QA catalogue zur Analyse von Bibliotheksdaten

KBR (Koninklijke Bibliotheek van België/Bibliothèque royale de Belgique)
    Datensätze: 4,840,846     Erstellt: 2024-12-20 00:01:12 (00:09:18)
en | de | pt | hu


Analyse von Feldern zur Sacherschließung mit kontrollierten Vokabularen und freien Schlagwörtern

Datensätze mit Sacherschließung

1,651,835 (34.12%)
3,189,011 (65.88%)


  • x: Anzahl der Sacherschließung pro Datensatz
  • y: Anzahl der Datensätze

example records (one record for each subject count): 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 81, 82, 84, 85, 87, 89, 90, 91, 93, 94, 96, 98, 99, 100, 102, 104, 105, 107, 108, 109, 111, 113, 114, 115, 117, 118, 120, 123, 124, 126, 129, 132, 135, 138, 141, 144, 147, 150, 153, 156, 159, 162, 165, 168, 171, 174, 177, 180, 183, 186, 189, 192, 195, 198, 201, 204, 210, 213, 216, 222, 225, 231, 234, 237, 240, 243, 246, 255


Feld Vokabular Vorkommen Datensätze %

052 — Geographic Classification

ind1 Library of Congress Classification (lcc) 5 5

Welche Unterfelder kommen in diesem Feld vor?

$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)     5
$a Geographic classification area code     5
$b Geographic classification subarea code     3
Unterfelder Anzahl
$#, $a, $b 3
$#, $a 2

055 — Classification Numbers Assigned in Canada

ind2 LC-based call number assigned by LAC (lbbcl0) 3 3

Welche Unterfelder kommen in diesem Feld vor?

$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)   3
$a Classification number   3
$b Item number   3
Unterfelder Anzahl
$#, $a, $b 3
ind2 Complete LC class number assigned by the contributing library (lbbcl4) 2 2

Welche Unterfelder kommen in diesem Feld vor?

$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)     2
$a Classification number     2
$b Item number     1
Unterfelder Anzahl
$#, $a, $b 1
$#, $a 1

072 — Subject Category Code

$2 LC classification outline (Washington, DC: Library of Congress, Cataloging Distribution Service) (lcco) 45 37

Welche Unterfelder kommen in diesem Feld vor?

$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)     43
$a Subject category code     45
$2 Source     45
Unterfelder Anzahl
$#, $a, $2 43
$a, $2 2
$2 BISAC Subject Headings (bisacsh) 10 5

Welche Unterfelder kommen in diesem Feld vor?

$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)       9
$a Subject category code       10
$x Subject category code subdivision       8
$2 Source       10
Unterfelder Anzahl
$#, $a, $x, $2 8
$a, $2 1
$#, $a, $2 1
$2 nur (nur) 1 1

Welche Unterfelder kommen in diesem Feld vor?

$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)   1
$a Subject category code   1
$2 Source   1
Unterfelder Anzahl
$#, $a, $2 1
ind2 " " ( ) 41 41

Welche Unterfelder kommen in diesem Feld vor?

$a Subject category code     41
$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)     4
Unterfelder Anzahl
$a 37
$#, $a 4

080 — Universal Decimal Classification Number

$a Universal Decimal Classification (udc) 64,599 61,062

Welche Unterfelder kommen in diesem Feld vor?

$a Universal Decimal Classification number         64,599
$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)         3,926
$2 Edition identifier         218
Unterfelder Anzahl
$a 60,663
$#, $a 3,718
$#, $a, $2 208
$a, $2 10

082 — Dewey Decimal Classification Number

$a Dewey Decimal Classification (ddc) 18,487 17,740

Welche Unterfelder kommen in diesem Feld vor?

$a Classification number                             18,487
$b Item number                             5,604
$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)                             1,264
$2 Edition information                             1,190
$q Assigning agency                             3
Unterfelder Anzahl
$a 11,586
$a, $b 5,553
$#, $a, $2 1,058
$#, $a 136
$a, $2 71
$#, $a, $b, $2 28
$#, $a+, $2 20
$#, $a, $b 14
$a, $b, $2 9
$#, $a+ 5
$a+, $2 2
$a+ 2
$#, $a, $q, $2 2
$#, $a, $q 1


  • Das Zeichen + weist auf mehrere Vorkommen hin

084 — Other Classification Number

$2 undetectable (undetectable) 27,047 17,555

Welche Unterfelder kommen in diesem Feld vor?

$a Classification number       27,047
$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)       1,391
$b Item number       1
Unterfelder Anzahl
$a 25,656
$#, $a 1,390
$#, $a, $b 1
$2 BISAC Subject Headings (bisacsh) 30 30

Welche Unterfelder kommen in diesem Feld vor?

$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)       26
$a Classification number       30
$2 Number source       30
Unterfelder Anzahl
$#, $a+, $2 17
$#, $a, $2 9
$a+, $2 4


  • Das Zeichen + weist auf mehrere Vorkommen hin
$2 Nederlandse Basisclassificatie = Dutch Basic Classification Codes (The Hague: Koninklijke Bibliotheek) (bcl) 6 5

Welche Unterfelder kommen in diesem Feld vor?

$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)     4
$a Classification number     6
$2 Number source     6
Unterfelder Anzahl
$#, $a, $2 4
$a, $2 2
$2 Sondersammelgebiets-Nummer (ssgn) 4 4

Welche Unterfelder kommen in diesem Feld vor?

$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)   4
$a Classification number   4
$2 Number source   4
Unterfelder Anzahl
$#, $a, $2 4
$2 lacc (lacc) 3 3

Welche Unterfelder kommen in diesem Feld vor?

$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)   3
$a Classification number   3
$2 Number source   3
Unterfelder Anzahl
$#, $a, $2 3
$2 Vlaamse SISO [schema voor de indeling van de systematische catalogus in openbare bibliotheken] (Antwerpen: VLABIN-VBC) (vsiso) 2 2

Welche Unterfelder kommen in diesem Feld vor?

$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)   2
$a Classification number   2
$2 Number source   2
Unterfelder Anzahl
$#, $a, $2 2
$2 Fachinformationsdienste für die Wissenschaft (FID) (fid) 2 2

Welche Unterfelder kommen in diesem Feld vor?

$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)   2
$a Classification number   2
$q Assigning agency   2
$2 Number source   2
Unterfelder Anzahl
$#, $a, $q, $2 2
$2 Systematik der Deutschen Nationalbibliographie (sdnb) 2 2

Welche Unterfelder kommen in diesem Feld vor?

$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)     2
$a Classification number     2
$2 Number source     2
$q Assigning agency     1
Unterfelder Anzahl
$#, $a, $2 1
$#, $a, $q, $2 1
$2 Regensburger Verbundklassifikation (RVK) (rvk) 1 1

Welche Unterfelder kommen in diesem Feld vor?

$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)   1
$a Classification number   1
$2 Number source   1
Unterfelder Anzahl
$#, $a, $2 1

086 — Government Document Classification Number

ind1 Superintendent of Documents Classification System (sudocs) 2 2

Welche Unterfelder kommen in diesem Feld vor?

$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)   2
$a Classification number   2
Unterfelder Anzahl
$#, $a 2

600 — Subject Added Entry - Personal Name

$2 undetectable (undetectable) 340 280

Welche Unterfelder kommen in diesem Feld vor?

$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)                                           228
$* Link with identifier (in KBR version)                                           340
$a Personal name                                           340
$d Dates associated with a name                                           264
$1 Real World Object URI                                           265
$c Titles and other words associated with a name                                           126
$@ Language of field (in KBR version)                                           52
$g Miscellaneous information                                           1
Unterfelder Anzahl
$#, $*, $a, $d, $1 76
$*, $a, $c, $d, $1 49
$#, $*, $a, $c, $d, $1 48
$*, $a, $d, $1 36
$#, $*, $a 36
$#, $*, $@, $a, $d, $1 30
$#, $*, $@, $a, $c, $d, $1 11
$*, $a 10
$#, $*, $@, $a 9
$#, $*, $a, $1 8
$*, $a, $c 5
$#, $*, $a, $c, $d 5
$*, $a, $d 4
$*, $a, $1 4
$*, $a, $c, $d 3
$*, $a, $c+, $d, $1 1
$#, $*, $@, $a, $c+, $d, $1 1
$#, $*, $@, $a, $c 1
$#, $*, $a, $g 1
$#, $*, $a, $c, $1 1
$#, $*, $a, $c 1


  • Das Zeichen + weist auf mehrere Vorkommen hin
$2 Faceted application of subject terminology (Dublin, Ohio: OCLC) (fast) 20 18

Welche Unterfelder kommen in diesem Feld vor?

$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)                       9
$* Link with identifier (in KBR version)                       20
$a Personal name                       20
$c Titles and other words associated with a name                       9
$d Dates associated with a name                       16
$2 Source of heading or term                       20
$1 Real World Object URI                       10
$q Fuller form of name                       1
$b Numeration                       1
$0 Authority record control number or standard number                       1
Unterfelder Anzahl
$#, $*, $a, $c, $d, $2 4
$#, $*, $a, $d, $1, $2 3
$*, $a, $2 3
$*, $a, $d, $2 2
$*, $a, $d, $1, $2 2
$*, $a, $c, $d, $q, $1, $2 1
$#, $*, $a, $c, $d, $1, $2 1
$#, $*, $a, $b, $c, $d, $1, $2 1
$*, $a, $1, $2 1
$*, $a, $c, $d, $0, $2 1
$*, $a, $c, $d, $1, $2 1
$2 Gemeinsame Normdatei (Leipzig, Frankfurt: Deutsche Nationalbibliothek) (gnd) 7 6

Welche Unterfelder kommen in diesem Feld vor?

$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)             4
$* Link with identifier (in KBR version)             7
$a Personal name             7
$d Dates associated with a name             6
$1 Real World Object URI             3
$2 Source of heading or term             7
$c Titles and other words associated with a name             2
$q Fuller form of name             1
Unterfelder Anzahl
$#, $*, $a, $d, $1, $2 2
$#, $*, $a, $d, $2 1
$*, $a, $d, $2 1
$#, $*, $a, $c, $d, $2 1
$*, $a, $c, $d, $q, $1, $2 1
$*, $a, $2 1
$2 Locally assigned term (local) 5 5

Welche Unterfelder kommen in diesem Feld vor?

$* Link with identifier (in KBR version)     5
$a Personal name     5
$g Miscellaneous information     3
$2 Source of heading or term     5
$c Titles and other words associated with a name     2
$d Dates associated with a name     2
$1 Real World Object URI     2
Unterfelder Anzahl
$*, $a, $g, $2 3
$*, $a, $c, $d, $1, $2 2
$2 rameau (rameau) 1 1

Welche Unterfelder kommen in diesem Feld vor?

$* Link with identifier (in KBR version)   1
$a Personal name   1
$d Dates associated with a name   1
$x General subdivision   1
$1 Real World Object URI   1
$2 Source of heading or term   1
Unterfelder Anzahl
$*, $a, $d, $x, $1, $2 1
$2 ULAN (ULAN) 1 1

Welche Unterfelder kommen in diesem Feld vor?

$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)   1
$* Link with identifier (in KBR version)   1
$a Personal name   1
$c Titles and other words associated with a name   1
$d Dates associated with a name   1
$1 Real World Object URI   1
$2 Source of heading or term   1
Unterfelder Anzahl
$#, $*, $a, $c, $d, $1, $2 1
ind2 " " ( ) 9,741 7,302

Welche Unterfelder kommen in diesem Feld vor?

$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)                                                                                                                                                                             8,524
$* Link with identifier (in KBR version)                                                                                                                                                                             9,741
$a Personal name                                                                                                                                                                             9,741
$d Dates associated with a name                                                                                                                                                                             8,863
$1 Real World Object URI                                                                                                                                                                             7,526
$c Titles and other words associated with a name                                                                                                                                                                             3,955
$b Numeration                                                                                                                                                                             381
$q Fuller form of name                                                                                                                                                                             178
$g Miscellaneous information                                                                                                                                                                             98
$@ Language of field (in KBR version)                                                                                                                                                                             85
$4 Relationship                                                                                                                                                                             46
$x General subdivision                                                                                                                                                                             10
$f Date of a work                                                                                                                                                                             1
$j Attribution qualifier                                                                                                                                                                             1
$6 Linkage                                                                                                                                                                             1
Unterfelder Anzahl
$#, $*, $a, $d, $1 4,202
$#, $*, $a, $c, $d, $1 1,735
$#, $*, $a, $d 678
$#, $*, $a, $c, $d 576
$*, $a, $c, $d, $1 445
$#, $*, $a, $b, $c, $d, $1 336
$*, $a, $d, $1 220
$#, $*, $a 217
$#, $*, $a, $c 189
$*, $a, $c, $d 183
$#, $*, $a, $1 123
$*, $a, $c 74
$#, $*, $a, $c+, $d, $1 70
$#, $*, $a, $c, $1 62
$#, $*, $a, $c, $d, $q, $1 61
$*, $a 61
$*, $a, $g 60
$*, $a, $d 58
$#, $*, $@, $a, $c, $d, $1 39
$#, $*, $a, $c, $d, $q 35
$*, $a, $1 32
$#, $*, $a, $d, $q, $1 27
$#, $*, $@, $a, $d, $1 21
$*, $a, $c, $1 18
$#, $*, $a, $c, $d, $1, $4 17
$#, $*, $a, $d, $q 16
$#, $*, $a, $b, $d, $1 16
$#, $*, $a, $c+, $d 10
$*, $a, $c, $d, $q, $1 9
$#, $*, $a, $d, $g, $1 8
$#, $*, $a, $d, $g 8
$*, $a, $c, $d, $q 8
$#, $*, $a, $b, $c, $d 8
$#, $*, $@, $a, $b, $c, $d, $1 7
$*, $a, $c+, $d, $1 6
$*, $a, $c, $d, $1, $4 6
$*, $a, $b, $c, $d, $1 5
$#, $*, $a, $c+, $1 5
$#, $*, $a, $g 5
$*, $a, $c, $d, $x, $1 4
$#, $*, $a, $c, $4 4
$#, $*, $@, $a, $c, $d, $x, $1 4
$#, $*, $a, $b, $1 4
$#, $*, $a, $c, $q 4
$*, $a, $d, $g 3
$#, $*, $a, $c+, $d, $q, $1 3
$#, $*, $a, $d, $1, $4 3
$*, $a, $c, $1, $4 3
$*, $a, $d, $q, $1 3
$#, $*, $a, $c, $d, $q, $1, $4 3
$*, $@, $a, $c, $d, $1 3
$*, $a, $d, $g, $1 3
$#, $*, $@, $a, $c 2
$#, $*, $@, $a, $d 2
$#, $*, $a, $c, $d, $g, $q 2
$#, $*, $a, $c, $1, $4 2
$*, $a, $1, $4 2
$#, $*, $a, $c+, $d, $g, $1 2
$*, $a, $d, $1, $4 2
$*, $a, $d, $f, $1 1
$#, $*, $a, $c, $d, $4 1
$#, $*, $a, $c, $d, $g, $1 1
$*, $a, $d, $g+, $1 1
$#, $*, $a, $d, $g, $1, $4 1
$#, $*, $a, $g, $1 1
$#, $*, $a, $c+, $d, $q 1
$*, $@, $a, $b, $c, $d, $1 1
$#, $*, $a, $c, $q, $1 1
$*, $a, $b, $c, $d 1
$#, $*, $@, $a, $c, $1 1
$*, $a, $c, $g 1
$#, $*, $@, $a, $1 1
$*, $a, $x 1
$#, $*, $@, $a, $c, $d, $q, $1 1
$#, $*, $@, $a, $b, $d, $x, $1 1
$*, $a, $c, $4 1
$#, $*, $a, $c, $j, $1 1
$*, $a, $c+, $d 1
$#, $*, $a, $d, $g, $q, $1 1
$*, $a, $c, $d, $q, $1, $4 1
$#, $*, $@, $a 1
$#, $*, $a, $b 1
$#, $*, $a, $b, $c+, $d 1
$#, $*, $@, $a, $d, $q, $1 1
$#, $*, $a, $c, $g 1
$#, $*, $a, $d, $q, $6 1


  • Das Zeichen + weist auf mehrere Vorkommen hin
ind2 Library of Congress Subject Headings (lcsh0) 9,581 4,815

Welche Unterfelder kommen in diesem Feld vor?

$* Link with identifier (in KBR version)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     9,581
$a Personal name                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     9,581
$c Titles and other words associated with a name                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     3,625
$d Dates associated with a name                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     5,571
$1 Real World Object URI                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     5,434
$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     820
$g Miscellaneous information                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     103
$q Fuller form of name                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     79
$x General subdivision                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     134
$v Form subdivision                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     57
$b Numeration                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     26
$@ Language of field (in KBR version)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     23
$t Title of a work                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     31
$z Geographic subdivision                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     7
$y Chronological subdivision                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     6
$n Number of part/section of a work                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     3
$e Relator term                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     2
$j Attribution qualifier                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     1
Unterfelder Anzahl
$*, $a 2,797
$*, $a, $c, $d, $1 2,361
$*, $a, $d, $1 1,890
$*, $a, $1 364
$*, $a, $c, $d 328
$*, $a, $c 263
$*, $a, $d 236
$#, $*, $a, $c, $d, $1 203
$#, $*, $a 183
$*, $a, $c, $1 162
$#, $*, $a, $d, $1 137
$*, $a, $g 87
$#, $*, $a, $c, $d 48
$*, $a, $c+, $d, $1 44
$#, $*, $a, $1 39
$*, $a, $c, $d, $q, $1 25
$#, $*, $a, $d, $x, $1 25
$#, $*, $a, $c 24
$#, $*, $a, $d 24
$#, $*, $a, $c, $1 24
$*, $a, $c, $d, $q 20
$*, $a, $d, $x, $1 19
$*, $a, $c+, $d 14
$*, $a, $d, $x 12
$#, $*, $a, $c+, $d, $1 11
$*, $a, $d, $v, $1 10
$#, $*, $a, $d, $v, $1 9
$*, $a, $b, $1 9
$*, $@, $a, $c, $d, $1 9
$*, $a, $d, $q, $1 8
$#, $*, $a, $d, $x 7
$#, $*, $@, $a, $c, $d, $1 7
$*, $a, $c, $d, $x, $1 6
$#, $*, $a, $c, $d, $x, $1 5
$*, $a, $x 5
$#, $*, $a, $d, $t, $1 5
$*, $a, $v, $x 5
$*, $a, $d, $q 5
$*, $a, $d, $x+, $1 4
$#, $*, $a, $d, $t 4
$#, $*, $a, $c, $d, $x 4
$*, $a, $d, $g 4
$*, $a, $d, $v, $x, $1 3
$#, $*, $a, $d, $x, $z+, $1 3
$*, $a, $t 3
$#, $*, $a, $x 3
$#, $*, $a, $g 3
$#, $*, $@, $a, $d, $1 3
$*, $a, $c+, $1 3
$*, $a, $c, $q 3
$#, $*, $a, $b, $c, $d, $1 3
$*, $a, $c, $d, $v, $1 3
$*, $a, $c, $d, $v 3
$#, $*, $a, $c, $v 3
$*, $a, $d, $t 3
$*, $a, $c+ 3
$#, $*, $a, $d, $v, $x, $1 2
$#, $*, $a, $v, $x 2
$*, $a, $d, $x+ 2
$*, $a, $c, $d, $y, $1 2
$#, $*, $a, $d, $v 2
$#, $*, $a, $c, $d, $q 2
$*, $a, $d, $t, $1 2
$*, $a, $c, $d, $q, $x, $1 2
$*, $a, $c, $d, $t, $1 2
$#, $*, $a, $c+, $d 2
$*, $a, $b, $c, $d, $1 2
$#, $*, $a, $d, $q, $x 2
$*, $a, $b, $d, $g, $1 2
$#, $*, $a, $b, $1 2
$*, $a, $b, $d, $1 2
$*, $a, $d, $n, $t, $x 2
$#, $*, $a, $c, $x 2
$#, $*, $a, $c, $t 2
$*, $a, $d, $v 2
$*, $a, $c, $d, $x+ 1
$*, $a, $c, $d, $v, $x 1
$#, $*, $a, $c+ 1
$*, $a, $c, $d, $g, $1 1
$#, $*, $a, $c, $d, $g, $q, $1 1
$*, $a, $c, $x, $1 1
$*, $a, $x, $z 1
$#, $*, $a, $c, $x+ 1
$*, $a, $c+, $d, $q 1
$*, $a, $c+, $d, $q, $1 1
$#, $*, $@, $a, $c, $d, $x, $1 1
$*, $a, $c, $e, $v 1
$#, $*, $a, $d, $q 1
$*, $a, $j 1
$#, $*, $a, $c, $d, $q, $1 1
$*, $a, $d, $y, $1 1
$*, $a, $b, $c, $d 1
$#, $*, $a, $d, $v+ 1
$#, $*, $a, $c, $d, $v 1
$*, $a, $v, $x, $1 1
$#, $*, $a, $t 1
$#, $*, $@, $a, $d, $v, $1 1
$#, $*, $a, $b, $c, $d, $x, $1 1
$*, $a, $d, $q, $v, $x 1
$#, $*, $@, $a 1
$*, $a, $b, $c 1
$*, $a, $c+, $d, $g, $1 1
$*, $a, $c, $g, $y 1
$#, $*, $a, $d, $q, $1 1
$#, $*, $a, $d, $x+, $1 1
$*, $a, $x+ 1
$#, $*, $a, $d, $x+ 1
$#, $*, $a, $x+ 1
$*, $a, $c, $v 1
$#, $*, $a, $b, $c, $d, $v, $1 1
$*, $a, $c, $x 1
$#, $*, $a, $c+, $d, $q 1
$#, $*, $a, $c, $d, $t, $1 1
$*, $a, $c+, $d, $v, $1 1
$#, $*, $a, $c, $g, $y 1
$*, $a, $x+, $y, $z 1
$#, $*, $a, $d, $x, $z, $1 1
$*, $a, $c, $d, $t 1
$*, $a, $d, $g, $q, $1 1
$*, $a, $b, $d, $q, $1 1
$*, $a, $c, $d, $t, $v 1
$#, $*, $a, $t, $v 1
$#, $*, $a, $d, $q, $t, $1 1
$*, $a, $d, $x, $z, $1 1
$*, $@, $a, $d, $1 1
$*, $a, $b, $c, $d, $x 1
$*, $a, $d, $e, $t 1
$#, $*, $a, $c, $g 1
$#, $*, $a, $d, $q, $x+ 1
$*, $a, $c, $d, $n, $t, $v 1


  • Das Zeichen + weist auf mehrere Vorkommen hin
ind2 Source not specified (unspec) 2,925 1,781

Welche Unterfelder kommen in diesem Feld vor?

$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)                                                                                 1,823
$* Link with identifier (in KBR version)                                                                                 2,925
$a Personal name                                                                                 2,925
$c Titles and other words associated with a name                                                                                 2,592
$d Dates associated with a name                                                                                 1,327
$1 Real World Object URI                                                                                 1,066
$q Fuller form of name                                                                                 32
$g Miscellaneous information                                                                                 9
$b Numeration                                                                                 4
$@ Language of field (in KBR version)                                                                                 2
Unterfelder Anzahl
$#, $*, $a, $c 828
$*, $a, $c 506
$#, $*, $a, $c, $d, $1 450
$*, $a, $c, $d, $1 277
$#, $*, $a, $c, $d 212
$*, $a, $c, $d 110
$#, $*, $a, $c, $1 91
$#, $*, $a, $d 83
$*, $a, $c, $1 70
$#, $*, $a, $d, $1 62
$*, $a, $d, $1 46
$#, $*, $a 42
$*, $a, $d 39
$#, $*, $a, $1 18
$*, $a 15
$*, $a, $1 14
$#, $*, $a, $c+, $d 8
$*, $a, $c, $d, $q, $1 6
$#, $*, $a, $c, $d, $q, $1 6
$#, $*, $a, $c+, $d, $1 5
$*, $a, $c+, $d, $1 5
$#, $*, $a, $g 4
$#, $*, $a, $c, $d, $g, $q, $1 4
$*, $a, $c, $d, $q 3
$*, $a, $c, $q 2
$#, $*, $a, $c, $q 2
$*, $a, $c+, $1 2
$#, $*, $a, $d, $q, $1 2
$*, $a, $d, $q, $1 2
$*, $a, $c, $d, $g, $q, $1 1
$*, $a, $b, $d, $1 1
$#, $*, $a, $c, $d, $q 1
$#, $*, $a, $b, $d, $1 1
$#, $*, $@, $a 1
$#, $*, $a, $b 1
$#, $*, $@, $a, $c, $d 1
$*, $a, $c+, $d, $q, $1 1
$*, $a, $b, $1 1
$#, $*, $a, $d, $q 1
$*, $a, $c, $q, $1 1


  • Das Zeichen + weist auf mehrere Vorkommen hin
ind2 Répertoire de vedettes-matière (rvm) 4 3

Welche Unterfelder kommen in diesem Feld vor?

$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)       4
$* Link with identifier (in KBR version)       4
$a Personal name       4
$d Dates associated with a name       4
$x General subdivision       3
$1 Real World Object URI       4
$v Form subdivision       1
Unterfelder Anzahl
$#, $*, $a, $d, $x, $1 2
$#, $*, $a, $d, $1 1
$#, $*, $a, $d, $v, $x, $1 1

610 — Subject Added Entry - Corporate Name

$2 Faceted application of subject terminology (Dublin, Ohio: OCLC) (fast) 7 6

Welche Unterfelder kommen in diesem Feld vor?

$* Link with identifier (in KBR version)             7
$a Corporate name or jurisdiction name as entry element             7
$2 Source of heading or term             7
$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)             4
$b Subordinate unit             4
$g Miscellaneous information             2
Unterfelder Anzahl
$*, $a, $2 2
$#, $*, $a, $b+, $g, $2 1
$#, $*, $a, $2 1
$#, $*, $a, $b, $g, $2 1
$*, $a, $b, $2 1
$#, $*, $a, $b+, $2 1


  • Das Zeichen + weist auf mehrere Vorkommen hin
$2 Gemeinsame Normdatei (Leipzig, Frankfurt: Deutsche Nationalbibliothek) (gnd) 1 1

Welche Unterfelder kommen in diesem Feld vor?

$* Link with identifier (in KBR version)   1
$a Corporate name or jurisdiction name as entry element   1
$b Subordinate unit   1
$2 Source of heading or term   1
Unterfelder Anzahl
$*, $a, $b, $2 1
ind2 " " ( ) 326 268

Welche Unterfelder kommen in diesem Feld vor?

$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)                                               286
$* Link with identifier (in KBR version)                                               326
$a Corporate name or jurisdiction name as entry element                                               326
$g Miscellaneous information                                               165
$b Subordinate unit                                               21
$@ Language of field (in KBR version)                                               10
$c Location of meeting                                               10
$1 Real World Object URI                                               11
$d Date of meeting or treaty signing                                               6
$4 Relationship                                               1
$n Number of part/section/meeting                                               2
Unterfelder Anzahl
$#, $*, $a, $g 120
$#, $*, $a 117
$*, $a, $g 14
$*, $a 14
$#, $*, $a, $b 13
$#, $*, $a, $b, $g 8
$#, $*, $@, $a, $g 8
$#, $*, $a, $c 7
$*, $a, $g, $1 5
$#, $*, $a, $g, $1 3
$*, $a, $c 2
$#, $*, $a, $d, $g 2
$*, $a, $d 2
$#, $*, $a, $g+ 2
$#, $*, $@, $a, $c, $g 1
$#, $*, $a, $1 1
$#, $*, $a, $1, $4 1
$#, $*, $a, $n 1
$#, $*, $a, $d, $g+ 1
$#, $*, $a, $d 1
$*, $a, $n 1
$*, $a, $1 1
$*, $@, $a, $g 1


  • Das Zeichen + weist auf mehrere Vorkommen hin
ind2 Source not specified (unspec) 153 153

Welche Unterfelder kommen in diesem Feld vor?

$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)         148
$* Link with identifier (in KBR version)         153
$a Corporate name or jurisdiction name as entry element         153
$x General subdivision         2
$b Subordinate unit         1
Unterfelder Anzahl
$#, $*, $a 148
$*, $a 3
$*, $a, $x 1
$*, $a, $b, $x 1
ind2 Library of Congress Subject Headings (lcsh0) 62 46

Welche Unterfelder kommen in diesem Feld vor?

$* Link with identifier (in KBR version)                                                   62
$a Corporate name or jurisdiction name as entry element                                                   62
$v Form subdivision                                                   20
$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)                                                   28
$z Geographic subdivision                                                   4
$b Subordinate unit                                                   24
$x General subdivision                                                   19
$g Miscellaneous information                                                   4
$k Form subheading                                                   1
$n Number of part/section/meeting                                                   1
$c Location of meeting                                                   1
$1 Real World Object URI                                                   1
$y Chronological subdivision                                                   2
Unterfelder Anzahl
$*, $a, $v 10
$*, $a 8
$#, $*, $a 6
$#, $*, $a, $v 3
$*, $a, $z 3
$*, $a, $b, $x 3
$#, $*, $a, $b+ 3
$#, $*, $a, $b+, $x 3
$*, $a, $x 2
$#, $*, $a, $x 2
$*, $a, $b, $g 2
$*, $a, $b+, $v 2
$*, $a, $b, $v 2
$#, $*, $a, $b, $x 2
$#, $*, $a, $k, $n, $v 1
$*, $a, $b+ 1
$#, $*, $a, $c, $1 1
$#, $*, $a, $b, $v, $x 1
$#, $*, $a, $b 1
$#, $*, $a, $x+, $z 1
$*, $a, $x, $y 1
$#, $*, $a, $b, $g, $x 1
$#, $*, $a, $b+, $g, $x 1
$#, $*, $a, $b+, $x, $y 1
$#, $*, $a, $b+, $v, $x 1


  • Das Zeichen + weist auf mehrere Vorkommen hin
ind2 Medical Subject Headings (mesh) 1 1

Welche Unterfelder kommen in diesem Feld vor?

$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)   1
$* Link with identifier (in KBR version)   1
$a Corporate name or jurisdiction name as entry element   1
$b Subordinate unit   1
Unterfelder Anzahl
$#, $*, $a, $b+ 1


  • Das Zeichen + weist auf mehrere Vorkommen hin

611 — Subject Added Entry - Meeting Name

$2 Faceted application of subject terminology (Dublin, Ohio: OCLC) (fast) 11 8

Welche Unterfelder kommen in diesem Feld vor?

$* Link with identifier (in KBR version)       11
$a Meeting name or jurisdiction name as entry element       11
$0 Authority record control number or standard number       10
$2 Source of heading or term       11
$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)       5
Unterfelder Anzahl
$*, $a, $0, $2 6
$#, $*, $a, $0, $2 4
$#, $*, $a, $2 1
ind2 Library of Congress Subject Headings (lcsh0) 3 3

Welche Unterfelder kommen in diesem Feld vor?

$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)       2
$* Link with identifier (in KBR version)       3
$a Meeting name or jurisdiction name as entry element       3
$d Date of meeting or treaty signing       2
$c Location of meeting       1
Unterfelder Anzahl
$#, $*, $a, $d 1
$#, $*, $a 1
$*, $a, $c, $d 1

630 — Subject Added Entry - Uniform Title

$2 Locally assigned term (local) 1 1

Welche Unterfelder kommen in diesem Feld vor?

$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)   1
$* Link with identifier (in KBR version)   1
$@ Language of field (in KBR version)   1
$a Uniform title   1
$l Language of a work   1
$2 Source of heading or term   1
Unterfelder Anzahl
$#, $*, $@, $a, $l, $2 1
$2 Faceted application of subject terminology (Dublin, Ohio: OCLC) (fast) 1 1

Welche Unterfelder kommen in diesem Feld vor?

$* Link with identifier (in KBR version)   1
$a Uniform title   1
$0 Authority record control number or standard number   1
$2 Source of heading or term   1
Unterfelder Anzahl
$*, $a, $0, $2 1
ind2 Library of Congress Subject Headings (lcsh0) 47 27

Welche Unterfelder kommen in diesem Feld vor?

$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)                             18
$* Link with identifier (in KBR version)                             47
$a Uniform title                             47
$p Name of part/section of a work                             37
$x General subdivision                             39
$v Form subdivision                             8
$y Chronological subdivision                             4
$k Form subheading                             3
$l Language of a work                             2
Unterfelder Anzahl
$#, $*, $a, $p, $x 14
$*, $a, $p, $x 12
$*, $a, $p, $v 3
$*, $a, $x 2
$*, $a, $p, $v, $x 2
$*, $a, $p, $x+, $y 2
$*, $a, $k+, $x 2
$*, $a, $l 2
$*, $a, $p, $x+ 2
$*, $a, $v 2
$#, $*, $a, $p, $x+, $y 1
$#, $*, $a, $k+, $x+, $y 1
$#, $*, $a, $v 1
$#, $*, $a, $p, $x+ 1


  • Das Zeichen + weist auf mehrere Vorkommen hin

648 — Subject Added Entry - Chronological Term

$2 Faceted application of subject terminology (Dublin, Ohio: OCLC) (fast) 22 22

Welche Unterfelder kommen in diesem Feld vor?

$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)     11
$* Link with identifier (in KBR version)     22
$a Chronological term     22
$2 Source of heading or term     22
Unterfelder Anzahl
$#, $*, $a, $2 11
$*, $a, $2 11
$2 undetectable (undetectable) 2 2

Welche Unterfelder kommen in diesem Feld vor?

$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)   2
$* Link with identifier (in KBR version)   2
$a Chronological term   2
Unterfelder Anzahl
$#, $*, $a 2
ind2 Source not specified (unspec) 37,549 27,054

Welche Unterfelder kommen in diesem Feld vor?

$* Link with identifier (in KBR version)     37,549
$a Chronological term     37,549
$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)     1,619
Unterfelder Anzahl
$*, $a 35,930
$#, $*, $a 1,619
ind2 " " ( ) 5,250 3,756

Welche Unterfelder kommen in diesem Feld vor?

$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)   5,250
$* Link with identifier (in KBR version)   5,250
$a Chronological term   5,250
Unterfelder Anzahl
$#, $*, $a 5,250

650 — Subject Added Entry - Topical Term

$2 Locally assigned term (local) 1,127,508 398,853

Welche Unterfelder kommen in diesem Feld vor?

$* Link with identifier (in KBR version)                                                 1,127,508
$a Topical term or geographic name entry element                                                 1,127,508
$g Miscellaneous information                                                 1,115,750
$2 Source of heading or term                                                 1,127,508
$b Topical term following geographic name entry element                                                 9,898
$v Form subdivision                                                 9,896
$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)                                                 10,184
$@ Language of field (in KBR version)                                                 3,949
$y Chronological subdivision                                                 2,075
$x General subdivision                                                 135
$z Geographic subdivision                                                 2
Unterfelder Anzahl
$*, $a, $g, $2 1,104,354
$*, $a, $b, $v, $2 9,877
$#, $*, $a, $g, $2 5,552
$#, $*, $@, $a, $g, $2 3,010
$*, $a, $g, $y, $2 1,946
$#, $*, $a, $2 982
$*, $@, $a, $g, $2 445
$#, $*, $@, $a, $2 407
$*, $a, $2 335
$*, $a, $g+, $2 245
$*, $a, $g+, $y, $2 115
$#, $*, $a, $x, $2 76
$#, $*, $a, $g+, $2 69
$#, $*, $@, $a, $x, $2 38
$#, $*, $@, $a, $b, $v, $2 19
$#, $*, $@, $a, $x+, $2 14
$#, $*, $@, $a, $g, $y, $2 11
$#, $*, $a, $x+, $2 4
$*, $@, $a, $g, $y, $2 3
$*, $a, $x, $2 2
$*, $@, $a, $2 1
$#, $*, $@, $a, $b, $z, $2 1
$*, $a, $x+, $2 1
$#, $*, $a, $b, $z, $2 1


  • Das Zeichen + weist auf mehrere Vorkommen hin
$2 Faceted application of subject terminology (Dublin, Ohio: OCLC) (fast) 167 73

Welche Unterfelder kommen in diesem Feld vor?

$* Link with identifier (in KBR version)                   167
$a Topical term or geographic name entry element                   167
$2 Source of heading or term                   167
$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)                   91
$@ Language of field (in KBR version)                   32
$g Miscellaneous information                   7
$0 Authority record control number or standard number                   6
$v Form subdivision                   1
Unterfelder Anzahl
$*, $a, $2 68
$#, $*, $a, $2 55
$#, $*, $@, $a, $2 31
$*, $a, $g, $2 4
$*, $a, $0, $2 3
$#, $*, $a, $g, $2 2
$#, $*, $a, $0, $2 2
$*, $a, $v+, $2 1
$#, $*, $@, $a, $g, $0, $2 1


  • Das Zeichen + weist auf mehrere Vorkommen hin
$2 BISAC Subject Headings (bisacsh) 49 23

Welche Unterfelder kommen in diesem Feld vor?

$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)     25
$* Link with identifier (in KBR version)     49
$a Topical term or geographic name entry element     49
$2 Source of heading or term     49
Unterfelder Anzahl
$#, $*, $a, $2 25
$*, $a, $2 24
$2 GEMET Thesaurus (European Environment Agency (EEA)) (gemet) 48 27

Welche Unterfelder kommen in diesem Feld vor?

$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)       42
$* Link with identifier (in KBR version)       48
$a Topical term or geographic name entry element       48
$2 Source of heading or term       48
$@ Language of field (in KBR version)       2
Unterfelder Anzahl
$#, $*, $a, $2 40
$*, $a, $2 6
$#, $*, $@, $a, $2 2
$2 Gemeinsame Normdatei (Leipzig, Frankfurt: Deutsche Nationalbibliothek) (gnd) 33 12

Welche Unterfelder kommen in diesem Feld vor?

$* Link with identifier (in KBR version)       33
$a Topical term or geographic name entry element       33
$2 Source of heading or term       33
$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)       15
$@ Language of field (in KBR version)       3
Unterfelder Anzahl
$*, $a, $2 18
$#, $*, $a, $2 12
$#, $*, $@, $a, $2 3
$2 undetectable (undetectable) 17 9

Welche Unterfelder kommen in diesem Feld vor?

$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)         16
$* Link with identifier (in KBR version)         17
$a Topical term or geographic name entry element         17
$g Miscellaneous information         4
$@ Language of field (in KBR version)         4
$b Topical term following geographic name entry element         1
$c Location of event         1
$d Active dates         1
Unterfelder Anzahl
$#, $*, $a 8
$#, $*, $a, $g 4
$#, $*, $@, $a 4
$*, $a, $b, $c, $d 1
$2 Library of Congress subject headings (Washington, DC: LC, Cataloging Distribution Service) (lcsh) 8 5

Welche Unterfelder kommen in diesem Feld vor?

$* Link with identifier (in KBR version)           8
$a Topical term or geographic name entry element           8
$2 Source of heading or term           8
$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)           5
$y Chronological subdivision           1
$@ Language of field (in KBR version)           2
$g Miscellaneous information           1
Unterfelder Anzahl
$*, $a, $2 3
$#, $*, $a, $2 2
$#, $*, $a, $y, $2 1
$#, $*, $@, $a, $g, $2 1
$#, $*, $@, $a, $2 1
$2 Indexation matires RERO (Martigny: Réseau des bibliothèques de Suisse occidentale) (rero) 7 1

Welche Unterfelder kommen in diesem Feld vor?

$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)       7
$* Link with identifier (in KBR version)       7
$a Topical term or geographic name entry element       7
$2 Source of heading or term       7
$@ Language of field (in KBR version)       3
$g Miscellaneous information       1
Unterfelder Anzahl
$#, $*, $a, $2 3
$#, $*, $@, $a, $2 3
$#, $*, $a, $g, $2 1
$2 Svenska ämnesord (Stockholm: Kungliga Biblioteket, LIBRIS-avdelningen) (sao) 6 3

Welche Unterfelder kommen in diesem Feld vor?

$* Link with identifier (in KBR version)   6
$a Topical term or geographic name entry element   6
$2 Source of heading or term   6
Unterfelder Anzahl
$*, $a, $2 6
$2 GOO-trefwoorden thesaurus (Den Haag: Koninklijke Bibliotheek) (gtt) 5 2

Welche Unterfelder kommen in diesem Feld vor?

$* Link with identifier (in KBR version)       5
$a Topical term or geographic name entry element       5
$2 Source of heading or term       5
$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)       2
$g Miscellaneous information       2
$@ Language of field (in KBR version)       1
Unterfelder Anzahl
$*, $a, $2 3
$#, $*, $a, $g, $2 1
$#, $*, $@, $a, $g, $2 1
$2 Répertoire d'autorités-sujet de l'UQAM (Montéral: Université du Québec Montréal, Services techniques des bibliothèques) (rasuqam) 5 1

Welche Unterfelder kommen in diesem Feld vor?

$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)     5
$* Link with identifier (in KBR version)     5
$a Topical term or geographic name entry element     5
$g Miscellaneous information     3
$2 Source of heading or term     5
Unterfelder Anzahl
$#, $*, $a, $g, $2 3
$#, $*, $a, $2 2
$2 RAMEAU: répertoire d'authorité de matières encyclopédique unifié (Paris: Bibliothèque nationale) (ram) 3 3

Welche Unterfelder kommen in diesem Feld vor?

$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)     2
$* Link with identifier (in KBR version)     3
$a Topical term or geographic name entry element     3
$2 Source of heading or term     3
Unterfelder Anzahl
$#, $*, $a, $2 2
$*, $a, $2 1
$2 Schlagwortnormdatei (Frankfurt am Main: Die Deutsche Bibliothek) (swd) 2 1

Welche Unterfelder kommen in diesem Feld vor?

$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)   2
$* Link with identifier (in KBR version)   2
$a Topical term or geographic name entry element   2
$2 Source of heading or term   2
Unterfelder Anzahl
$#, $*, $a, $2 2
$2 z (z) 1 1

Welche Unterfelder kommen in diesem Feld vor?

$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)   1
$* Link with identifier (in KBR version)   1
$a Topical term or geographic name entry element   1
$2 Source of heading or term   1
Unterfelder Anzahl
$#, $*, $a, $2 1
$2 Répertoire de vedettes-matière (Québec, Québec: Bibliothèque de l'Université Laval) (rvm) 1 1

Welche Unterfelder kommen in diesem Feld vor?

$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)   1
$* Link with identifier (in KBR version)   1
$@ Language of field (in KBR version)   1
$a Topical term or geographic name entry element   1
$2 Source of heading or term   1
Unterfelder Anzahl
$#, $*, $@, $a, $2 1
ind2 Library of Congress Subject Headings (lcsh0) 169,119 118,104

Welche Unterfelder kommen in diesem Feld vor?

$* Link with identifier (in KBR version)                                                                                                                                         169,119
$a Topical term or geographic name entry element                                                                                                                                         169,117
$g Miscellaneous information                                                                                                                                         7,407
$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)                                                                                                                                         3,894
$@ Language of field (in KBR version)                                                                                                                                         3,198
$b Topical term following geographic name entry element                                                                                                                                         210
$x General subdivision                                                                                                                                         384
$z Geographic subdivision                                                                                                                                         379
$y Chronological subdivision                                                                                                                                         210
$v Form subdivision                                                                                                                                         317
$0 Authority record control number or standard number                                                                                                                                         3
Unterfelder Anzahl
$*, $a 153,521
$*, $a, $g 6,961
$*+, $a+ 3,664
$#, $*, $@, $a 1,798
$#, $*+, $@, $a+ 851
$#, $*, $a 457
$*+, $a+, $g 283
$*, $a, $b 189
$*, $@, $a 134
$#, $*, $@, $a, $g 107
$#, $*, $@, $a, $x 104
$#, $*, $a, $z 102
$*, $a, $z 93
$#, $*, $@, $a, $x+ 86
$*, $a, $y 76
$#, $*, $a, $v 71
$*, $a, $v 65
$*, $a, $x 54
$#, $*, $@, $a, $x, $y 45
$#, $*, $a, $v, $z 41
$*, $a, $v, $z 41
$#, $*, $a, $x 34
$#, $*, $a, $y 34
$*, $a, $x+ 33
$#, $*, $a, $g 26
$*, $a, $z+ 25
$#, $*, $@, $a, $v 25
$#, $*, $a, $x+ 20
$*, $a, $v, $y 16
$*, $a, $b+ 15
$*, $a, $v, $z+ 15
$#, $*+, $@, $a+, $g 14
$#, $*+, $a+ 12
$#, $*, $@, $a, $v, $z+ 9
$*, $@, $a, $g 9
$#, $*, $a, $v, $z+ 8
$#, $*, $a, $z+ 8
$#, $*, $a, $v, $y 6
$*, $a, $v+ 5
$*, $a, $y, $z 5
$#, $*, $a, $y, $z+ 4
$#, $*, $@, $a, $v, $y 4
$#, $*, $@, $a, $y 4
$#, $*, $a, $b, $z 4
$#, $*, $@, $a, $z 4
$*+, $a+, $g+ 3
$*, $a, $x, $y, $z 3
$*, $a, $y, $z+ 3
$#, $*, $a, $0 2
$#, $*, $a, $v+, $y 2
$#, $*, $a, $v+, $z 2
$*, $a, $b, $z 2
$#, $*, $a, $v+ 2
$* 2
$*+, $a+, $g, $y 2
$*, $a, $v+, $z+ 2
$#, $*, $@, $a, $x, $z 1
$#, $*+, $a+, $g 1
$*, $a, $x, $z 1
$#, $*, $a, $y, $z 1
$#, $*, $@, $a, $g, $0 1
$#, $*, $@, $a, $v, $z 1
$#, $*, $a, $x, $y 1
$#, $*, $a, $x, $y, $z 1
$*, $a, $v, $y, $z+ 1
$*, $a, $v, $y, $z 1
$*, $a, $x+, $y 1
$#, $*, $@, $a, $z+ 1


  • Das Zeichen + weist auf mehrere Vorkommen hin
ind2 " " ( ) 46,066 29,453

Welche Unterfelder kommen in diesem Feld vor?

$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)                                                                                                                                                   37,066
$* Link with identifier (in KBR version)                                                                                                                                                   46,066
$@ Language of field (in KBR version)                                                                                                                                                   19,841
$a Topical term or geographic name entry element                                                                                                                                                   46,065
$g Miscellaneous information                                                                                                                                                   2,978
$x General subdivision                                                                                                                                                   3,716
$z Geographic subdivision                                                                                                                                                   424
$2 Source of heading or term                                                                                                                                                   422
$y Chronological subdivision                                                                                                                                                   191
$b Topical term following geographic name entry element                                                                                                                                                   62
$v Form subdivision                                                                                                                                                   42
$c Location of event                                                                                                                                                   29
$1 Real World Object URI                                                                                                                                                   1
Unterfelder Anzahl
$#, $*, $@, $a 17,682
$#, $*, $a 13,543
$*, $a 7,359
$#, $*, $a, $g 1,247
$#, $*, $a, $x 1,220
$#, $*, $@, $a, $x 1,098
$*, $a, $g 982
$#, $*, $@, $a, $x+ 500
$#, $*, $a, $x+ 499
$#, $*, $a, $z+ 152
$#, $*, $@, $a, $g+ 152
$#, $*, $@, $a, $g 149
$*, $a, $x 131
$#, $*, $a, $g+ 127
$#, $*, $a, $g+, $2 103
$*, $a, $2 100
$#, $*, $a, $2 97
$*, $@, $a 96
$*, $a, $g+ 77
$#, $*, $a, $z 73
$*, $a, $g+, $2 67
$#, $*, $@, $a, $x, $y 65
$#, $*, $a, $y 64
$*, $a, $x+ 60
$#, $*, $a, $x, $z 48
$#, $*, $a, $b 42
$*, $a, $z+ 32
$*, $a, $g, $2 30
$#, $*, $@, $a, $z 21
$#, $*, $@, $a, $z+ 21
$#, $*, $a, $v 19
$#, $*, $@, $a, $x, $z 14
$#, $*, $a, $g, $2 14
$*, $a, $c, $g 14
$#, $*, $a, $x, $y 13
$#, $*, $a, $c, $g 13
$*, $a, $x, $y 11
$#, $*, $@, $a, $2 11
$*, $a, $z 11
$*, $a, $v 8
$#, $*, $a, $b, $z 8
$#, $*, $a, $y, $z 6
$#, $*, $@, $a, $x+, $y 6
$#, $*, $@, $a, $y 6
$#, $*, $a, $b, $x 6
$*, $a, $x+, $y 6
$*, $a, $x, $z+ 5
$#, $*, $a, $x, $z+ 5
$#, $*, $a, $v, $z 4
$#, $*, $@, $a, $x, $z+ 4
$*, $a, $x, $z 4
$#, $*, $@, $a, $v 4
$#, $*, $@, $a, $b 3
$#, $*, $a, $x+, $z 3
$#, $*, $a, $x+, $y 3
$#, $*, $a, $x, $y, $z+ 3
$#, $*, $a, $g, $y 3
$#, $*, $@, $a, $c 2
$#, $*, $@, $a, $x+, $z 2
$*, $a, $b 2
$#, $*, $@, $a, $x+, $z+ 2
$#, $*, $a, $x, $y, $z 2
$*, $a, $v, $z 2
$#, $*, $a, $v, $z+ 1
$#, $*, $a, $v, $x, $y 1
$#, $*, $a, $1 1
$#, $*, $a, $v, $x 1
$#, $*, $@ 1
$*, $a, $y 1
$#, $*, $@, $a, $v, $x 1
$#, $*, $@, $a, $b, $x 1
$*, $a, $v, $x 1
$*, $a, $x, $y, $z+ 1


  • Das Zeichen + weist auf mehrere Vorkommen hin
ind2 Source not specified (unspec) 24,305 13,541

Welche Unterfelder kommen in diesem Feld vor?

$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)                                                                                                                                             20,302
$* Link with identifier (in KBR version)                                                                                                                                             24,305
$a Topical term or geographic name entry element                                                                                                                                             24,305
$@ Language of field (in KBR version)                                                                                                                                             3,677
$g Miscellaneous information                                                                                                                                             752
$z Geographic subdivision                                                                                                                                             506
$b Topical term following geographic name entry element                                                                                                                                             234
$v Form subdivision                                                                                                                                             89
$y Chronological subdivision                                                                                                                                             114
$2 Source of heading or term                                                                                                                                             40
$x General subdivision                                                                                                                                             83
$c Location of event                                                                                                                                             2
Unterfelder Anzahl
$#, $*, $a 15,552
$*, $a 3,655
$#, $*, $@, $a 3,490
$#, $*, $a, $g 484
$#, $*, $a, $z 179
$*, $a, $g 173
$#, $*, $a, $z+ 91
$#, $*, $a, $b 85
$#, $*, $@, $a, $g 50
$#, $*, $a, $v 42
$#, $*, $a, $b, $z 38
$*, $a, $z 37
$#, $*, $a, $y, $z 33
$#, $*, $a, $g, $2 31
$#, $*, $@, $a, $x+ 31
$#, $*, $a, $y 30
$*, $a, $b 28
$#, $*, $@, $a, $b 20
$*, $a, $z+ 20
$*, $@, $a 17
$#, $*, $@, $a, $z 16
$#, $*, $@, $a, $x 16
$#, $*, $a, $v, $z 14
$*, $a, $b, $z 14
$#, $*, $a, $x 13
$#, $*, $@, $a, $b, $z 11
$#, $*, $a, $x+ 9
$*, $a, $v 9
$*, $a, $y 9
$#, $*, $@, $a, $z+ 8
$*, $a, $x+ 7
$#, $*, $a, $b, $z+ 6
$#, $*, $a, $v, $y 5
$*, $a, $b, $z+ 5
$#, $*, $a, $2 4
$#, $*, $@, $a, $y, $z 4
$#, $*, $a, $y, $z+ 4
$#, $*, $a, $b, $y, $z 4
$*, $a, $x 4
$#, $*, $a, $b, $y 4
$*, $a, $g, $2 3
$#, $*, $@, $a, $v, $z 3
$#, $*, $a, $g, $y 3
$#, $*, $@, $a, $y 3
$#, $*, $@, $a, $v 3
$*, $a, $y, $z 3
$#, $*, $a, $b, $v 3
$*, $a, $x, $z 2
$#, $*, $@, $a, $y+ 2
$*, $a, $b, $y 2
$*, $a, $c, $g 2
$#, $*, $a, $b, $v, $y 2
$*, $a, $b, $v, $z 2
$*, $a, $v, $z 2
$*, $a, $b, $g 2
$*, $a, $b, $y, $z 2
$#, $*, $a, $v, $z+ 1
$#, $*, $@, $a, $b, $v, $z 1
$#, $*, $a, $b, $g 1
$#, $*, $@, $a, $b, $y, $z 1
$#, $*, $a, $y+ 1
$*, $a, $b, $g, $z 1
$#, $*, $@, $a, $2 1
$#, $*, $a, $x, $z 1
$#, $*, $a, $b, $v, $z 1
$*, $a, $v, $y 1
$#, $*, $a, $b, $g, $z 1
$*, $a, $g+ 1
$*, $a, $y, $z+ 1
$*, $a, $2 1


  • Das Zeichen + weist auf mehrere Vorkommen hin
ind2 LC subject headings for children's literature (lcchild) 691 639

Welche Unterfelder kommen in diesem Feld vor?

$* Link with identifier (in KBR version)           691
$a Topical term or geographic name entry element           691
$g Miscellaneous information           12
$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)           8
$@ Language of field (in KBR version)           4
$v Form subdivision           3
Unterfelder Anzahl
$*, $a 672
$*, $a, $g 11
$#, $*, $@, $a 4
$#, $*, $a, $v 3
$#, $*, $a, $g 1
ind2 Répertoire de vedettes-matière (rvm) 137 62

Welche Unterfelder kommen in diesem Feld vor?

$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)                           107
$* Link with identifier (in KBR version)                           137
$@ Language of field (in KBR version)                           77
$a Topical term or geographic name entry element                           137
$v Form subdivision                           10
$y Chronological subdivision                           6
$g Miscellaneous information                           5
$z Geographic subdivision                           4
$b Topical term following geographic name entry element                           1
Unterfelder Anzahl
$#, $*, $@, $a 75
$*, $a 28
$#, $*, $a 16
$#, $*, $a, $v 3
$#, $*, $a, $v+, $y 2
$#, $*, $@, $a, $g 2
$#, $*, $a, $v, $y 2
$#, $*, $a, $v, $z 2
$#, $*, $a, $g 2
$#, $*, $a, $y 2
$#, $*, $a, $v, $z+ 1
$*, $a, $g 1
$*, $a, $b, $z 1


  • Das Zeichen + weist auf mehrere Vorkommen hin

651 — Subject Added Entry - Geographic Name

$2 Faceted application of subject terminology (Dublin, Ohio: OCLC) (fast) 37 28

Welche Unterfelder kommen in diesem Feld vor?

$* Link with identifier (in KBR version)                         37
$a Geographic name                         37
$2 Source of heading or term                         37
$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)                         18
$x General subdivision                         12
$y Chronological subdivision                         10
$z Geographic subdivision                         7
$v Form subdivision                         5
$@ Language of field (in KBR version)                         2
$0 Authority record control number or standard number                         1
Unterfelder Anzahl
$*, $a, $2 11
$#, $*, $a, $x, $y, $2 5
$*, $a, $z, $2 4
$#, $*, $a, $2 4
$#, $*, $a, $z, $2 3
$#, $*, $a, $v, $x, $y, $2 2
$*, $a, $x, $y, $2 2
$#, $*, $@, $a, $2 2
$#, $*, $a, $v, $0, $2 1
$*, $a, $v, $x, $y, $2 1
$#, $*, $a, $x, $2 1
$*, $a, $v, $x, $2 1
$2 Locally assigned term (local) 15 3

Welche Unterfelder kommen in diesem Feld vor?

$* Link with identifier (in KBR version)       15
$a Geographic name       15
$g Miscellaneous information       13
$2 Source of heading or term       15
$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)       6
$@ Language of field (in KBR version)       2
Unterfelder Anzahl
$*, $a, $g, $2 9
$#, $*, $a, $g, $2 4
$#, $*, $@, $a, $2 2
$2 Gemeinsame Normdatei (Leipzig, Frankfurt: Deutsche Nationalbibliothek) (gnd) 4 4

Welche Unterfelder kommen in diesem Feld vor?

$* Link with identifier (in KBR version)     4
$a Geographic name     4
$2 Source of heading or term     4
$0 Authority record control number or standard number     1
Unterfelder Anzahl
$*, $a, $2 3
$*, $0+, $a, $2 1


  • Das Zeichen + weist auf mehrere Vorkommen hin
$2 Svenska ämnesord (Stockholm: Kungliga Biblioteket, LIBRIS-avdelningen) (sao) 3 1

Welche Unterfelder kommen in diesem Feld vor?

$* Link with identifier (in KBR version)   3
$a Geographic name   3
$2 Source of heading or term   3
Unterfelder Anzahl
$*, $a, $2 3
$2 GOO-trefwoorden thesaurus (Den Haag: Koninklijke Bibliotheek) (gtt) 1 1

Welche Unterfelder kommen in diesem Feld vor?

$* Link with identifier (in KBR version)   1
$a Geographic name   1
$2 Source of heading or term   1
Unterfelder Anzahl
$*, $a, $2 1
ind2 Source not specified (unspec) 24,928 24,877

Welche Unterfelder kommen in diesem Feld vor?

$* Link with identifier (in KBR version)                     24,928
$a Geographic name                     24,928
$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)                     1,298
$@ Language of field (in KBR version)                     36
$x General subdivision                     9
$v Form subdivision                     2
$y Chronological subdivision                     2
$z Geographic subdivision                     4
Unterfelder Anzahl
$*, $a 23,626
$#, $*, $a 1,253
$#, $*, $@, $a 36
$*, $a, $x 3
$#, $*, $a, $x 2
$#, $*, $a, $v 2
$#, $*, $a, $x, $y 2
$#, $*, $a, $x, $z 2
$*, $a, $z 1
$#, $*, $a, $z 1
ind2 Répertoire de vedettes-matière (rvm) 13,878 10,508

Welche Unterfelder kommen in diesem Feld vor?

$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)                                               9,663
$* Link with identifier (in KBR version)                                               13,878
$a Geographic name                                               13,878
$v Form subdivision                                               6,785
$x General subdivision                                               4,930
$@ Language of field (in KBR version)                                               4,151
$0 Authority record control number or standard number                                               78
$y Chronological subdivision                                               20
$z Geographic subdivision                                               1
Unterfelder Anzahl
$#, $*, $a, $v+ 2,830
$*, $a, $v+ 2,261
$#, $*, $a, $x+ 1,760
$#, $*, $@, $a, $x+ 1,714
$#, $*, $@, $a, $v+ 1,664
$*, $a, $x+ 1,392
$#, $*, $a 830
$#, $*, $@, $a 740
$*, $a 514
$#, $*, $a, $0 38
$#, $*, $a, $x 27
$#, $*, $a, $v 22
$*, $a, $0 21
$#, $*, $@, $a, $0 19
$#, $*, $a, $x, $y 12
$*, $a, $x 9
$*, $a, $x, $y 8
$*, $@, $a, $x+ 6
$#, $*, $@, $a, $v 4
$*, $a, $v 3
$#, $*, $@, $a, $x 2
$#, $*, $@, $a, $z 1
$*, $@, $a, $v+ 1


  • Das Zeichen + weist auf mehrere Vorkommen hin
ind2 " " ( ) 12,528 11,919

Welche Unterfelder kommen in diesem Feld vor?

$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)                                                   12,406
$* Link with identifier (in KBR version)                                                   12,528
$a Geographic name                                                   12,528
$@ Language of field (in KBR version)                                                   1,132
$v Form subdivision                                                   338
$x General subdivision                                                   52
$y Chronological subdivision                                                   13
$z Geographic subdivision                                                   10
$0 Authority record control number or standard number                                                   1
Unterfelder Anzahl
$#, $*, $a 10,949
$#, $*, $@, $a 1,101
$#, $*, $a, $v 224
$*, $a 80
$#, $*, $a, $v+ 61
$*, $a, $v 18
$#, $*, $@, $a, $v 11
$#, $*, $a, $x 10
$#, $*, $a, $x+ 10
$*, $a, $v+ 10
$#, $*, $@, $a, $v+ 9
$#, $*, $@, $a, $x+ 9
$#, $*, $a, $x, $y 8
$#, $*, $a, $z 7
$*, $a, $x+ 6
$*, $a, $x 3
$*, $a, $z+ 3
$#, $*, $a, $v+, $x 2
$#, $*, $a, $v, $x, $y 1
$#, $*, $@, $a, $x, $y 1
$#, $*, $a, $0 1
$#, $*, $a, $v, $y 1
$#, $*, $a, $v+, $x, $y 1
$*, $a, $x, $y 1
$*, $@, $a 1


  • Das Zeichen + weist auf mehrere Vorkommen hin
ind2 Library of Congress Subject Headings (lcsh0) 254 145

Welche Unterfelder kommen in diesem Feld vor?

$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)                                                 153
$* Link with identifier (in KBR version)                                                 254
$a Geographic name                                                 254
$x General subdivision                                                 230
$y Chronological subdivision                                                 112
$v Form subdivision                                                 45
$z Geographic subdivision                                                 13
$@ Language of field (in KBR version)                                                 1
Unterfelder Anzahl
$#, $*, $a, $x, $y 56
$*, $a, $x 33
$#, $*, $a, $x 33
$*, $a, $x, $y 26
$#, $*, $a, $x+, $y 14
$*, $a, $v, $x 13
$*, $a, $x+ 10
$#, $*, $a, $x+ 9
$#, $*, $a, $x, $z 8
$#, $*, $a, $v 7
$#, $*, $a, $v, $x 7
$*, $a 7
$*, $a, $x+, $y 6
$#, $*, $a 5
$#, $*, $a, $v, $x, $y 4
$*, $a, $v, $x, $y 3
$#, $*, $a, $v, $x+, $y 3
$#, $*, $a, $v, $x+ 2
$#, $*, $a, $v, $x+, $z 2
$*, $a, $v 2
$*, $a, $z 1
$#, $*, $a, $v, $z 1
$#, $*, $a, $x+, $z 1
$#, $*, $@, $a, $v 1


  • Das Zeichen + weist auf mehrere Vorkommen hin
ind2 LC subject headings for children's literature (lcchild) 2 1

Welche Unterfelder kommen in diesem Feld vor?

$* Link with identifier (in KBR version)   2
$a Geographic name   2
Unterfelder Anzahl
$*, $a 2

653 — Index Term - Uncontrolled

ind2 No information provided (uncontrolled/#) 7,207,918 1,001,169

Welche Unterfelder kommen in diesem Feld vor?

$@ Language of field (in KBR version)             6,417,237
$a Uncontrolled term             7,207,918
$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)             226,762
Unterfelder Anzahl
$@, $a 6,396,537
$a 584,449
$#, $a 206,054
$#, $@, $a 20,700
$a+ 170
$#, $a+ 8


  • Das Zeichen + weist auf mehrere Vorkommen hin
ind2 Genre/form term (uncontrolled/6) 411 206

Welche Unterfelder kommen in diesem Feld vor?

$a Uncontrolled term   411
Unterfelder Anzahl
$a 411
ind2 Chronological term (uncontrolled/4) 66 6

Welche Unterfelder kommen in diesem Feld vor?

$@ Language of field (in KBR version)     45
$a Uncontrolled term     66
Unterfelder Anzahl
$@, $a 45
$a 21

654 — Subject Added Entry - Faceted Topical Terms

$2 kbr 491,900 255,936

Welche Unterfelder kommen in diesem Feld vor?

$* Link with identifier (in KBR version)                                                                                                                                                                                                             491,900
$a Focus term                                                                                                                                                                                                             491,900
$b Non-focus term                                                                                                                                                                                                             437,125
$2 Source of heading or term                                                                                                                                                                                                             491,900
$y Chronological subdivision                                                                                                                                                                                                             5,028
$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)                                                                                                                                                                                                             6,887
$@ Language of field (in KBR version)                                                                                                                                                                                                             4,373
$x(unbekannt)                                                                                                                                                                                                             1,703
$z Geographic subdivision                                                                                                                                                                                                             912
$v Form subdivision                                                                                                                                                                                                             167
$0 Authority record control number or standard number                                                                                                                                                                                                             25
Unterfelder Anzahl
$*, $a, $b, $2 228,711
$*, $a, $b+, $2 197,847
$*+, $a+, $2 50,789
$*, $a, $b, $y, $2 3,118
$#, $*, $@, $a, $b, $2 2,242
$#, $*, $a, $b, $2 1,323
$*, $a, $x+, $2 1,012
$#, $*, $@, $a, $b+, $2 973
$*, $a, $2 820
$#, $*+, $@, $a+, $2 699
$*, $a, $b+, $y, $2 659
$*, $a, $x, $2 652
$#, $*, $a, $b+, $2 533
$*, $a, $y, $2 282
$*, $a, $b, $z, $2 233
$*+, $a+, $y, $2 213
$#, $*, $a, $b, $z, $2 208
$#, $*, $a, $b, $y, $2 190
$*+, $a+, $b, $2 114
$#, $*, $@, $a, $b, $y, $2 109
$#, $*+, $a+, $2 99
$#, $*, $a, $b+, $y, $2 99
$*, $@, $a, $b, $2 93
$*, $a, $b, $y, $z, $2 93
$#, $*, $a, $b, $y, $z, $2 76
$*, $@, $a, $b+, $2 71
$*, $a, $z, $2 60
$#, $*, $@, $a, $b+, $y, $2 48
$#, $*, $a, $b, $v, $2 34
$*+, $@, $a+, $2 28
$*, $a, $b+, $z, $2 27
$#, $*, $a, $b, $z+, $2 26
$*, $a, $v, $2 24
$#, $*, $a, $b, $y, $z+, $2 21
$#, $*, $@, $a, $x, $2 21
$*, $a, $b, $v, $2 19
$#, $*, $@, $a, $b, $z, $2 18
$#, $*, $@, $a, $b, $y, $z, $2 17
$*, $a, $b, $z+, $2 16
$*, $2+, $a, $b, $0 16
$#, $*, $a, $b+, $z, $2 15
$#, $*, $@, $a, $2 15
$*+, $a+, $b+, $2 12
$*+, $a+, $z, $2 11
$#, $*, $a, $y, $2 10
$*, $a, $b, $v, $z, $2 10
$#, $*, $a, $b, $v, $y, $2 9
$*, $a, $b, $v, $y, $2 9
$#, $*, $a, $b, $v, $z, $2 9
$*, $a, $v, $y, $2 8
$#, $*, $a, $b, $v, $y, $z, $2 7
$#, $*, $@, $a, $b+, $z, $2 7
$#, $*, $2+, $a, $b, $0 7
$#, $*, $a, $b, $v, $z+, $2 7
$*, $2+, $a, $b 6
$*, $a, $b+, $v, $2 6
$#, $*, $a, $b+, $y, $z, $2 6
$*, $a, $b+, $y, $z, $2 6
$*, $a, $x+, $y, $2 6
$*, $a, $y+, $2 6
$#, $*, $a, $2 5
$#, $*+, $@, $a+, $b, $2 5
$*, $a, $b, $y, $z+, $2 5
$*, $a, $b, $x, $2 5
$#, $*, $2+, $a, $b, $y, $z 5
$*, $a, $b+, $v, $y, $2 4
$#, $*, $2+, $a, $b 4
$#, $*, $@, $a, $x+, $2 4
$*, $a, $b, $v, $z+, $2 4
$#, $*, $2+, $a, $b, $z 3
$#, $*, $@, $a, $z, $2 3
$*, $a, $z+, $2 3
$#, $*, $@, $a, $b, $v, $2 3
$*+, $a+, $b, $y, $2 3
$*, $a, $b, $v, $y, $z, $2 3
$#, $*, $a, $b+, $v, $y, $2 2
$#, $*, $2+, $@, $a, $b, $y 2
$#, $*, $a, $b+, $v, $z, $2 2
$*, $a, $b+, $x+, $2 2
$#, $*, $2+, $@, $a, $b, $0 2
$*, $2+, $a, $b+ 2
$#, $*, $@, $a, $b, $z+, $2 2
$#, $*, $@, $a, $y, $2 2
$#, $*, $@, $a, $b, $v, $y, $z, $2 2
$#, $*, $2+, $a, $b, $y 1
$*, $@, $a, $b, $y, $2 1
$#, $*, $a, $b+, $z+, $2 1
$#, $*, $a, $b+, $v, $2 1
$#, $*+, $a+, $b+, $2 1
$#, $*+, $@, $a+, $y, $2 1
$*, $@, $a, $x, $2 1
$#, $*, $@, $a, $b, $y, $z+, $2 1
$#, $*, $2+, $a, $b+ 1
$#, $*, $2+, $a, $b+, $y, $z 1
$#, $*, $a, $b, $v+, $2 1
$#, $*, $@, $a, $b, $v, $y, $2 1
$*, $a, $y+, $z, $2 1
$#, $*, $@, $a, $b, $v, $z, $2 1
$*, $a, $b+, $z+, $2 1
$*, $2+, $a, $b, $y 1
$#, $*, $@, $a, $b+, $v, $2 1
$#, $*, $2+, $a, $b+, $z 1


  • Das Zeichen + weist auf mehrere Vorkommen hin
$2 undetectable 3,035 1,903

Welche Unterfelder kommen in diesem Feld vor?

$* Link with identifier (in KBR version)                                             3,035
$a Focus term                                             3,035
$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)                                             1,978
$@ Language of field (in KBR version)                                             1,160
$b Non-focus term                                             161
$y Chronological subdivision                                             4
$z Geographic subdivision                                             1
$v Form subdivision                                             1
Unterfelder Anzahl
$*+, $a+ 1,008
$#, $*+, $@, $a+ 860
$#, $*+, $a+ 441
$#, $*, $a 298
$#, $*, $@, $a 227
$#, $*, $a, $b 47
$#, $*, $@, $a, $b 44
$*, $a 36
$#, $*, $@, $a, $b+ 17
$#, $*+, $a+, $b 16
$#, $*, $a, $b+ 16
$*, $a, $b 8
$#, $*+, $@, $a+, $b+ 4
$*+, $a+, $b 2
$#, $*, $@, $a, $b, $y 2
$#, $*+, $@, $a+, $b 2
$*+, $@, $a+ 2
$#, $*, $a, $b, $y 1
$#, $*, $@, $a, $z 1
$*, $a, $b+ 1
$#, $*, $a, $b+, $y 1
$#, $*, $@, $a, $v+ 1


  • Das Zeichen + weist auf mehrere Vorkommen hin
$2 Faceted application of subject terminology (Dublin, Ohio: OCLC) 25 20
$2 BISAC Subject Headings 8 6
$2 Library of Congress subject headings (Washington, DC: LC, Cataloging Distribution Service) 6 4
$2 Répertoire de vedettes-matière (Québec, Québec: Bibliothèque de l'Université Laval) 4 1
$2 RAMEAU: répertoire d'authorité de matières encyclopédique unifié (Paris: Bibliothèque nationale) 3 2
$2 UDC 2 1
$2 Thesaurus IDS Nebis Bibliothek Englisches Seminar der Universität Zürich (Zürich: Universität Zürich) 2 1
$2 Svenska ämnesord (Stockholm: Kungliga Biblioteket, LIBRIS-avdelningen) 1 1
$2 Locally assigned term 1 1

655 — Index Term - Genre/Form

$2 aat (aat) 108 102

Welche Unterfelder kommen in diesem Feld vor?

$* Link with identifier (in KBR version)                   108
$a Genre/form data or focus term                   108
$x General subdivision                   37
$y Chronological subdivision                   82
$2 Source of term                   108
$v Form subdivision                   49
$z Geographic subdivision                   49
$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)                   3
$@ Language of field (in KBR version)                   1
Unterfelder Anzahl
$*, $a, $x+, $y, $2 35
$*, $a, $v, $y, $z, $2 32
$*, $a, $v, $z, $2 16
$*, $a, $y, $2 13
$*, $a, $2 8
$#, $*, $a, $x, $y+, $2 1
$#, $*, $a, $v, $y, $z, $2 1
$*, $a, $x+, $2 1
$#, $*, $@, $a, $2 1


  • Das Zeichen + weist auf mehrere Vorkommen hin
$2 fast (fast) 70 53

Welche Unterfelder kommen in diesem Feld vor?

$* Link with identifier (in KBR version)               70
$a Genre/form data or focus term               70
$2 Source of term               70
$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)               30
$0 Authority record control number               23
$v Form subdivision               3
Unterfelder Anzahl
$*, $a, $2 25
$#, $*, $a, $2 21
$*, $a, $0, $2 13
$#, $*, $a, $0, $2 8
$#, $*, $a, $v, $0, $2 1
$*, $a, $v, $0, $2 1
$*, $a, $v, $2 1
$2 Library of Congress genre/form terms for library and archival materials (Washington, DC: Library of Congress, Cataloging Distribution Service) (lcgft) 21 10

Welche Unterfelder kommen in diesem Feld vor?

$* Link with identifier (in KBR version)         21
$a Genre/form data or focus term         21
$2 Source of term         21
$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)         9
$0 Authority record control number         8
Unterfelder Anzahl
$*, $a, $2 7
$#, $*, $a, $2 6
$*, $a, $0, $2 5
$#, $*, $a, $0, $2 3
$2 undetectable (undetectable) 1 1

Welche Unterfelder kommen in diesem Feld vor?

$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)   1
$* Link with identifier (in KBR version)   1
$a Genre/form data or focus term   1
Unterfelder Anzahl
$#, $*, $a 1
$2 gtt (gtt) 1 1

Welche Unterfelder kommen in diesem Feld vor?

$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)   1
$* Link with identifier (in KBR version)   1
$a Genre/form data or focus term   1
$0 Authority record control number   1
$2 Source of term   1
Unterfelder Anzahl
$#, $*, $a, $0, $2 1
$2 Guidelines on subject access to individual works of fiction, drama, etc. (Chicago: American Library Association) (gsafd) 1 1

Welche Unterfelder kommen in diesem Feld vor?

$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)   1
$* Link with identifier (in KBR version)   1
$a Genre/form data or focus term   1
$2 Source of term   1
Unterfelder Anzahl
$#, $*, $a, $2 1
$2 Gemeinsame Normdatei: Beschreibung des Inhalts (Leipzig, Frankfurt: Deutsche Nationalbibliothek) (gnd-content) 1 1

Welche Unterfelder kommen in diesem Feld vor?

$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)   1
$* Link with identifier (in KBR version)   1
$a Genre/form data or focus term   1
$x General subdivision   1
$y Chronological subdivision   1
$z Geographic subdivision   1
$2 Source of term   1
Unterfelder Anzahl
$#, $*, $a, $x, $y, $z, $2 1
ind2 Source not specified (unspec) 79,401 52,540

Welche Unterfelder kommen in diesem Feld vor?

$* Link with identifier (in KBR version)             79,401
$a Genre/form data or focus term             79,401
$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)             13,603
$0 Authority record control number             2,035
$@ Language of field (in KBR version)             1,000
Unterfelder Anzahl
$*, $a 65,651
$#, $*, $a 10,801
$#, $*, $a, $0 1,802
$#, $*, $@, $a 914
$*, $a, $0 147
$#, $*, $@, $a, $0 86
ind2 " " ( ) 28,976 24,019

Welche Unterfelder kommen in diesem Feld vor?

$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)                                           28,203
$* Link with identifier (in KBR version)                                           28,976
$a Genre/form data or focus term                                           28,976
$0 Authority record control number                                           14,076
$2 Source of term                                           6,086
$@ Language of field (in KBR version)                                           9,642
$1 Real World Object URI                                           159
$y Chronological subdivision                                           21
$v Form subdivision                                           8
$z Geographic subdivision                                           6
$x General subdivision                                           8
Unterfelder Anzahl
$#, $*, $a, $0 9,786
$#, $*, $a, $2 6,082
$#, $*, $@, $a 5,830
$#, $*, $@, $a, $0 3,654
$#, $*, $a 2,673
$*, $a, $0 630
$#, $*, $@, $a, $1 151
$*, $a 128
$#, $*, $a, $1 8
$#, $*, $a, $y 8
$*, $@, $a, $0 6
$#, $*, $a, $v, $y, $z 4
$*, $a, $2 4
$#, $*, $a, $x+, $y 3
$#, $*, $a, $v 2
$*, $a, $x+, $y 2
$#, $*, $a, $x, $y 1
$*, $a, $v, $y, $z 1
$*, $a, $x, $y+ 1
$*, $a, $v, $z 1
$#, $*, $@, $a, $x+, $y 1


  • Das Zeichen + weist auf mehrere Vorkommen hin
ind2 Library of Congress Subject Headings (lcsh0) 3,843 2,688

Welche Unterfelder kommen in diesem Feld vor?

$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)               3,352
$* Link with identifier (in KBR version)               3,843
$@ Language of field (in KBR version)               2,912
$a Genre/form data or focus term               3,843
$0 Authority record control number               311
Unterfelder Anzahl
$#, $*, $@, $a 2,840
$*, $a 422
$#, $*, $a 265
$#, $*, $a, $0 180
$#, $*, $@, $a, $0 67
$*, $a, $0 64
$*, $@, $a 5

657 — Index Term - Function

$2 undetectable 253 237

Welche Unterfelder kommen in diesem Feld vor?

$* Link with identifier (in KBR version)     253
$a Function     253
$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)     1
Unterfelder Anzahl
$*, $a 252
$#, $*, $a 1

662 — Subject Added Entry - Hierarchical Place Name

$2 undetectable (undetectable) 2 2

Welche Unterfelder kommen in diesem Feld vor?

$# number/occurrence of field (in KBR version)     2
$* Link with identifier (in KBR version)     2
$a Country or larger entity     2
$d City     1
$@ Language of field (in KBR version)     1
Unterfelder Anzahl
$#, $*, $a, $d 1
$#, $*, $@, $a 1
analysis parameters
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