0.03
$a Main entry heading
16 0.00 16 1
$g Related parts
10 0.00 10 1 2 1.11 0.03
$t Title
107 0.00 139 1 10 1.28 0.03
$z International Standard Book Number
15 0.00 15 1
772 — Supplement Parent Entry
7,393 0.20 7,396 1 9 1.01 0.00
$ind1 Note controller
7,393 0.20 7,396 1 9 1.01 0.00
$ind2 Display constant controller
7,393 0.20 7,396 1 9 1.01 0.00
$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)
253 0.01 256 1 2 1.02 0.00
$* Link with identifier (in KBR version)
7,393 0.20 7,396 1 9 1.01 0.00
$a Main entry heading
953 0.03 953 1
$g Related parts
7,166 0.20 12,595 1 2 1.75 0.00
$k Series data for related item
1 0.00 1 1
$t Title
7,392 0.20 7,395 1 9 1.01 0.00
$x International Standard Serial Number
1 0.00 1 1
$z International Standard Book Number
123 0.00 123 1
773 — Host Item Entry
604,611 16.54 631,053 1 13 1.04 0.00
$ind1 Note controller
604,611 16.54 631,053 1 13 1.04 0.00
$ind2 Display constant controller
604,611 16.54 631,053 1 13 1.04 0.00
$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)
331,872 9.08 346,953 1 13 1.04 0.00
$* Link with identifier (in KBR version)
604,611 16.54 631,077 1 13 1.04 0.00
$@ Language of field (in KBR version)
4 0.00 4 1
$a Main entry heading
120,185 3.29 121,785 1 5 1.01 0.00
$b Edition
39,341 1.08 40,536 1 3 1.03 0.00
$d Place, publisher, and date of publication
1 0.00 1 1
$g Related parts
518,787 14.20 540,016 1 13 1.04 0.00
$h Physical description
2,900 0.08 2,922 1 2 1.00 0.00
$i Relationship information
940 0.03 963 1 4 1.02 0.00
$n Note
68,420 1.87 69,036 1 4 1.01 0.00
$o Other item identifier
1 0.00 1 1
$r Report number
13 0.00 13 1
$t Title
604,611 16.54 631,077 1 13 1.04 0.00
$x International Standard Serial Number
18 0.00 18 1
$z International Standard Book Number
8,764 0.24 8,836 1 6 1.01 0.00
10 0.00 17 1 2 1.70 0.08
$6 Linkage
12 0.00 21 1 2 1.75 0.07
774 — Constituent Unit Entry
1 0.00 1 1
$ind1 Note controller
1 0.00 1 1
$ind2 Display constant controller
1 0.00 1 1
$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)
1 0.00 1 1
$* Link with identifier (in KBR version)
1 0.00 1 1
$t Title
1 0.00 1 1
775 — Other Edition Entry
27,728 0.76 56,663 1 12 1.79 0.00
$ind1 Note controller
27,728 0.76 56,663 1 12 1.79 0.00
$ind2 Display constant controller
27,728 0.76 56,663 1 12 1.79 0.00
$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)
19,790 0.54 44,906 1 12 2.10 0.00
$* Link with identifier (in KBR version)
27,728 0.76 56,674 1 14 1.79 0.00
$a Main entry heading
12,110 0.33 24,382 1 12 2.00 0.00
$b Edition
4 0.00 5 1 2 1.25 0.20
$c Qualifying information
8 0.00 16 1 3 2.00 0.18
$e Language code
87 0.00 467 1 10 5.37 0.09
$g Related parts
2,110 0.06 2,146 1 4 1.02 0.00
$i Relationship information
15,390 0.42 32,698 1 14 1.74 0.00
$m Material-specific details
3 0.00 3 1
$o Other item identifier
1 0.00 1 1
$t Title
27,728 0.76 56,674 1 14 1.79 0.00
$w Record control number
1 0.00 1 1 2 1.50 0.35
$z International Standard Book Number
18,460 0.51 40,916 1 14 2.11 0.00
776 — Additional Physical Form Entry
14,361 0.39 14,651 1 8 1.03 0.00
$ind1 Note controller
14,361 0.39 14,651 1 8 1.03 0.00
$ind2 Display constant controller
14,361 0.39 14,651 1 8 1.03 0.00
$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)
11,409 0.31 11,692 1 8 1.04 0.00
$* Link with identifier (in KBR version)
14,361 0.39 14,651 1 8 1.03 0.00
$a Main entry heading
5,924 0.16 6,021 1 8 1.03 0.00
$b Edition
12 0.00 12 1
$d Place, publisher, and date of publication
111 0.00 111 1
$g Related parts
177 0.00 178 1 2 1.01 0.01
$h Physical description
170 0.00 170 1 2 1.01 0.00
$i Relationship information
8,117 0.22 8,319 1 8 1.09 0.00
$k Series data for related item
1 0.00 2 2
$n Note
1 0.00 1 1
$t Title
14,361 0.39 14,651 1 8 1.03 0.00
$w Record control number
119 0.00 119 1
$z International Standard Book Number
6,761 0.18 6,955 1 8 1.04 0.00
777 — Issued With Entry
486 0.01 627 1 11 1.25 0.02
$ind1 Note controller
486 0.01 627 1 11 1.25 0.02
$ind2 Display constant controller
486 0.01 627 1 11 1.25 0.02
$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)
298 0.01 369 1 11 1.21 0.03
$* Link with identifier (in KBR version)
486 0.01 627 1 11 1.25 0.02
$a Main entry heading
244 0.01 342 1 11 1.37 0.05
$g Related parts
55 0.00 55 1 3 1.09 0.02
$t Title
486 0.01 627 1 11 1.25 0.02
780 — Preceding Entry
909 0.02 943 1 9 1.06 0.00
$ind1 Note controller
909 0.02 943 1 9 1.06 0.00
$ind2 Type of relationship
909 0.02 943 1 9 1.06 0.00
$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)
309 0.01 324 1 7 1.06 0.00
$* Link with identifier (in KBR version)
909 0.02 943 1 9 1.06 0.00
$a Main entry heading
164 0.00 170 1 2 1.02 0.00
$g Related parts
33 0.00 34 1 2 1.06 0.01
$t Title
909 0.02 943 1 9 1.06 0.00
$z International Standard Book Number
101 0.00 108 1 2 1.06 0.01
785 — Succeeding Entry
814 0.02 864 1 15 1.06 0.00
$ind1 Note controller
814 0.02 864 1 15 1.06 0.00
$ind2 Type of relationship
814 0.02 864 1 15 1.06 0.00
$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)
261 0.01 283 1 7 1.05 0.00
$* Link with identifier (in KBR version)
814 0.02 864 1 15 1.06 0.00
$a Main entry heading
144 0.00 146 1 2 1.01 0.00
$g Related parts
30 0.00 32 1 2 1.08 0.01
$t Title
814 0.02 864 1 15 1.06 0.00
$z International Standard Book Number
84 0.00 88 1 2 1.04 0.01
786 — Data Source Entry
672 0.02 1,019 1 4 1.26 0.00
$ind1 Note controller
672 0.02 1,019 1 4 1.26 0.00
$ind2 Display constant controller
672 0.02 1,019 1 4 1.26 0.00
$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)
670 0.02 1,017 1 4 1.27 0.00
$* Link with identifier (in KBR version)
672 0.02 1,019 1 4 1.26 0.00
$a Main entry heading
317 0.01 319 1 4 1.05 0.00
$g Related parts
659 0.02 1,104 1 5 1.39 0.00
$t Title
672 0.02 1,019 1 4 1.26 0.00
$z International Standard Book Number
488 0.01 762 1 3 1.12 0.00
787 — Other Relationship Entry
1,598 0.04 1,901 1 7 1.13 0.00
$ind1 Note controller
1,598 0.04 1,901 1 7 1.13 0.00
$ind2 Display constant controller
1,598 0.04 1,901 1 7 1.13 0.00
$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)
838 0.02 1,001 1 7 1.09 0.00
$* Link with identifier (in KBR version)
1,598 0.04 1,906 1 7 1.13 0.00
$a Main entry heading
424 0.01 506 1 7 1.16 0.00
$g Related parts
884 0.02 966 1 4 1.09 0.00
$i Relationship information
728 0.02 834 1 4 1.11 0.00
$n Note
1 0.00 1 1
$t Title
1,598 0.04 1,906 1 7 1.13 0.00
$x International Standard Serial Number
1 0.00 1 1
$z International Standard Book Number
601 0.02 688 1 7 1.13 0.00
80X-83X: Series Added Entry
800 — Series Added Entry - Personal Name
1,858 0.05 1,859 1 2 1.00 0.00
$ind1 Type of personal name entry element
1,858 0.05 1,859 1 2 1.00 0.00
$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)
107 0.00 107 1
$* Link with identifier (in KBR version)
1,858 0.05 1,859 1 2 1.00 0.00
$a Personal name
1,858 0.05 1,859 1 2 1.00 0.00
$c Titles and other words associated with a name
59 0.00 65 1 2 1.06 0.01
$d Dates associated with a name
214 0.01 214 1
$e Relator term
1 0.00 1 1
$f Date of a work
5 0.00 5 1
$g Miscellaneous information
2 0.00 2 1
$k Form subheading
1 0.00 1 1
$q Fuller form of name
15 0.00 15 1
$s Version
1 0.00 1 1
$t Title of a work
17 0.00 17 1
$v Volume/sequential designation
7 0.00 7 1
$3 Materials specified
4 0.00 4 1
810 — Series Added Entry - Corporate Name
1 0.00 1 1
$ind1 Type of corporate name entry element
1 0.00 1 1
$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)
1 0.00 1 1
$* Link with identifier (in KBR version)
1 0.00 1 1
$a Corporate name or jurisdiction name as entry element
1 0.00 1 1
$t Title of a work
1 0.00 1 1
$v Volume/sequential designation
1 0.00 1 1
830 — Series Added Entry - Uniform Title
312 0.01 667 1 20 2.11 0.13
$ind2 Nonfiling characters
312 0.01 667 1 20 2.11 0.13
$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)
300 0.01 655 1 20 2.16 0.14
$* Link with identifier (in KBR version)
312 0.01 667 1 20 2.11 0.13
$a Uniform title
312 0.01 667 1 20 2.11 0.13
$n Number of part/section of a work
2 0.00 2 1
$p Name of part/section of a work
14 0.00 14 1
$v Volume/sequential designation
153 0.00 162 1 2 1.06 0.01
$x International Standard Serial Number
21 0.00 24 1 2 1.14 0.04
841-88X: Holdings, Location, Alternate Graphics
850 — Holding Institution
295 0.01 295 1
$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)
295 0.01 295 1
$a Holding institution
295 0.01 295 1
852 — Location
427,562 11.70 434,002 1 54 1.01 0.00
$ind1 Shelving scheme
427,562 11.70 434,002 1 54 1.01 0.00
$ind2 Shelving order
427,562 11.70 434,002 1 54 1.01 0.00
$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)
33,716 0.92 33,745 1 4 1.00 0.00
$@ Language of field (in KBR version)
38 0.00 38 1
$a Location
393,960 10.78 400,399 1 54 1.02 0.00
$b Sublocation or collection
393,962 10.78 400,364 1 54 1.02 0.00
$c Shelving location
414,263 11.34 420,636 1 54 1.01 0.00
$d Former shelving location
13,326 0.36 13,331 1 4 1.00 0.00
$e Address
155,008 4.24 161,248 1 54 1.04 0.00
$h Classification part
391,742 10.72 398,103 1 54 1.02 0.00
$i Item part
40 0.00 42 1 4 1.12 0.08
$j Shelving control number
8 0.00 8 1 4 1.33 0.30
$p Piece designation
393,955 10.78 400,327 1 54 1.02 0.00
$q Piece physical condition
155,008 4.24 161,248 1 54 1.04 0.00
$t Copy number
393,948 10.78 400,320 1 54 1.02 0.00
$x Nonpublic note
6 0.00 6 1
856 — Electronic Location and Access
125,088 3.42 129,602 1 46 1.05 0.00
$ind1 Access method
125,088 3.42 129,602 1 46 1.05 0.00
$ind2 Relationship
125,088 3.42 129,602 1 46 1.05 0.00
$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)
28,672 0.78 30,332 1 45 1.04 0.00
8 0.00 8 1 3 1.12 0.09
35 0.00 35 1
$l Standardized information governing access
7 0.00 7 1
$n Terms governing access
22 0.00 27 1 2 1.24 0.03
$q Electronic format type
11 0.00 11 1
$u Uniform Resource Identifier
124,993 3.42 129,857 1 46 1.05 0.00
$x Nonpublic note
4,915 0.13 4,919 1 5 1.00 0.00
$y Link text
2,243 0.06 4,145 1 46 1.89 0.03
$z Public note
61,181 1.67 61,285 1 10 1.01 0.00
$3 Materials specified
122 0.00 224 1 4 1.71 0.02
$7 Access status
34,365 0.94 37,924 1 46 1.08 0.00
880 — Alternate Graphic Representation
3,194 0.09 3,753 1 8 1.18 0.00
$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)
3,192 0.09 3,747 1 8 1.17 0.00
$a Same as associated field
3,183 0.09 3,742 1 8 1.18 0.00
$b Same as associated field
558 0.02 789 1 4 1.41 0.01
$c Same as associated field
684 0.02 1,044 1 3 1.53 0.00
$d Same as associated field
1 0.00 1 1
$e Same as associated field
1 0.00 2 2
$g Same as associated field
2 0.00 2 1
$h Same as associated field
2 0.00 2 1
$i Same as associated field
1 0.00 3 3
$l Same as associated field
2 0.00 2 1
$n Same as associated field
178 0.00 189 1 3 1.06 0.01
$p Same as associated field
39 0.00 44 1 3 1.13 0.05
$t Same as associated field
1 0.00 1 1
$v Same as associated field
9 0.00 15 1 2 1.67 0.08
$z Same as associated field
1 0.00 1 1
$6 Linkage
3,175 0.09 3,722 1 8 1.17 0.00
883 — Metadata Provenance
1 0.00 1 1
$ind1 Method of assignment
1 0.00 1 1
$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)
1 0.00 1 1
$a Creation process
1 0.00 1 1
$c Confidence value
1 0.00 1 1
$d Creation date
1 0.00 1 1
$q Assigning or generation agency
1 0.00 1 1
884 — Description Conversion Information
7 0.00 7 1
$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)
7 0.00 7 1
$a Conversion process
7 0.00 7 1
$g Conversion date
7 0.00 7 1
$k Identifier of source metadata
7 0.00 7 1
$q Conversion agency
7 0.00 7 1
886 — Foreign MARC Information Field
8 0.00 14 1 3 1.75 0.18
$ind1 Type of field
8 0.00 14 1 3 1.75 0.18
$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)
8 0.00 14 1 3 1.75 0.18
$a Tag of the foreign MARC field
8 0.00 42 2 11 5.25 0.99
$b Content of the foreign MARC field
8 0.00 14 1 3 1.75 0.18
2 0.00 5 2 3 2.50 0.35
1 0.00 1 1
4 0.00 7 1 3 1.75 0.37
1 0.00 1 1
1 0.00 1 1
6 0.00 25 1 9 4.17 1.01
6 0.00 12 1 3 2.00 0.24
$2 Source of data
8 0.00 14 1 3 1.75 0.18
Holdings: MARC Holdings tags
866 — Textual Holdings-Basic Bibliographic Unit
1,303 0.04 1,598 1 8 1.68 0.00
$ind1 Field encoding level
1,303 0.04 1,598 1 8 1.68 0.00
$ind2 Type of notation
1,303 0.04 1,598 1 8 1.68 0.00
$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)
425 0.01 551 1 6 1.63 0.00
$a Textual holdings
1,300 0.04 1,595 1 8 1.68 0.00
$x Nonpublic note
410 0.01 675 1 7 1.73 0.00
$z Public note
76 0.00 76 1 4 1.03 0.02
Locally defined tags of the Royal Library of Belgium
997 — Item information
2,453,977 67.15 2,826,543 1 254 1.12 0.00
$# number/occurrence of field
75,265 2.06 100,807 1 19 1.31 0.00
$* Link with identifier
2,453,977 67.15 2,826,547 1 254 1.12 0.00
$a Barcode number
2,453,977 67.15 2,826,543 1 254 1.12 0.00
$c Library (holding institution)
2,453,976 67.15 2,826,549 1 254 1.12 0.00
$d Section (department of holding institution)
2,453,977 67.15 2,826,551 1 254 1.12 0.00
$g Call Number
2,384,755 65.25 2,754,175 1 254 1.12 0.00
$h Rating2
1,396 0.04 1,416 1 3 1.01 0.00
$i Rating3
1 0.00 1 1
$t Document type
2,453,976 67.15 2,824,500 1 254 1.12 0.00
862 0.02 899 1 6 1.04 0.00
unknown origin
603 0.02 609 1 4 1.03 0.00
603 0.02 609 1 4 1.03 0.00
603 0.02 609 1 4 1.03 0.00
603 0.02 609 1 4 1.03 0.00
603 0.02 609 1 4 1.03 0.00
603 0.02 609 1 4 1.03 0.00
1 0.00 1 1
17 0.00 17 1
7 0.00 7 1
17 0.00 17 1
17 0.00 17 1
17 0.00 17 1
16 0.00 16 1
33 0.00 33 1
33 0.00 33 1
33 0.00 33 1
33 0.00 66 2
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analysisTimestamp 2024-12-19 23:51:52